Ryans super log!


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yay, no school! And no work either! Um, the tams are fine, buttttt;

My v4 nearly went in the washa!

But it didnt :(

BTW, If you have any comments pm me.

And I figured out how to play the spongebob game I got at MC.Donalds!

And my PS2 Is broken.....

I also went here https:// https://www.tamagotchi.com]https://www.tamagotchi.com[/code]

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Yaaaaaaaaaaay! My mum has a P1 simulator on her mobile phone!!!!!!

It is Marutchi!

Stats of marutchi:

Name: Tama

Training: IIIIIII

Age: 3

Weight: 11LBS.

And my other tams are all fine,

Just dropped in on the marutchi!

See you.

I just sent TAMAGIRL2008 A message!


Your log is brill! My log isnt good, nothing ever happens!See you soon!
She/he replied;


Aww Thanks!!!

I will give yours a read too!

Thank you,




My tams are fine! The P1 simu evolved1 It is kuchitamatchi!

See you!


I sent this to TAMAGIRL2008!

I level lily up by 2! She is soooo adorable!

Check out my siggy friends!

She/he replied...


Awww Thanks!!!

Now she is on Level 17!!

Can I give Clarence a Freind? Lily would like to be Freinds with him!

And I will Give him a Level Up!!


Sorry for the long pause, nothing happened. My tams are all paused and have been for about 2 days. But my friendly workmate is coming round and he may bring his tams and his DS! He has Corner Shop 2! And I have the royal costume. Nothing else, except the P1 Simu is now a Kuchipatchi! (I always get him on the simu. *__*)

Bye bye. Oh toodles! I forgot to say that my v3 has all the souvenirs!


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