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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
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How did you get them?

You can post about anyone else's scars too xD

This may sound a bit weird, but I've got a scar on my left wrist, where a plant got stuck in there. xD

I also have scars from when I was a baby. One on the same wrist, and one near my inner elbow on that arm. Those two are nearly identical, and are from needles.

  • I have one just above my right kneecap from my keyboard (don't ask), one below my right middle finger from tripping in a hot tub, one on my left foot below the big toe from tripping on the sidewalk, and one on my left kneecap from tripping down some wooden stairs.
    I like how three out of the four of my scars are from trippin'.

I only have one that I know of, right at the top of my forehead, by my hairline (I have a fringe so no one actually sees it ;]).

I was running into a sandpit at my nursery. The outside was made of brick. There wasn't enough sand in it. I ran too fast. -.-

Yes. And it's the most idiotic story...

I have a diagonal scar on my left knee. How did I get it? Well. I closed a car door on my leg. The end. Dx

I've got a few chicken pox scars, one on around my tricep on my right arm, and two on my stomach. I also have a vely slight rounded "L" shaped scar from when my cat attacked me.

I, too, have some chickenpox scars. I was thirteen when I got them, so it was much worse. But they're not too bad.

I have a horrible lumpy one on my right thumb thumb from when my friend dropped, quite literally, a boulder on it while trying to build a sandcastle.

I have a very un-noticable scar right on the top of my nose bridge where I...somehow...cut myslef in my sleep? xD I just woke up and my mom's all, "What's that on your face?" and I was drowsy so I said something real intellegent like, "Ufph...dunno." She told me to look in the mirror and I did and was like, "Huh? Weird. Lol." xD

Moral of the story: clip your fingernails!! xD

EDIT: Adding stuph.

EDIT AGAIN: Fixed a spelling error in my edit line -.- xD

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my upper arm, one from shaving (dont askk), one from falling down the stairs (hey ima clutz). yeah from falling i have a huge huge swelled up leg, 6 big bruises, sprained shoulder, huge cut on my leg. yeahi fell from the top. again dont ask. btw thawas april 12th and its almost mid june and the bruise is still on my ankle and my leg is still hugely swelled up. ughh it drives me insane. but hey i got out of doing bleachers in gym. hahaha :) good times. NOT!

I have a scar on my foot from when I stepped on my friend's hair straightener on our school trip to Montreal. x3

It may sound like I'm an idiot but .. it was just lying in the middle of the floor!

I also have a 'scar' on my other foot from when I stepped on the baking rack from the oven 3 years ago, I think. Again, it seems impossible how I could do that but my friend and I were cooking.. things went wrong, and we had to take the metal rack out of the oven, and I was barefoot and stepped on it by accident. x.x so I have these grid marks on my foot.

My feet have been through a lot I suppose x(

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Yus. I have a scar on my right wrist, in the shape of a moon, from when I was a baby, and I hadan incident with a glass cup. Then theres one on my left knee from when |I had a fall, and one above my left eyebrow from when I split my head open and they glued it together. Lol.

Lots all over my body from Chicken Pox.

On long vertical one on my right wrist from a cat.

Lots of little ones on my right hand/arm from a cat.

One IN my eyelid, yes, in it, from a feral cat.

One in my hairline from a spider bite.

One on my left **** from a cat.

One from a rabbit on my right hand.

All up my legs from stupid injuries, I'm pretty sure the injury I have on my right knee right now will scar.

One on my shin from skating into a lamp post.

And a billion others from various idiotic events.

Not any major ones because I'm naturally a pretty careful person.

I have a very small one on my right elbow where I scraped it and another one just below it.

Plenty of small ones on my legs though, all from mosquito bites.

I also have a one on my chin from when I got chickenpox, but you'd have to look close to see it.

I don't have any really big ones. I have one on my finger from scraping at the bottom of a pool. I have a few really little ones from surgeries too.

Oh, I forgot.

I have these small little greyish/purplish scartch mark thingies, from a cat.

I've got one on my stomach from picking a pimple. It used to be really deep and red, but it's pretty much faded away. All that's left of it now is a small white bump.

I've got a couple scars on my forehead from picking my pimples (moral of the story: don't pick pimples, no matter how tempting it may be P:)

I'm allergic to mosquito bites, so whenever I get one it leaves a scar-ish patch of skin that's darker than the rest of my skin, so I've got a couple dark patches on my legs and arms, but they're pretty subtle since I've had them for a few years.

I have a scar on my right inner elbow place from a needle when I was younger.

Not too many scars, once I think about it... it's mostly those fr33king mosquitoes D:

All, my scares go away, except for one on my left wrist. Ahahh, I remember, I came in from lunch one day last year, and my left wrist had this slit and was like bleeding... xD

I have too many.

One at the top of my arm from when I broke it.

On my hand I have one from when me and Callumm had a ruler fight.

Another one from mine and Jay's pen lid attack on my hand.

One from a burn - also on my hand.

One on my thumb and two on my fingers from burns.

One on my foot where I tripped.

Another on my foot where it cut open and need stitches.

I have scars on my legs, wrists and arms too.

I have one on the bottom of my chin where I fell over in primary school but its hardly noticeable now. :huh:

I also have one on my middle knuckle on my left hand from when I shut my hand in the door but thats only noticeable if you look closely.

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