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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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Got any scars or birthmarks? Well you've come to the right place xD

Talk about your birthmarks or scars, how did you get them? When did it happen? Where are they?

The ultimate scars and brithmarks topic is right here. :D


On my right hand, near the wrist on my palm on the side where my pinky is I have this small birthmark. I guess I was born with it. Since it grows as I grow it probably wasn't noticeable when I was smaller.

I have one birthmark on my hip. It's in the shape of an angel. <33

But my skin is pretty clear when it comes to scars/rashes/that type of thing.

oh, this may also be a rashes topic, lol.

for birthmarks: I have one below my knee, it's barely visible, and it's in the shape of....a tiny splatter of paint. But you can only see it if you come reeeeally close up to my knee. (which I hope no one would do anyway..)

as for scars: yeah, on my forehead it's a small line where my brother dug through my skin with a whistle xD (luckily my hair covers it)

rashes: no, but whenever I get excited or nervous, I get red splotches on my face, ears and neck. And I get rashes from the stuff in jelly beans.

I don't really know if I have a set birth mark o.o; There was one spot I had on my arm but it faded. I always thought that was it. I have what almost looks like a pencil stab or faded prison tattooed dot on my stomach that wont go away. Not sure exactly how long I've had it either XD At least a few years.

In a way my birthmark could be the veins in my right hand. They curve to make an 'm' and a half circle. It almost looks like an unfinished heart.

No birthmarks. And I only have one really big scar. On my knee. Let's just say, it involves roller skates, a baby carriage, a stop sign, and a really steep hill. OH. And, if it counts, last summer, I wanted to see what would happen, so I went on vacation to the beach, and I sat in one of the lounge chairs in the big pool spa thing, and I took sunscreen and put only a few blotches in separate spots and didn't rub it in. Then, two hours later, I got up, washed off the sunscreen, and to this day, I still look diseased. Best. Experiment. Ever. I'm going to do it in the shape of a heart on my face this summer. xD

I have a spot for a birthmark on my lower back.

And scars?

Four on my face

Six on my legs

Nine on my arms

One on my ear

Two in my armpit.

One on my jaw.


1 thats just faded on my forehead. [The name Harriet Potter is so unoriginal]

Heaps on my legs. I can count -counts- 4 with out even trying.

1 on my wrist [Not emo but I angered a cat]

1 in my eyelid. Yes. In it.

Small ones all over my hands and a few up my arm.

Lots all over my torso and -cough- ****s -cough- from sitting in front of the fire place when something went BOOM and burnt me all over my torso.

I'm sure theres more somewhere.

I have a birthmark on my belly button. =D (BTW I'm an innie) When I was younger I used to try and pick it off. And I used to believe that tiny stick people on the inside of my belly button kept in in place. I was a strange child. A few centimeters above my belly button to the right I have a really tiny birthmark. It looks like a round circle if you stretch it. Then an inch to the left of that is a beauty mark. I just realized that they form a triangle thanks to this topic. XD

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I have quite a few scars, and I am going to list them and how I got them =D

1.One above my right pinky toe - I was wearing flip flops and I twisted my foot sideways on cement

2.From the middle of my left middle finger to my knuckle and little ones along my other fingers - I was running along the wall in gym and I forgot about the whiteboard with metal edges :l

3.One really dark one that is raised higher above my skin on my left side, it looks like a stab wound xP - I just got this recently when I had to have a chest tube in to clear the blood and air from around my lung after it was punctured by a fractured rib. Ski accident ._.

4.A small one on my left knee - I fell on gravel while running back to my grandparents camp site

5.One on each of my heels - ballet flats that rubbed against my heels, eventually tearing away my skin

I am not going to bother going and inspecting the rest of my body for the ones I've forgotten about.

As for birthmarks, I have a tiny one on my right shoulder blade.

I just have a birthmark on the back of my neck. ^_^

I have a birthmark on my hip, towards my bottom.

I have two scars on my left knee, from Year 3.

I walked over a pair of scissors, crawling.

I have a spot on my knee which has been there ever since 2001. I used to love running down escalators. So, I ran down one, screamed ''WEEEEEE'' throughout the whole shopping centre and then BAM! I landed on the metal at the bottom of the escalator. And then I screamed. As loud as I could.

Otherwise, I have freckles but no birth marks ;P

I have scars all up my legs from being eaten by bugs =[

I also have scars all up my arms and thighs from a skin condition.

I used to have one on my ankle from being ran over by a car when I was 7.

The deep gouge on my hand is from my own fingernails (I was angry)

Theres also one right on the tip of my index finger from accidentally taking a chunk out of it with scissors.

The biggest one I have is on my thigh, and I don't think it's appropriate to state how I got it.


I've got a lot of scars, but no birthmarks =]

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I have a scar on the back of my foot from when my dad stepped on me with his wooden shoes.

I have a scar on my knee from when I tripped and fell on the pavement while trying to chase a basketball.

I have a scar on my wrist from when my old cat scratched me for the first time.

I have a scar on one of my fingers (the one beside the pinky xD) from when I got up, halfway tripped, and landed right on the knife my friend was holding.

I have a birthmark on my lowerback that my dad always used to call (and still does) a "poo-poo stain". -.-' It's so embaressing.

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I have a birthmark on my knee. My dad has one identical to it.

And I have a scar on my chin from when I fell on my face about... 3 years ago.

I have a scar on my right knee. When I was in kindergarten, I was walking down my back porch's stairs (which are concrete), tripped, fell badly, and hurt my knee. x-x

I got a scar well you could call it that from my cast when I broke my wrist and arm on my sholder :rolleyes:

I got a scar on my ankle, like 5 on my right hand and 2 on my left, 1 on my right foot thats it rly

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