hey!!! i think tama chat should be open fridays saterdays wendsdays thursdays and all the days at least for a year becouse im in midle school i have a girlfriend and alot of home work so when im strest i go to tama chat and everything is off my back please admin do me that favor to go to tama chat every day im so sure ill like it and every tamatalk loiver will love it too
I have a different thing. How about the chat room can be open Friday, Saterday, And Sunday. I know it might be a lilttle to much but just pm me and let me know what you think please!!! P.S: This message is for the ADMIN!!!!!!! Thanks!! LOL!!!
Hi, I like the chat room but it is only opened in the weekends. It is holidays over where I live and sometimes you have nothin to do, so I think it should be opened in the holidays as well as weekends. :furawatchi:
I think that the chat rooms should be on all week long like 24/7. :furawatchi: i like tamagotchis so much. especially mimitchis. they are so so cute. tamagotchi chat shud be 24/7!!!
i onley get to go on the computer in the week beacause my brothers are on it.So if you have tamachat on thursday,saterday and sunday every one is happy!
i would like to say i can't get enough of the chat room but there is just one problem, i wish it was open all day every day.the chat room is a great idea for tama fans