Mine Lurves Steak and HATES hamburgers i dont know wat mine is IT looks like an ice cream come it's a V3
You're correct. StarTama and Yumi_82 are right.It's not really a secret but it's good that you found out that.
i already knew that! (But its good that u found it out!)Ok here it comes each tama has it's own favorite food! it also hates one food! one of my tamas had one happy heart. I feed him a pinapple. and WAM it had full happy hearts! I forgot what food it doesn't like but if you feed it that food it will lose all it's happy hearts and when you feed it it's favorite food, it does a little dance! just thought you might like to know OH! if you find out any tama's favorite food or worse food either post, pm me, or both hope that helps!