Well-known member
I'm scared of horses. x.x
Yeah, just like I get creeped out by huge wild geese!; I'm not scared of trucks but I am scared of other weird things, like sometimes I get a little creeped out by chickens. O_O
I know D:Please that's not dumb.
Being 12 years old and still afraid of the dark, now that's sad.
Mee too! For a long time I would just hold it if I came across one. I've gotten better now though. But they still freak me out. I hate that little red eye thing. It's just waiting for you to move. Creepy.I'm afraid of automatic flush toilets...
Actually ya I kinda an scared of trucks to.Ok. So you know how trucks are on the highway? Well Like my Biggest fear is TRUCKS. I know it sounds stupid but I had a bad expearenice with them. My famiy was driveing on the Highway and like this HUGE truck almost squashed us! And we hand to pull over. And he was gonna try to push us over a 50ft. Highway! I was so scared I almost had a heartattack! But we pulled over lucky we were fine. So is anyone else scared of them? or am I the only one?![]()