Self portrait photography Thread


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Tess, you are gorgeous. <333
My face is covered here. I was only trying out this Nikon camera that my aunt let me borrow. I have another picture similar to this with my face uncovered. PM me if you'd like to see it. I'd rather not post it publicly here.

Oh. And if anyone asks, no, my hair is not straightened. It's naturally that flat. xD Fehh.
That's a cool picture. o: how'd you get a picture of yourself taking a picture?

And don't complain about your hair, my hair will never stay straight, even if i straighten it! My hair is constantly wavy or frizzy.

I won't put my picture here because 1. like Krystal, i don't want to post my picture publicly 2. i look awful in pictures. xP


this is more of an artistic type self portrait. I was testing out some depth of field and weird ideas with the self timer. I love this photo so much for some reason. It just reminds me of creepy things.

That's a cool picture. o: how'd you get a picture of yourself taking a picture?
And don't complain about your hair, my hair will never stay straight, even if i straighten it! My hair is constantly wavy or frizzy.

I won't put my picture here because 1. like Krystal, i don't want to post my picture publicly 2. i look awful in pictures. xP
Thank you. And I took the picture while I was infront of a mirror. ;D

tamtamkitty- Lovely, as always. Brilliant picture.

tamtamkitty07 - Oh a nice self portrait picture. Keep up on your self portrait art.

x.Cant//Knit.x - Great random self portrait yourself an idea. That picture more like environment picture?

GotchiGirl96 - Keep up of your self portrait art pictures.

Everyone on this topic to remind you: Just keep up all your own ideas of self portrait art pictures. :furawatchi:

GotchiGirl96 - Oh cool picture of your editor and clear one. It is a nice t-shirt blue.

x.P O K E R F A C E - It is not an fail for you as it is just new as baby thing to do self portrait. Keep up as you can do it more. I know you can do it. It is a nice picture of you of self portrait. :(

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^ You don't call those artistic? OOOO: They're lovely! And they look like they should be on Photobucket or something. You're very pretty. 8D

halcyonx And `Krystal - I am agree with Krystal that it is very lovely pictures. Hope you did have all of fun with your self portrait artistic.

halcyonx - Yeah i like the black and white too as it is more drama than colours. Nice picture and do you want go back again in self portrait artist?

tama_genius - Cool picture of self portrait with fish eye. Great!

x.Cant//Knit.x - Great picture of self portrait picture. Yeah i am understand that some people like editing for artistic too even them self face/body artistic too.

Cinderpelt - It is very cool picture for summer time of pictures. Yeah summer is very near coming up. Can't wait for summer. Yeah it is a nice ukulele in the picture. Thanks for 2nd picture a little bigger. :furawatchi:

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