Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Esme wasn't happy enough to cry. She knew better.

Cecilia was all ~sighs~ figuring out what to do with herself now that she had went on her all mighty adventure for the day.

Mk. To much happy -.-'

Cecilia looked around and finally realized what was going on. She got all Sailor Moon posed and said, "Hey! It isn't nice to kill innocent people!"

Avril was obviously watching- because that wads her job. Not really, but she loved stalking children because she's a pedophile.

Avril swooped down next to Cecilia and put a hand on her head. "Cecilia. Calm down."

Cecilia looked up at Avril. "I won't 'calm down.' How would you feel if this guy suddenly killed your whole family and you were left alone?"

Avril shrugged, but what Cecilia said hit her pretty hard inside. "I don't need family, because I'm an adult. I can live on my own." She looked over at Drokka. "I suggest you leave. Cecilia packs a pretty mean punch."

Avril looked down at Cecilia. "Good luck." She went back to her hiding spot.

Cecilia was all ... "Uhh.."

Cecilia shook her head. "I don't believe in fighting. Violence isn't the answer to all of peoples problems," she said quietly.

Drew was doing her very best not to get out some crack.

"Your having a baby," Leslie pointed out.

"One was enough for me, okay Les?" Drew said, sighing. "I'm only a kid."

"No Drew. Your a vampire."

Cecilia got out of the way and sulked.

Renesmee decided to time travel. Good for her <3.

Cecilia thought about that a minute. She shrugged. "I finished what I came here to do in the first place. I gave Esme her father- and that's all that mattered to me." Saying Esme's name was like turning a dagger in Cecilia's heart. She looked away.

"Date Avril. She'll show you sentimental."


"She's pretty, she's smart, and she can finish what she starts."

"Just.. shut up Cecilia."

"Nope. You need a life ^^"

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