I'm not completely mortified of large vehicles, but they can, to an extent, scare the crap out of me. I guess that happens more when I'm in a tiny car and this huge eighteenwheeler comes zooming past in the lane next to me. xD
I'm horrified of getting older. It's gonna happen, but it just scares me sometimes. Dead people creep me out, especially if I'm at a funeral with an open casket and I've actually seen them alive. Blood creeps me out if it's someone else's. Like, a tiny cut doesn't give me a heart attack, but, for example, I get really, really horrible nosebleeds sometimes. The blood doesn't bother me. But if one of my friends would get a really bad nosebleed, THEN it would creep me out. Or if they started bleeding really bad for one reason or another.
Thinking about death scares me so bad. xD
Other than that, I'm not sure if I'm really horrified of anything else.