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My birthmark is on my neck/throat. But you can hardly see it. Its more visible in the summer time, but only in certain light. It looks like a faded tan Blotch ...Like a Paint Splatter.

As for Scars. I try to be careful, So I rarely get them. If I do, I only get maybe 1 or 2. The Last major scar I remember getting, was a few years ago. I was carrying a bag of cotton candy home that I bought from the store. I was riding my bike, made the mistake of looking to the left. Fell off the bike. The cotton candy Hurled in the air like, Really far. Unfortunatly landed right next to a dumpster. I Had a huge cut on my knee, and elbow. I basically bawled my eyes out for 3 more blocks on the way home. That was when I was living with my Aunt.

I used to have a vasculer on my left leg, but I had to have it removed. :eek:

I kinda of figured if you replied to this topic you would say that you got it either on your ****, your butt, or your downstairs.

its true though


im not giving pictures

I have a birthmark on my hip and a scar on the back of my hand.

I have many others...

I have no birthmark..

I have to scars, Both on my head. One is right on top on my left eyebrow. My other one, is in th middle of my forehead, but you cant see it. They are from when I had the chicken poks.

I have too many scars to name to you!

Not a scar or anything, But I have a freckle on the palm of my hand, at the top, between my middle and ring fingers.

I have a faded teeny splotch of a birthmark on the back of my right hand.

I have scars just randomly scattered amongst my body from a rare, seriously bad case of Chicken Pox.

My hands are living scars. Not kidding. There are HUNDREDS on my hands from when I was 2/3.

I got 2nd degree burns all over my hands from putting them flat on a fireplace. I almost needed surgery to reconstruct them. D:

I have a 2 inch scar on my top lip from falling whilst skating, and getting ,my jaw popped. My bottom teeth ended up slicing through my top lip. =D

I have a birthmark in a spot that would be very rude and unclassy to inform the tamatalk community about..

The most memorable scar was when I was in second grade, I was playing with scissors(Smart kid, huh?) xD and it sliced through my arm (I'm not kidding, 6 inches.) and it faded into a centimeter. xD

Um, when I was in Georgia i had tons of bug bites, and one on my leg never went away, so now there is a barley-visible mark there.

I have thousands of scars, because my wounds never fully heal. xD

I have thousands of birth marks.

I have like, 4 on my stomach, which is annoying when I go swimming.

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