Scary Stories!


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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
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At Krystal's house (duh! I'm her famil
Ok just post your scary stories and make sure they are true.


My friend Meagan went to a sleepover. They decided to play hide and seek in the dark house, after the parents went to bed. They were hiding in pairs and Meagan and her partner (let's call her Jenna) saw a shadow running down the hallwya. They thought it must have been the other pair that were looking for them. They saw the shadow again and then decided to go out into the hallway. The other pair (lets call them Sophie and Jessica) said to Meagan and Jenna "Hey, why were you running up and down the hallway?" . Meagan and Jenna said to Sophie and Jessica "We thought it was you!". So the girls headed to Sophie's bedroom to have a look. Sophie's tumble doll was missing! They found it lying on the floor in the parents bedroom. Sophie went and put it in the cupboard and then they sat down to watch a movie. During the movie, they saw a shadow running down the hallway and then a clunk. Meagan reckons they all screamed and crept over to see what it was. There was nothing there, so they had a look in the parents room. The parents were in bed. Sophie opened the cupboard...and the tumble doll was gone!

I would have crapped my pants if I was there. I'm scared of dolls like that, cuz I'm scared they will come alive and run around. That doll did. And I saw a video on Meags phone of the shadows and man it was scary!!

There's my authentic story. Lets here yours!

Ahhh come on! I wish I was there that wouldve been friken awsome!!! Lol

well any way when I was up in south Amarica me and my freind(his name shall be Mike) were exploring the jungle(freaky) when we found a weird looking rock. This rock was yellow,green,red,purple and orange so we thought it was cool and it belonged to the natives of South amarica long ago. So we brought it back to where we were staying and

put it on a stand above a fire place. Well the next day bad things started to happen. We started getting sick and then a storm hit and almost destroyed are place that's when we figured out that the rock was cursed by witch dockters from long ago. So we through it in the fire, but the next day it was up and back on the mantle. So we ended up taking a hammer and destroying it and everything was back to normal.

My friend and I were having a sleepover (a lotta scary sleepover stories, huh? :3) (I'll call my friend Mitsie for no apparent reason) My sister and Mitsie's sister who were also best friends had been down with us, but then went upstairs to my sister's and my room (we share one). We were both just drifting off, chatting off and on, and I was getting kind of creeped out for no reason, and I thought Mitsie was asleep when she said, "What was that sound?" There was a loud creek from the floorboard and we both tightened up. I said, "Uh, it's nothing but if we get up and look we'll both probably feel better that we know nothing's there"

So we stood up, holding hands (more like pulling the arms off each other) and went to the kitchen where the sound was coming from.

There was a huge, creepy shadow at the window. We yelped and scrambled up the stairs, jumping on our sisters.


I have another scary story. I went to my friend's sleepover party. We stayed up late, had some lollies and drinks, had an overall good time. My friend (her name is Georgia for this)'s sister went to another girls house to have a sleepover with the other girls sister. Anyway we were all sitting around in the sitting area and we were right near the kitchen, which faces the dark side alley that leads to the garage. We were sitting there, the rain was pouring, thunder was crashing, and we saw a shadow run past the window. We were like "Oh it's just Rhys' the neighbour who lives behind. At the time of the sleepover, Georgia had an Indonesian exchange student over. He went to the neighbours house to stay, so that all the girls could be by themselves. And Georgia has a gate in the back fence that leads to Rhy's house. Anyway we saw that shadow and were like oh yeah whatever. But then we saw this creepy glow coming from the back door. We were crapping ourselves. We dove under our sleeping bags, and held our breath. It was scary. Then we were brave enough to all peek out. We were so scared, that we all huddled on the foldout double bed, all 15 of us. Then we saw the shadow again. Georgia said Who's gonna come with me to check it out. I said yes, and so did Lucy (not real name obviously). So Lucy, Georgia and I went out to see what it was. We left the back door open and Tanika stood by the back door, so no-one would come in. We saw this shadow standing still near the shed, less than 10 metres away from us. Then it started moving towards us. We screamed and ran inside, slamming the door, locking it and turning on every light.

About an hour later, when we'd all literally had a cry because we were really scared and her parents had said not to wake them up, Georgia said, lets all curl up on the big balck couch over by the tv, with our sleeping bags and go to bed. I curled with Meagan. Then we heard this knock on the door. The door seperates the front room and the lunge room. We dove under the sleeping bag. It was 2am. The kncok came another 12 times before they slowly opened the door. We was Georgia's little sister, coming home from her sleepover because she felt sick.

That was the scariest sleepover I've ever been to...and I want to do it again! Now that we look back on it, it was fun and we get a luagh out of it. AWESOME!

I heard a baby cry outside of my bathroom window. It was actually a cat.
Ooohhh spookeh.
OMG my cat does that when she gets shut outside.

I was like, going toilet in the middle of the night (xD) and like, a hundred humanoid shadows passed the window, at first I was scared, but then I stayed ad watched and they just kept coming and I was like, What? And so I got closer and it stopped. But it was odd.

Nightwatcher, your story sounds cool, but just a smidge unrealistic :D

okay, Well it was Halloween, all of my friends except one had went home. Naturally she was my bestest friend. So anyways, we were walking around in a back field, laughing about some forgotten joke, then we look behind us, and theres this big, dark shawdowly looking figure about a hundred yards away, and it was walking toward us, so we just turned back around and started walking again. We lok behind us again, and the figure was sprinting, not running, sprinting toward us. Boy we high-tailed it outta there and were at my house in a few seconds.

Okay I have another one. Its about my mom. Okay well she used to work at this hospital in the city, and there was this genuine haunted floor, everybody swore by it. So my mom worked on the floor below it. It was really late one night, and she was walking along, and swore she heard thumping and babies screaming. The only thing is, that floor has been closed and locked down for about 50 years.

I have nothing D:
In my eyes, any little squeak at night is a murderer coming to kill me.
Mhm! xDDDD

I have a few from when me, my family, and my cousins went camping in our woods. I'll probably share later. ;3

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