Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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He rubbed her back in a soothing manner. "It's okay.."

Morgaine looked up. "Sex related, no doubt. Or something that could kill you."

Everett kissed her gently. "Let's go. I can't put you in anymore danger, love."

"eat it."

Everett took her back to Leslie's.

Morgaine was craning her head to check for a boner.

He continued with more soothing actions, such as rubbing her sides and neck and such. He smiled lightly and stopped.

Morgaine started shaking and pointed to M.A.1.

Avalance hugged him suddenly, not saying a word.

Shadow walked over, spotting the open box o' chocolates, "tch...Nothing is sacred anymore."

His hand glowed an odd purple as he held it over M.A.1's stomach. He stopped writhing and lay there, sighing sadly, "I am sorry, Mr. Shadow..."

Everett stroked her back, sighing contently.

"...what did you do to him?" Morgaine asked Shadow. "What the hell is in your dang chocolate?"

Avalance nuzzled his chest.

"I neutralised the hex.", he said, carrying on, "They're infused with agonypetal and voodoo spices."

M.A.1 coughed, feeling a bit better, "Why would you make those?"

"Jhomkath loves to eat i keep him in fresh supply."

Everett smiled gently. "Avalance, let's not get carried away, love."

Morgaine, suddenly furious, raced out of the house.

Amelia decided to pester Lor'themar about the first queen.

Avalance backed up a little, "Sorry ^^;"

Shadow piped up, "Avalance! Show him that Mirror Image spell you were harping on about years ago."

Avalance clapped suddenly, "You'll like this!". She raised her hands and clapped once, three arcane copies of herself poofing into view behind her. All 4 Avalances bowed.

M.A.1 decided to leave the tomfoolery and went after Morgaine.

Lor'themar blanked all questions, "I cant remember anything about our first queen.."

Everett smiled. "Rather advanced in magic."

Morgaine was irritated and upset.

"Your lying."

All of the avalances nodded, the three copies poofing away, "I could even go as far to say that im more advanced in magic than shadow"

Shadow, who at the time had his head in the cupboard, stood up sharply..which resulted in him banging his head loudly.

M.A.1 caught up with her, "M-morgaine..what's wrong?"

Lor'themar sighed, "Fine. if you must know every citizen, worker, soldier, royalty, myself have been sworn under oath to never speak of the previous queen"

He looked around quickly, "She was a very evil individual"

Everett ignored Shadow's banging.. he smiled. "How so?"

"I want all of them out of the house. Mom's manwhore, my father, my aunt. Everyone! I want to leave. I want to.." she made a knife appear in her hands.

"Tell me more.."

She poofed her hat into an arcane copy, ignited her right hand with fire and froze her left hand completely with ice, "Three schools of magic against shadow's two."

"Showoff!", Shadow said, rubbing at his head angrily.

M.A.1's coding faded to red as he dove for the knife, accidently going for the blade.

"She would purposely take civilians hostage and hand them over to the alliance for public executions for false crimes. She was mad with power i tell you.."

Carlisle watched the three. "I still like my power better than all of you guys' fancy stuff."

Everett smiled. "Carlisle, you were always one for simple things, probably like your father."

Carlisle smiled a little.

Morgaine yanked it away from him.

"..but she gave you Belinda."

Avalance extinguished her show off spells, hugging carlisle suddenly, "He's adorable~"

Shadow gigglefitted.

M.A.1 took it again, throwing it away, "No hurting yourself, Morgaine. Please."

"Only through rape...", he whispered, biting his lip.

"She was sweet and kind when she first took the throne but then she grew more and more greedy and spoiled."

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