Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Klaus found that comfortable, but was embarrassed to say it. He blushed.

Ryou was now in China!

Zuri smiled. "I'm always ready for this! <3"

Joe saw that he was blushing, and found that absolutely adorable. He kept quiet about that, though, because he didn't want Klaus to get up.

Klaus was trying not to admit to himself that this was really comfortable. "Thanks again," he mumbled, trying not to be awkward.

BB absent-mindedly pointed at M.A.1's open frame. "He's as open as i can get him. As for being repaired, it could take a while...maybe..."

Shadow rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Looks like a carrot to me"

Erin watched BB and Zurui carefully. "Is there any possible way to revive him besides taking him apart?" she asked quietly, wondering if her question would even be taken seriously. Obviously the robot needed repairs, he was completely fried. She looked down at Carlisle. "What happened before he came here?"

"He found out Morgaine was going to go study dark magic. He flipped out because Morgaine didn't notify him that she was leaving.. so this happened," Carlisle explained.

Bryan took her to China.

Now everyone was in China. And there was Chinese people. EVERYWHERE.

"No problem." Joe smiled at him.

"It doesn't look that bad to me. I mean, I deal with this a lot more than you though seeing as I've had to do repairs like this on my leg before." Zurui said, "But he will have to be taken apart, I think."

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"No wonder he fried then...". With an irritated huff BB picked up his toolbox and took out a fresh power supply. "Most likely his battery fried completely. After all, his battery is like his heart.". He handed the power supply to Zurui.

Klaus closed his eyes. His heart was beating fast and he refused to believe there was a reason for it.

Joe took note of both of these points--the heart rate and the emotions he was gathering from Klaus. He kissed the top of his head, feeling adventurous.

Erin watched Zurui fix the robot. She looked down and noticed Eccentricty, who was waddling all over the place. She picked her up and sat the child in her lap. "Where did this come from?" she asked BB.

Joe laughed, not phased by Klaus's reaction, as he really hadn't expected any less. "Aww, did I go too far?"

Ophelia was sitting in BB's yard, waiting for Aaron to come out and play. She stared at the window hopefully. Sarah peeked out after a while and said to Aaron, "Ophelia has come to play with you. Let BB-- I mean, your father, know where you're going."

"You need to tell your father, okay? That way we both know who you're with and where you'll be. No arguing, young man." But then she knelt and gave Aaron a hug and a kiss. "We just need to make sure you're safe. There are people out there who want to kill other people like us."

Zurui appeared to have some idea what he was doing. "I think I can get him in pretty good shape, but he might be a bit flaky."

Erin looked down at Eccentricity. "BB, your family and friends make cute kids, you know?" she said, smiling down at the giggling child in her lap, and she couldn't help but smile when Zurui claimed to have found a solution for M.A.1.

Carlisle spoke up. "What should I say to Morgaine to get her to come back?"

that awkward moment i forget to post drew.

Drew shrugged. "I don't like carrots."

BB blew a raspberry at Eccentricity and Drew before turning his attention to Zurui. "Well, it shouldn't be too noticeable, right? Aside from a few static bursts here and there...should seem as normal.".

He then turned his attention to Carlisle. "Tell her that M.A.1 is on life support and we need her to decide whether or not we pull the plug."

"Can't say i was ever to keen on 'em either." Shadow said, poking at one of the toys. "Why does he keep all this?"

Aaron nodded. "I'll go tell him then and i'll be careful, momma."

With a smile he hugged Sarah and ran down the stairs to greet Ophelia.

Zurui nodded, confirming what BB guessed. "He should be fine. If something happens, just tell me."

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