Hahaa......what a stupid topic. I mean, we need school. And it's not going to end because you think spelling doesn't count! Do you really think that when you grow up and spell things ' lkie tihs eervy tmie you tpye a wrod ' that you will be accepted in to a career. Or you have to add 8 + 4 on your fingers and end up getting 10 as the answer? And what about bills? Or paying for items? If you don't know how add just like that, people will rip you off.
Gym: To teach you about sports, and tries to get you to stay active and healthy.
Literacy/Language: To teach you how to read properly, write properly, and all the basics.
Spelling: This is quite obvious. For you to spell correctly.
Math: To teach you how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide quickly so when your much older you will know how to pay bills, how to know if your getting ripped off in the store....ect. Math teaches us a lot of things.
Science: Technology, to teach us about the wonderful world around us!
Social Studies: So we can learn about how people lived ages ago, and how people did it. To learn about our history and society today.
I could go on with the list but I think you get the picture.
Not everybody loves school, but you'll be glad you pulled through it later in life.