Same Items For Every Tama?


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2006
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Sorry if this has already been asked somewhere, or if this is the wrong place to post it :p

I wasn't sure where to ask.

Earlier today, I went to the shop on one of my v4.5 tamas.

It had a romote controlled ufo, milk, jeans, and a corndog in it.

Hours later, I got a brand new v4.5 in the mail.

I went to the shop on it, and the items there were exactly the same.

I'd never thought about it before, and had never had two v4.5s running at the same time before.

But is it true that all tamagotchi shops are the same, for every tama?

Or was it just a coincidence?

Probably the latter: Coincidence. I doubt that they would be the same, the chances are slim. Although if they were, that would be something.. If they are the same tomorrow too, then either keep it that way or restart the new v4.5.

They weren't, so I suppose it was just a coincidence.

Weird coincidence!

Maybe the shop has random combinations of items and they both just happened to have the same combo.

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