September's tama diary


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I am sniffling all over the place.

maybe my tamas will evolve tomorrow.

but I bought a ball for my dearest Ryan.

he doesnt like it that much. maybe I should get him a soccer ball.


and not alot with the Sparks.


here they will talk for a second:

man, why didn't September play with us when we were babies??

she is busy with her brothers, come on you know that!

Aw, you guys, don't be too mad.

I'm perfectly happy!

and why is that little Gracie?

I look great in this bow!!

but I look like a jukebox!! Grace you always look good.

Hey! a jukebox is better then a..a...Green blob with legs and hair!! =[

Aw but Jack, you are the most adorable green blob with hair and legs!

You think so?

Cody and Grace: ah-course!!


But I still look like a jukebox...

-swipes septembers sombrero-

Aw-uh! a sombrero?? yay!

and there you go. at least this group is getting along.


I'm kinda busy so I have to gooo.

♥ septemberrrrrrr

PAGE 2 YAY!!!!


anyways, I don't have that many veiws.

maybe I should stop the tamalog.

nobody is reading it and I cant always find the time.


but anyways I have to go because i am at my grandmas.

and i wont be able to post until tomorrow maybe.



I'm back!!


wow. I am very upset right now.


but i won't tell you about that.



wh00p wh00p!


I am sooo happy about this!

I was really very bored with their old forms.


here they are:

the Sparks:


Cody: Korokotchi

Grace: Shelltchi

Jack: Bakutchi


uh pretty much the same as before.


man I wanted something more interesting but I guess

that's what I get because I didn't really play with them enough


oh and Ryan is the fire guy =]


I don't have so much to log.

I guess I will let the tama's talk.


Well I heard from Mom that all her other tama's always fight about who's gonna marry. we don't do that.

well should we? I don't like fighting with you guys.

well then who should marry?

uhm...i am the oldest...

but, i am the youngest.

but i am the only girl! I think that I would look spectacular next to a certain kuchipatchi.

Hey now, I have always seen with a beautiful Memetchi.

well i don't really want to marry anyone. I am kind of a...shut-in.

oh no you are not! I think you SHOULD be the one to marry.

yeah, definitely. I think that you might even look good with a...

VIOLETCHI! I like their flowers ^-^

AW-uh! I want to be a potetchi. I like her. =]

and I want to be a sukatchi. nice beanie =]

I kinda wanna be a uhyotchi

then its been decided. Jack will marry =]

now, isnt that sweet?

I'm glad i got a sweet group of childrens!!




Hi! It's Ryan! So I just bought some stuff because I went to tamatown and earned 1000 more so yeah I have a cd, playhouse, slide,pen, clone, honey, a cell phone, and a soccer ball. I LOVE my soccer ball, and I want to be a soccer player when I get a job. Or ... maybe a teacher, because I love little kids! I have never even met a baby. Craaazy, huh?????

well bye!


Hi, It's Cody. You havn't gotten to know me personally. I am a korokotchi. All you have seen of me is my quiet side. You've never seen me crazy and goofy. But I won't show you that side, despite how much you wish it.



Hello, it's Grace. I am the only girl Spark. I am a Shelltchi and am kind of cute, but can't wait to be an adult. Because maybe I'll turn into something amazing. I really want to marry a Kuchipatchi, but Jack, my brother, is going to get married. It's ok though, because he is like, the stand out I guess.



Hey it's Jack! My mom and everyone call me Jack, but I think that name is stupid and little-kiddish. I call myself Leif, cuz thats a cool name! >=D. I'm gonna get married when I get older. I would like to have a pure family, but if I end up falling in love with someone who happens to not be my same type, I will still marry them. I'm thinking of naming one of my kids Izzy, but don't tell Cody or Grace, they'll make a big deal about it.

Well, seeya.

-Jack [Leif]

Well, I hope you enjoyed each tamas entry. =]

-September [bored,have mercy]



my tammies are being uber boringggg.


I guess I'll go on tamatown then.


with...the Sparks,

or Cody, in other words



thanks you guys.


I got a code that I will continously put into my v5 to get more points!!


thats all I really wanted to say.






I saw Ryan brushing his teeth!


sweetie thinks that dental hygiene is important =]


do you guys want some V4 shop codes?




steak: ACAB ACAC

clone: BAAB ACBA

honey: CCBA AABB



there you go!


I wanna smoothie!! >=D


-september [spach ampadamant!]


I finally got another fanmail!!!


hey! I really love your log!  :)   :angry:   :angry:
nice person.

I just bought a little cowboy hat and lasso for the Sparks.

How sweet!


ya wanna hear a nice song?

I am like, obsessing over it!



and...have you seen a picture of me yet??

well I'm assuming not.

here you go:


uncool like me =]


liek mai head phones? =]


wow I have'nt been using my face that much..



alright thats better








some one evolved

and I am not happy with this.







=[ bad care tama.


I hope that doesnt mean that I am a bad mommy.

I am a GOOD mommy.



I took perfect care of mai Ryan baby and now he is a ninja.



I am too upset to post more right now.



I'm back.

sorry about my little emo moment there.

I was just really upset.

I think I might want to restart my v4.5 and my v3.

but I will wait until the Sparks and Ryan are gone.


I saw you-know-who talking to the fridge today:

I don't have feet!

If someone gives you socks, put 'em on and say thank you!




get what???




umn, I'm gonna take him to tamatown now, seeya'll


-september [oh, Cody]

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I got mucho points for Ryan and he has been going to school and such.

Right now he's brushing his teeth!

Aww, good boy Ryan! =]]


I bought a top hat for Benny and they're all playing with it right now

Hopefully they'll evolve today, if not tomorrow.



-September [transformation needed]



I fergot!


Ryan got a fishing pole in the mail from the king!

let's checkitt!


oh, it's just a regular fish.


he also has 2 POTTED PLANTS?

lets do it!

aw. plant numero uno only gave me 30 points.

stingy little...plat.


plant numero dos: a smiley face.



oh! I still have the fishing pole!

a can?



lets try again.




thats what I'm TALKING 'bout!



okay, I have to go

but I wil be back.

you know I will. =]




Ryan is complaining about his toothpaste.

why do you have to buy me this kind of tooth paste?

well what do you mean? whats wrong with your toothpaste?

its for little kids and its strawberry flavored!

well what kind of toothpaste do you want??

mint flavored! I'm a teen i can handle it!

fine you'll get mint next time i promise!

that's more like it!

well ok then i guess ill see you guys in the next post


-septembeer [lalala]


I posted like 6 times yesterday.



but anyways,






Cody: nemutchi

Grace: Yonepatchi

Jack: Mumutchi


none of which that they wanted =[


oh well.

they are still adults!

going to my freinds gouse tonight so I might not post veryt much





I'm tired and confused.


my tamas are being boring.

and I dont think I can use the dating show yet.


no I cant.


uhmm...thats all I have to say.


sorry about the short post.



my tamas are BORING!


I want to reset.

some one PM me.

about wether I should start my new tama's right now.



I want to start a blog.

about me.

not my tamas.


should I?

if I do then you guys should read it.




green patties.


i dont even know.


Cher looks like a lady.

ok I'm done ranting.


I better go before I bore you to death.





its almost the end of the day and this is only my 3rd post.

do you know how BAD that is?


i wanna reset.

how come no one will PM me?

you guys do hae me dont you.


ok well my tamas havent needed anything in forever

i guess I'llgo.




major win!


I think you should reset. It would be nice to start over with something new. :3 Plus I don't hate you. 3: 

Bunny [A fan]


I love you DeathBunny~


you are my favorite.


okay resetting time:


Cheetah print v4.5



oh the anticipation.

I will probably post alot tomorrow

because I am staying home all day.


oh it's a boy.

Name: Sonic



now for...


blue wave v3


wait wait wait...


okay its a girl.

name: Shye


oaky I'll be back in a minute!




I had to put the babies on pause for the night.


they are causing problems.


and I will unpause them tomorrow.




I took them off pause


and they evolved into:

Sonic: :( hitodetchi =]


Hi. my name is sonic and I am tired and I look lkike a starfish and I --- ZZZzzzzZZ

Shye: tamatchi [no little emoticon] =[


My name is Shye and I dont feel very awa--- zzzZZZz

ypu they are both asleep.

I got my new glasses today.

well I ordered them

gonna get these nerdy glasses

and I will look amazing =]


good night tamatalk =]





TEMBER =] [i love doing that]

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