Screen on my ID L is red, the FAQ page is broken, and other questions


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Jul 29, 2012
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Hello, I'm new and got my ID L last week (it's 6 days old now). I only ever had the original 96' one and some other brands before it. My tama is now a Mametchi (still learning who is who) and yesterday there was a Happy Birthday thing going on for THE WHOLE DAY, with tables with cakes and other decorative stuff, and the screen behind these was red. It lasted the whole day unlike the other days, which I thought was weird and maybe a glitch. Today that stuff is gone except that the screen is still red: picture

Is that normal? What should I do for it to come back to normal?

I also wanted to let you guys know the FAQ page is broken ( all I get is white space and the line:

phpMyFAQ warning [2]: require_once(lang/language_pt-br.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in index.php on line 68

And if I may ask more questions, when do the tamagotchis turn into oldies and die? (so I know when to marry them off while I can) What's the longest they'll live? If they die of old age all I have to do is press a+c to not lose my items or did I get it wrong?

And are the necessities items any useful? Like that... sponge thing, vacuum, and that other thing to clean the house. What I mean it does it make any difference if you use them or not? Are they like the toys that don't really do much from what I saw?

Does feeding them food they don't like do anything bad (other than them throwing a fit)?

Thanks in advance, this looks like a nice place ^^ and sorry about my questions, I've searched for answers but what I found wasn't very clear.

Congrats on getting an iD L!

Your screen turns into red/brown because it only means that the house needs cleaning.

The rooms in the iD L house can occasionally get dirty over time.

You can buy cleaning materials from the Tama Depa.

Vacuum cleaner - use this to clean the living room and the bedroom.

Mop - used in cleaning the bath and kitchen.

Scrub - use this to clean the toilet.

The Happy Birthday backdrops appear every time a Tamagotchi character celebrates their birthdays.

You can find out who by checking the animations that plays every 7:30 AM, 12:30 PM and 3:30 PM.

It will also display on your actual birthday and your current character will bring you a cake and sing Happy Birthday.

If you feed them items that they don't like, they simply show a disgruntled expression.

For the iD L, when your character reaches the Friend stage (adult), they stop aging. You can keep your character as long as you want, provided that you keep them happy and well-fed.

For the toys, yes they do have brief animations of the character playing with them. However, if your character plays his/her favourite toy, it will have its own special animation.

Toys will help boost your Tama's Happy Meter, other than snacks and playing games.

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Oh wow. thanks so much Ichiro! That really helps! I didn't know the house needed cleaning at all XD I've done some cleaning with the mop once but had no idea (I couldn't figure out what all items were and English is my second language).

Do the birthday signs show also when the tamagotchi turns another year older? Cause these past few days when he woke up the signs were there, everytime, but they disappeared later, unlike yesterday. Surely there weren't character birthdays every day, right?

So the characters don't turn old in ID L? I don't have to worry about them dying and losing my items or not marrying at all? Just confirming if I understood it. That'd be a relief!

Thank you so much again, you've been a great help.

I didn't know the house needed cleaning at all XD I've done some cleaning with the mop once but had no idea...
Take note, your character will also get dirty over time. Once they turn brown, send them to the bathroom (select the second option) for them to take a shower and they will come out squeaky clean after that. :D

Do the birthday signs show also when the tamagotchi turns another year older?
A Tamagotchi year is equivalent to a day in human life, so they basically age daily.

The Tamagotchi character birthdays refer to the actual "birthday" of each character that is being observed in Japan.

For example, yesterday, July 28th was Kikitchi's birthday.

The iD L has 32 characters, so don't worry, you still have about 332 birthday-free days (32 characters + your actual birthdate).

So the characters don't turn old in ID L? I don't have to worry about them dying and losing my items or not marrying at all? Just confirming if I understood it. That'd be a relief!
Yes, when they reach adulthood, it is now called a "Friend" stage. That will be the time you will start collecting their Happy Symbols to "extend" your Happy Meter. They will age until 99 but they will stay indefinitely until you either send them off to marriage or they leave due to neglect.

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The brown color looks kinda red to me so I was a little confused XD Thanks!

I understand about the character birthdays. That must be why the birthday stuff was there all day yesterday!

What I meant was if they also get happy birthday signs everyday because of turning another year (day) older. Because on these other dates the signs only showed up for a little while, and not for the whole day, so the difference threw me off.

Thank you one more time Ichigo, things are much clearer now! I was able to get 3 happy seals on my own but I need to unlock other locations now. Maybe I should just go ahead and marry him off :p

Because on these other dates the signs only showed up for a little while, and not for the whole day, so the difference threw me off.
Are you sure? These Happy Birthday backdrops are present for the entire day, unless you tinkered with the date?

Thank you one more time Ichigo, things are much clearer now! I was able to get 3 happy seals on my own but I need to unlock other locations now. Maybe I should just go ahead and marry him off :p
To be able to unlock more locations, you will need to earn their "Tamatomo" status and collect them. With that you'll need 4 Happy Symbols. If you have three for now, you'll get the 4th one exactly two days after your character becomes an adult.

If you marry them off and they don't have all four symbols, they won't make an appearance in your notebook and it won't help you unlock more destinations.

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Yeah it's why I thought it was weird how yesterday it lasted for the whole day, when on the other days it only showed for a little while. I do change time, but not the date, because my sleeping hours are completely incompatible with my tama, so he's usually around 12 to 6 hours late from real world time (for example, where I live now it's 22:30, and his clock is set to 17:00). Maybe that's the problem. I thought maybe the birthday signs appeared at the same hour that they were "born", meaning the hour I set the clock as when I first turned it on, which would be their "non-character" birthdays. That's what would make most sense, but I don't know if it's what happened. This is why I said I also thought it would have been weird if there were character birthdays so many times in a row (wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, since I saw it on each of these days). I'll pay more attention in the next days and see if it has to do with me changing the time.

I understand, thanks! I thought I couldn't get the crown before unlocking something but I just hadn't seen it in Tama Mori XD *feels stupid* It was the only seal I couldn't find, so I had to resort to a guide. I prefered finding out on my own, but oh well.

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Here's a quick guide to each character's happy symbols:

The site's in German, but it's in a graphical diagram. You can see it if you scroll down a bit.

You only need to find three Happy items. The fourth one will automatically unlock 48 hours after your character becomes an adult.

You can also check some logs that some people use to "record" an online journal of their activities with their Tamas. Some of them are using iD Ls. :)

Thank ya again! :wub: I had read about how to get the symbols and saw a guide on Tama Zone but didn't know if I should spoil myself. I only read about Mametchi.

Do you usually try to find the happy symbols on your own? I thought doing it that way was more fun even though it was a bit of a gotchi points sink, trying to buy him all meals, etc. After I read about Mametchi's happy symbols I felt a bit like I failed, like when I read the answer to a puzzle in a game :p

Those are interesting, thanks!

I'm hoping the FAQ page gets fixed cause it seems a lot of basic questions were answered there that I'm curious to see XD

Well, if the creator of the topic do not care i will make a little question too XD

Ichiro you say the tamagotchi don't die in the ID L, they just leave but...i see in some pics that obaketchi ( that ghost tamagotchi thing, when they die ) appears in this version, so...if they don't die how can obaketchi appears? o.o

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Here's the strange thing, from what I know.. Friend stage characters do not die! However, Teenage and Child characters do. A explanation for this is that the Friend/Adult stage characters just leave.. As they are old enough to live on their own. With the younger ones however, they need your attention or else they'll die!

But really, it's kind of the same thing with them both. :p

Here's the strange thing, from what I know.. Friend stage characters do not die! However, Teenage and Child characters do. A explanation for this is that the Friend/Adult stage characters just leave.. As they are old enough to live on their own. With the younger ones however, they need your attention or else they'll die!

But really, it's kind of the same thing with them both. :p
I see. Do you lose all your items if the younger ones die?

It's just I had read about some tamagotchi getting old if you don't marry them off and then when they die you'd lose all your items. So you had to marry them off to keep the items. Then there was some trick with pressing a + c to keep them. But I don't know for which version that was XD it must have been old info I read.

I see. Do you lose all your items if the younger ones die?

It's just I had read about some tamagotchi getting old if you don't marry them off and then when they die you'd lose all your items. So you had to marry them off to keep the items. Then there was some trick with pressing a + c to keep them. But I don't know for which version that was XD it must have been old info I read.
I'm pretty sure that you get to keep all your stuff if your iD L dies/leaves.

Thanks for the info!

Btw it's not just for me that the FAQ is broken, right? I just.. assumed o.o

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What I meant was if it's not only me who gets the errors and can't view the FAQ =P Cause I can't know if it's just my computer or something else on my end. Has it been like that for a long time?

When I click it it's just the same exact thing. Only difference is the html at the address bar. It seems to have something to do with a language file, you see the (lang/language_pt-br.php) in that error and my language is PT-BR (code for brazilian portuguese). I get the same thing both on Firefox (latest version) and Chrome. I'm just guessing though cause I know zero of programming and web design.

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