Scary Talkie


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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
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What is the Scariest thing that ever happaned to you...or have you ever seen a ghost, ufo etc. ???

No, I haven't but alot of members on tamatalk have reported seeing 'ghosts' :eek:

Yeah I know! Who knows..but hey, its fun to hear about them!! ^.^

However, I do believe lots of creepy things have happaned, my house is haunted, things end up in the weirdest places...they are really creepy, a little to scary...I will share some I geuss later..

Yeah, I would believe if I saw one but honestly, practicly nearly everyone on tamatalk says they saw a ghost (I bet some people just make it up)



One time, I was at my friends really old house (He said it was haunted) And there was a party right? When we where singing with mics, we finally stopped and went outside. We came back an Hr later..(EVERYBODY WAS OUTSIDE!) and one of the mics where gone! Everybody looked for it, and everybody was confused, and then, we gave up, and right before the last person was about to leave (not including me. I stayed the longest) the mic was on top of the TV, and that was when night fell. NO ONE WAS PLAYING A PRANK I SWEAR!

Okay the same night, I was with the other kids at the party. the hosts 8 and 12 me 12 geust 13 guest 12 guest 9 and we went into the woods with flashlights. It was 8:00 pm but dark and rainy (MY TYPE OF WEATHER!) WE went in the ol chicken coop, 100 years old and a white flash flashed off and on 3 times in a shape...a blurr...WHEN THE FLASHLIGHT WAS TURNED OFF! AGAIN< NOT A PRANK! O.O

Well no I have seen them in my dreams, or more like nightmares.Like me and CuteDancerRachel, our friends Lindsey (mattlindsey on here),Javonda,Jenna,Bianca (cuterunnerbianca on here), and Sophia were all bunking together in the school. The school had been turned into some sort of camp (remember this was a nightmare) and the halls were longer and the rooms well there were more of them and they were a whole lot bigger. So me and Rachel put our stuff down in our room and went to the bathroom, we were washing our hands when I looked in the miror and saw a lady in green. I looked behind us and she wasn't there. We screamed and ran out.

Scary Nightmare I tell ya!

Ok and at our dance studio, (this wasn't a dream), our teachers Ms.Kaylnn and Ms.Courtney were turning out the lights in room A and when they did Ms.Courtney saw something. "Ms.Kaylnn did you see that?" Ms.Courtney had asked Kaylnn. "No Courtney now stop freaking me out!" Kaylnn yelled back. The lights in room B were turned out so they went to room C. The same thing happened and they saw the same thing. So the lights in the dressing room were turned out so they went to the lobby and turned off the lights and they both saw this dude from the army's ghost sitting in a chair staring and Ms.Kaylnn! And then he fadded away and they said 1,2,3 camo and he came back! Im going to a haunted house tommorow so I'll post stories from there on here tommorow. Many haunted houses I am going to!

:angry: bailey :blink:

Woza! <<Sorry I have no Idea...WELL anyway, thats

The scariest thing that ever happeded to me was at Camp Erdman.....this is a true story believe me it happened to me and some of my friends well only the drumming part..

Okay here it goes well I was in sixth grade and my whole sixth grade classmates went to Camp Erdman and when we came into our doorm (sp?) I choose the bunker bed and I slept on top accross from my friend Allison and under me was my teacher so as I was saying I chose the bunker bed but that bunker bed was by this huge and skinny window and at night when I slept ..which I couldn't even though I tried there was this person or ghost staring and looking at me through those windows but the windows were closed shut and I was freaked out and then I got so scared that I just went totally under my sleeping bag so that person or ghost that was staring at me can't see me any more but I still got the feeling someone was staring at thruogh that window! And then I finally went to sleep because it was like 2 in the morning! But when I woke up like half and hour later I heard drummings really loud but I thought how, it couldn't be the boys because my teachers already warn them that if they ever did any pranks they would get expelled because in each doorm we had a teacher and then a few of my friends said that it was the night marchers I got so scared and still I felt as if the person or ghost was still staring at me it was really creepy so the next night I slept somewhere else not by any windows and I slept great ! But still it was creepy and I beleive the thing that was staring at me was a GHOST! And by then I couldn't sleep anymore so I just got out of bed at 4 am and went to my friends and told them about that creepy night I had over there....BY THE GHOSTLY WINDOW!

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I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in spirits.

I swear this is true!!

I was at my friends house last year on Friday the 13th ( creepy eh'?) and it was raining and lightning and thunder outside. Well, my friend saw her cat outside in a tree! She was going to go get her cat when she tried to open the door and it was locked. Her mom came over and couldn't get the door unlocked! Just as we were about to leave through the back door a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE streak of lightning striked across the sky, when we turned to look out of the corner of our eyes we saw a shadow of a woman in a ragged dress with flowers dropped beside her. (The house she lived in was 100 years old or older..) Well we were pretty freaked out and so her mom went out and got the cat. But the cat was acting strangely that night. Sammie wouldn'r let s hold her.

The following morning we woke up (I stayed over night) and found Sammie stuck in the tree again. I got her down but stepped on a small weathered stone that read :

Elizabeth Richardson


Died on Friday 13th 1923

of being stabbed to death.

Now tell me that isn't freaky.

Wow some ov them r pretty freaky! well i dnt think iv seen a ghost but i get a bit freaked out after watchin scary movies & think the things in them r rly scary but anyway. if ur younger then u mite not want 2 hear this so heres my story(is true):

1 day i went 2 call on my friend Claire, and my other friend Holly was round. they started tellin me about this game they played its called "Oighie Board"(sp?) i got freaked out cuz, Oighie Board is wen u right down the alpha bet on a bit ov paper, u get a cup that u can see threw. then u put 1 ov ur hands on the class & hold hands in a circle with the other , then close ur eyes but som1 has 2 keep theres open 2 c the letters. then u think ov som1 tht was close 2 u tht has past away. u wait a few mins then the glass starts 2 move, & the letters it lands on spell out somthing in a muddles up order it can give u threats or just spell out things. ANYWAY bak 2 the story (sorry its kinda long):

At my friend Sarah's BBQ, they played Oighie Board, i was 2 scared so i watched the letters spelt out were : Tell DJ mum. Oh yh i just rememberd u CANT laugh about it cuz ur tokin 2 spirits & they take it seriously. but we knew wat the letters ment. cuz Sarah got introuble frm Julie Dewar (initials JD) but she didnt tell her mum about it, so do u get it? she has 2 tell her mum about JD!Tell mum JD! but we didnt finish the game. the game stops wen the cup doesnt move any more.They told me about another game and i play this 1 tho. Its called Ghosty Gates, GG 4 short. u hold hand with people standin up, they think ov som1 close 2 them that past away & som1 askes a question & flips a coin Heads=Yes Tails=No. but the questions hav 2 b about spirits like "Is there any evil spirits here?". Very long i no!

but i get freaked out about GG cuz wen i was at my dance classes, i had a coin & asked if it wud hurt my friends & it sais yes so i asked if it wud hurt us again but name by name. Claire=No, Sileas=Yes, Me=Yes but i asked if it wud 4give me so it didnt hurt me, Danica=Yes. the freaky thing is, Danica & Sileas got hurt the next day! cowinsedence (sp!) or not? but it was freaky!

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This isn't my story, but my best friend's mum told me.

When she was young, she had a poltergeist living in her house... Her siblings noticed it aswell, like say one of them would be getting ready for something, have a pair of earrings on their dressing table, put one in and go to pick up the other one, but it had vanished. and usually about a week later they would find it somewhere completely different to where thay had lost it 0_0

And she said that one time she was home alone, cuz her parents went out and her siblings were doing their own thing. she was just lying in her bed, and it peered into her room with its mouth open... she was so scared that she pulled her doona over her head untill she fell asleep. :(

I have lots of freaky dreams.... Here was the one I remember:

Me and my friend Katelyn were in the mall, it looked old and dusty, and we found a book-shop. An old man greeted us, asking what we were looking for, bringing us into it.

Katelyn saw a magic spell book on a top shelf, and reached for it. The man explained there was a witch living in the mall, and if you said gloopy 3 times she would apear. [ I forget what he said was how to defeat her, I forget ] Suddenly, we were in a grocerie store, and me and her were going through it with a cart, and we ran over an old man.. [Weird, huh?] and my sister was gesturing to a wooden door, and so we went through, the room was dark, with a hint of red clinging in the misty room. It had hay on the ground with a speaker making a buzzing noise. On the floor, my mom was sitting staring into space petting a kitten. My sister was in the middle of the small room, staring at the speaker, already hypnotized. Suddenly, a tall lady with blonde hair and a red gown said, "You girls are pretty" with an evil voice. I started to drift off, and get dizzy. I felt like I was lifted off my feet, and I dizzyed all the way till I woke up. Scary huh?

lol i had a dream that i used to think was scary (i was 5 give me credit... lol) Well i was talking to a *cough* fan *cough* and i said something "mean" to it and it blew me away... lol

Wow! These are scary! My Grandma's house is haunted! These stories I am gonna tell you are real!!!!!

The first time we ever heard the ghost was when me and little brother were the only ones at my Grandma's house. She had to get groceries. So me and my brother go upstairs, and it was very dark. We suddenly heard a voice say, "Piper..." And it was kind of yelling. We both froze, and at the smae time, we ran down the stairs as fast as we could. Grandma never believed us.

The next time, I was with my Mom in the office at Grandma's house looking at pictures tooken at my Grandma's house. Almost all of the pictures had orbs in them, orbs sometimes are the sign of a ghost. And then most frightening picture was taken in my Grandma's kitchen, when my brother was by his cake. In the picture, there was a thing right by my brother, about his height, very pale, you could barely see it, but I could see a brown ponytail in the back of this thing. I could tell it was a ghost.

The next are a few that are unexplained. Once the basement door opened by itself at my Grandma's house. Another time, the swing outside her yard was swinging like crazy, and no one was on it! My mom had a scary experience there too, when she was little. She and her cousin Stephanie were in the bathroom of my Grandma's house, yelling, "The devil stinks!" And then, the lights went off in that bathroom only. And too this day, I try and avoid using the bathroom there. o_O :(


Paisley 520

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