Nay, aquapets are cool. My friend has oe and she LOVES it! When she plays her songs, the aquapet always tries to sing along! AWW IT'S SOOO CUTE! I don't understand why anybody could hate aquapets. My friend's aquapet likes everything she does. She taught it how to dance, sing, and play tic tak toe. She also taught it how to talk, and now the aquapet understands her, like one time when I was at her house, she showed me a trick she taught her.
When we got her aquapet to her room, she showed the aquapet a picture of her, then her sister (they both look alike) and then she put the pictures side by side, her on the left, and her sister on the right. She then said "Bunni, which picture is me?". It was quite for a moment, then Bunni said "The left one,".
I was impressed on how she could teach her aquapet how to do that. When I get an aquapet, I might teach it a trick like that.
It's true, that trick is VERY hard to teach, my friend said it took her about 3 weeks to teach her aquapet that trick. Now you see why aquapets are sooo cool, you can teach them tricks, talk to them, and listen to them sing to songs you play.
Also, I'm not saying tamagotchi isn't cool, because tamagotchi is AWESOME! But so is aquapets. They are both awesome