School stuff.


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Howdy! My number 1 tip to avoiding Tamagotchi Takers in class is put it in ur pencil case. What teachers look there?!

In my school there is one Teacher that has their own Tamagotchi who lets me connect to hers half way through the lesson!!


you sould take off the noise on your tamagotici push A and B to turn the noise off. :wacko:

its your own fault if it gets taken off u we go to school to learn not to mess with tamas :wacko: :D

Its kind of true if they take your tama its your fault. :D :wacko:

My class periods are about 80-90 min long, so I keep my tama always with me. We don't have lockers or metal detectors, so it is easy to get them in.

If you use desk/tables that don't show your upper leg you can put it on your leg and check it every now and then. It works every time. :wacko:

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im in grade six and our teacher is fine with a tamagotchi.....practicly everyone in our school has a tamagotchi and thier teacher is fine with it

p.s.. i live in canada not the states :mellow:

My Sugestion is to keep it on a lanyard or in a purse, but no-one at my school(middle) cares. One my teachers looked at them and said ''I remember when I had one of those they were so cute!'' It's true! :mellow:

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I think taking tamagotchis to school is really dangerous, which is why I leave mine at home, unpaused, and then take care of it when I get home. It'll never be a mimitchi but... If I had to give some tips, I'd say keep the sound off at all times. Only take care of it during your breaks or recesses or when you have free time. And, if you're in middle or high school, keep it in your locker, maybe on your lock so it looks like a keychain. For elementary kids, I'd say keep it in your backpack in the easiest pocket to open. You probably don't want to keep it out in the open like a keychain...teachers might know what they are.

hiyum evry1 im a newbie um i just turn the sound off and change the time so its sleeping all day and i turnit backon at night. that way it still grows. ;)

My teacher just says

"Go put that away,please." :p

So do my other ones! :ph34r:

Just play with it at recess,I've never been caught :unsure: (Same during class)

I think taking tamagotchis to school is really dangerous, which is why I leave mine at home, unpaused, and then take care of it when I get home.  It'll never be a mimitchi but...  If I had to give some tips, I'd say keep the sound off at all times.  Only take care of it during your breaks or recesses or when you have free time.  And, if you're in middle or high school, keep it in your locker, maybe on your lock so it looks like a keychain.  For elementary kids, I'd say keep it in your backpack in the easiest pocket to open.  You probably don't want to keep it out in the open like a keychain...teachers might know what they are.
I wouldn't put your tamagotchi on your lock as a keychain ;) ... that would be a mistake. some one would pull it off and run away :D

But really, most of my teachers don't really care. (I'm in 7th grade.) Once I left my Tamagotchi Mini in the desk in science class (it was the kind that you can put your books inside, like the ones in most elementary schools) and my teach found it and she just gave it back to me. She didn't mind. But some of my teachers would mind. So if you think your teach would mind, don't let em see it. KNOW YOUR TEACHERS. :D

Get a sweat shirt with a big pocket in the middle. Those work great for me! ^_^

My teachers don't really care since they barely know what they are. When a teacher asked one time, we said, "Oh, they are tamagotchis." and they said, "So everyone has one?" we said "Yeah, pretty much." And the teacher said, "Everyone except me!" and smiled. She's a very nice, young teacher so she thought they were cool. ^_^ Another one of my teachers who isn't as young was like "Oh, I remember having one of those!" Even so, one teacher banned them in his class at my school. Everyone still brought them and stayed on high security though.

Basically, there's a Tamagotchi "code of honor" type of thing. (At least at my school it seems) If you get one and want to take it to school, you have to keep it hidden from teachers as much as possible, only care for it between classes and at recess, lunch, study hall, and on the bus, turn the sound off, and keep it hidden in a good place (locker, desk, binder, backpack, pocket, etc.). Also, if you have a tamagotchi that is uncovered by a teacher and you are given a warning about it, you can't take it to school for awhile, like a couple days. And if you repeatedly get caught then everyone will be angry and tell you to stop bringing it to prevent a schoolwide tamagotchi ban.

You should include middle/high school tips as well... Unless you're not in middle school yet... -mametchichic

P.S. School isn't pointless... It's to learn, and without learning, we'd all be pretty stupid and wouldn't get friends as easily.
I personally don't like school thanks meowbark for teaching me from getten my tam taken

My tips are to:

Use one of those clips that say "Not for climbing use" on them. They work EXTREMELY well and clip your tamagotchi on easily everywhere!

Don't connect at recess when it's very cold. My friends and I have realized that when it's like 30 degrees or below we can't connect for some reason. Inside we can though. (New England winters :D )

Disguising it as a clock does not work forever. It happened to a kid I know. They said it was a clock 2 different times, but the teacher eventually realized it was a toy. I mean, when a teacher sees a "clock" with characters playing jump, they won't be convinced any longer. Plus, the words, "Tamagotchi Connection" on it can be a dead giveaway. You can however say, it's a "Japanese Accessory" because technically it is one. It's Japanese and can hang from clothing. Plus, a Japanese accessory could be anything, but a clock has to have numbers that say the time. Also, you wouldn't be calling it a toy. Tamagotchi Connection could just be a fancy Japanese store. ^_^

the way i did mine b4 it lost battery was that i turned sound off and kept it in my desk. never paused it unless it was an assembly. when the teacher looked at me i just shoved in my desk, even if i was playing a game :unsure:

Yo im Richard and well i dont give about me tama and cant be stuffed to replace the batteries but i have heard alot of tips and these ones you send in are new to me


1. In class well i just keep my tama in my poket and put it with like tissues and teachers dont really give so im like cool

2. Also in class put it in my desk and if the teacher askes or someone tells then i just say its like a kid(with out the uknow) "if you had a baby and you had work and noone else will look after it proply wat the hell would you do" if they say child care then well thyere no child cares fo tamas of electonical divcesces that know how to look after it proply and the teachers like "okey" and my friends are like "clam down richard cos when i talk in a situation like this i talk with no "," s and no "." .

3. and if someone sees then well i quickly hide it or run away or tell someone else to hold it so when teacher comes i wont have it or just drop it behide me cos theres a space cos its like a bench and has like holes or hide it on my head cos ya have to wear a hat or just wear a hat to protect it from "The Teachers"

4. keep it in my bag and check when its lunch time or go out and say i gata go to the toilet or if someone askes you to come with you go k then you get your tama and chek it .

5.Ya dont bring it to school

6. umm let it get confescated but warn the teacher if the tama dies then you ll do incridlble EVIL things or as the french say le blac chant which means the black cat and black cats are EVIL and if the teacher doesnt belive say your egg her car and house and husband / wife if thye have one ehehhehe

Umm. I took my tama to school for a year until someone was caught with one and told on me! GRRRR!

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