Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Aro looked at Cecil. "We can't kill them, Cecil. Can we? We need their gifts... They're like family..."

Tymber muttered something. She jumped down and snatched the spell book with her blinding speed.

Cecil sighed, "Yes..that's true.". He hugged himself and shivered.

Marin was all oAo, "Hey give that back!"

Asher leapt at him, pinning him to the ground and baring his fangs, "You elven scum! you should've stayed in silvermoon with the rest of the vermin!"

Aro looked down at his feet. "This is bad."

Tymber clutched the spell book tight. She struggled a little, and considered biting the book.

Willow appeared, but she watched.

Cecil nodded in agreement, "Very.."

The spellbook was franticly trying to dart back to it's owner

Marin was panicking too much, his eyes glaring brightly at this point

Asher bit down hard on his neck, near the jugular vein. Marin screamed in agony,kicking wildly

Aro sighed. "What should we do?" He looked towards the window, looking out. "I feel the danger... he was bitten..."

Tymber stared. Her eyes went blood red. She was thirsty, but she wouldn't let go of the book.

Willow screamed. "NO!" She jumped down, pouncing on Asher. "GET OFF!!!"

ooc; That was Davids baby. He is still sad he doesn't get to be a father.

Alex nodded "Nice."

Christofer was smiling.?

OOC: Well, It flucking sucks to be David, huh?

Your to young. At least wait until your 16 to have a baby.

Stacey laughed calmly. His expression was unreadable.

Caramel thought. "Want to go to the land of Chocolate and Waffles?"

ooc; I wanted to get pregnant at 15. ._.

Alex tried to lay back but hit her head on a wall.

"Any chocolate waffles?" He asked, having a craving for chocolate chip waffles.

Cecil leaned against the wall, "I dont know..."

Asher pulled away and spat out marin's blood, "Tastes tainted.."

Marin sat up quickly and pressed a fireball to Asher's face.

OOC: Miles, honestly. I'll give you 14 minimum then. No babies at age 40 though o.o

Stacey almost had a stroke. He looked at Alex unease. "...You okay?"

Caramel nodded.

Aro sighed heavily. "This... isn't good. I might stay longer.."

Tymber looked horror-struck. She didn't move. She let go of the spellbook.

Willow was shaking. "Oh God... Oh God.." she whispered. "MARIN! Stop!"

Cecil looked out the window, "I think Marin went aggressive.."

The spellbook clamped onto her head.

Marin grabbed Asher by the throat and threw him into a wall...then blacked out from blood loss x3

"We can't lose Asher and Tymber.. We need to get over there, now." Aro darted out the door.

Tymber didn't fight. "This doesn't hurt.." she murmured, sighing.

Willow sighed heavily. She ran over to Marin, and grabbed his hand tightly. "Please don't leave me," she whispered. "Please, stop putting yourself in danger."

Cecil followed

The spellbook was still clamped to her head.

Asher got to his feet and felt his face, " That *******! Oh he better be dead!"

The spellbook heard this and unclamped itself from tymbers head and clamped itself to Ashers face

Aro stared at everyone blankly. "Willow... Make sure Marin doesn't get turned. I know you don't want that for him.."

Willow shook violently. "I can't..."

Tymber stood. She looked at Asher. She didn't try to help him. She walked over to Marin and Willow.

Marins breathing was getting more and more forced by the second

Asher screamed and tore the spellbook off his face, tearing it in half in the process, "*********!"

Willow couldn't stop shaking. "Marin, God dammit!"

Tymber picked up Marin and ran to the nearest hospital, Aro following to make sure she didn't pull anything.

Cecil picked up the torn spellbook and jumped backwards a little. The magic contained in the pages were leaking out like liquid, "********* Asher you couldn't just let the grudge go could you?"

"why should i?", asher asked, scowling evily

Willow was crying. She buried her head in her hands and inhaled deeply.

Cecil calmly walked over to asher and then kicked him where it hurts, "That war was centuries ago..since then they've left us alone.". He gently picked willow up, "c'mon, Marins waiting for us.". He took her to the hospital where marin was being taken to.

It just so happens Craig the amazing doctor was there, watching Marin carefully.

Tymber had explained everything that happened, Aro was overly distressed.

Willow was sobbing now. She felt awful.

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