Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Name: Luke :: Erica

Age: 20 :: 14

Gender: Male :: Female

Personality: PMS in a bottle :: Generally nice.

Looks: Black hair, hazel eyes.. tall.. etc.. :: Red hair with blond bangs. Her hair is about to her shoulders and always in a braid.

Outfit: Clothes...? :: She generally wears Aero, Converse, Hollister, etc..

Powers: Mind Control :: idk yet

Crush: No one ...

Other: Nah..

Yo. 'Tis Michael in the hood.

- - - -

Luke was bored. Bored. Bored. Bored! Like me =3!

Erica was texting people.

Ryou hit his head on a wall. "thiscannotbehappening. Couldn't she just be PMSing or something?"

Luke strolled around casually. He was bored as ^&*% but that wasn't going to stop him. He sat down, and pulled out his laptop, opening the lid, he turned it on.

Erica was text messaging Drew. Because they were friends. Right? They are irl.

haha.. very funny.


Luke would have jumped 5 feet into the air if he wasn't holding his laptop. "^&%*$&^$*%&$*^&*#%*$&^*$&*$!!!!!!!!!" (Translation: He had a swearing fit!)

Erica texted:

Heyyy! We shld meet smewere im bred <- Translation: Heyyy! We should meet somewhere I'm bored

Sari fake giggled.

"Teeheehee ^ ^; So evil, aren't I?" She asked, tilting her head.

Drew stared at the screen along time... She then made an expression that looked like a lightbulb just went off in her head.

Suuure. Were r u, ******?

Luke blinked, "Suppose you are. What's your name, m'lady?"

Erica looked around.

idk my bff jill?

OOC: D: Poor Rei
Tomoyo was cleaning up her place more.

Leslie was clearly unhappy.
Shadow sighed, "ok kinsey, i did what i did 'cus it was a solution to leslies didn't mean anything"

Nekro was all ?, "you screwed leslie cus it was a solution?"

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