Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Zero sobbed loudly, shaking her head. "Shut up! Don't say that! You should move on, be happy with or without me!"

The man suddenly said to Lumina, "I don't like him. Not one bit."

Willow shuddered. Her eyes flashed icy blue and her shield went up again.

"I never knew tender love and affection. I always knew pain. I can relate to these people," and she looked down, afraid to show she was about to cry.

Ebil frowned, "You're one in a million...i'll never know another Zero.."

Damien bit down on his tongue suddenly.

Marin stopped and looked around, " lost...great.". He turned round and bumped into the thing that was following him.

"Hello little elf...little elf should run now...or little elf will be DINNER!", it yelled, brandishing a crude club.

Marin screamed and ran, ran as fast as he could

"Not an easy life then.."

Willow stood up, making her shield disappear. She scrambled up the tree and rested her cheek against the bark, sighing deeply. She felt horrible, and unwanted again. Not only had Amelia shown up, but her whole life was crumbling down around her. (Sounds like someone else I know -.-)

Fani shrugged a little. "I was an accident. I know that. My mom was with a drug addict... and so I happened. No wonder I am so fu`cked up. I have his drugs in my veins, and... Lord knows what else." She tipped her head to the sky and shook her head, tears streaming out of her eyes. "So much godda`mn stress on me! I'm only a kid, with nowhere to go! So where do I end up, doing the opposite of my dreams." Eventually, she got so frustrated she made 3 dead bodies pop out of the ground.

Zero said, "It's not wroth waiting for me.. because it can't.. it won't.... ever happen between us. The world I live in...." Then she went silent, biting her lip, sniffling.

Lumina's father said, "I don't approve of you and him being together. I mean.... I don't know anything about him, or his intentions for you, or anything."

Marin was running for it, panic tearing through him.

Death cut the new bodies tethers, "But dont you think, accident or not, that they loved you?"

Ebil remained silent on that one, he didn't know what to say at all

Damien was losing his patience rather quickly

OOC: Im off, g'night

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Willow sighed.

"If they loved me, they wouldn't have gotten rid of me."

Zero suddenly leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "I don't know if we'll ever meet again."

Lumina's father said, "Maybe this... Damien and I... should have a talk."

Marin was still running for it. He tripped on a root, spraining his ankle in the process

Death remained silent.

Ebil was close to crying again, "i dont want to lose you..."

Damien rolled his eyes, tempted to walk off.

Lumina snarled, "If you even lay a hand on him, if you touch one hair on his head.... you'll be dead. That's a promise."

Zero, sobbing again, didn't respond. Gently, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

Lumina's father nodded, then walked into another room, motioning for Damien to follow.

Zero turned her face gently, catching his lips against hers.

Zero blushed wildly herself, staring up at him with surprise.

Lumina's father said, "What are your intentions for my daughter?"

Lumina's father raised one eyebrow. "Young man.... have you and my daughter.... aherm...."

Zero whispered, "I don't know...."

we can assume that they have. xD

she has him whipped!

Lumina's father watched him with interest.

Zero kissed him again, very gently.

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