Running All Tamas At Once - First Log Ever!


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Day 5 - Wedding Bells!

(Note: I'm still fine-tuning the photo process. It's challenging to take decent photos of the Akai, especially since the light changes drastically throughout the day in my apartment. Things should improve soon!)

Today began calmly, with the usual tamagotchi daily hygiene:


And some fridge-foraging:


Oh yeah, and my V5 evolved! :chohimetchi:  Here's the family lineup:


As everyone (except the V5) is in at least teen stage, there wasn't much maintenance required. I decided to connect my Akais and suddenly...they were married! They had a pair of adorable baby boys:


I was just getting familiar with the new red-pixel babies when the matchmaker arrived...three times!  :D

I'm not picky when it comes to who my tamas marry, all tamagotchis are beautiful  :tarakotchi:

My Keitai was matched with a Kuchipatchi, and had a lovely baby girl   :babytchi:


My Entama was matched with Androtchi and had a baby girl as well!   :babytchi:


And as I'm writing this the matchmaker has arrived for my V3 - who was also matched with Androtchi and had... another baby girl!   :babytchi:


I'm sad to see my tamas all grown up and married off, but I'm glad they each found their perfect match  :wub:

Tomorrow should bring some evolutions for my Osu/Mesu pair, Uratama, and V5. Very excited, especially for my Osu/Mesu because I specifically avoided looking at growth charts to maintain an element of surprise.

I find that, with this challenge, since I'm not giving 100% perfect care to every tama I'm getting more interesting evolutions. In the past I would manipulate my care in order to achieve the results I wanted, and would therefore get the same tamas over and over again. This way I'm experiencing more!

Question: what is your approach with marrying tamas via connection after they've been connected once? For example, my Akai twin boys are now brothers. Their marriages will be via Matchmaker, and if their respective children are boy & girl, I'm definitely NOT marrying them. But how long does one wait before it's not weird? Should I just get a third Akai to mix things up genetically? Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I would feel a bit strange having cousin-tamas marry, no matter how distant they are. Keitais, V3, and Akais are the versions I'm most interested in collecting for the shell colors, so maybe in the future I'll have enough to not worry about risky marriages  :lol:

Day 6

Today began with two new arrivals!


I do want to add these to the challenge, but I'd like to sync it with the departure of my V3 parent, so that the babies can grow up together. So it'll have to wait until tomorrow!

In other news, my Osu/Mesu pair were low on happiness, so as usual I gave them a snack. Suddenly they began to evolve...but it wasn't any evolution I've ever experienced!


Meet Debutchi.


This is what happens when your tama reaches a weight of 99. It's a temporary evolution, but if you don't play games to revert the weight to at least 89, your tama will die in 24 hours. And with that ominous motivation in mind, I got to work and a few minutes later my pair reverted to normal:


And a few hours later they both evolved! Here we have Kiwitchi and Pyonkotchi:


I have to say I'm surprised I got two of the best evolutions for this generation. I haven't been neglecting them, but as the Debutchi debacle has illustrated, I was going heavy on the snacks rather than playing games. They're both super cute and I love them! I'll be connecting them later this evening as well, with updates tomorrow.

My Uratama also evolved into none other than Ura Furawatchi! That makes 3 Violetchis/Furawatchis total in this challenge!

Other than that, things have been pretty uneventful. It's been a busy day at work so I haven't had much of a chance to play with the tamas but everything seems fine!

Tomorrow my V3, Keitai, and Akai parents may be leaving their babies, so I'll have a lot on my hands!

Day 7 

Wow, it's been a week since this challenge began! It feels like it's been a full month and at the same time only a day  :lol:

Oh is off to a busy start. Looks like all the parents left their babies, which means I have 5 newborn tamas to take care of.


But since that just isn't enough for me, I decided to start up my new V2, V3, and V4 as well - so that the babies would all by synced. Nothing like an extra challenge within a challenge  B)

But before I begin the Ultimate Daycare, I decided to make sure the rest of my tamas were in good condition, since I would most likely be giving them a little less attention today. 

My V5 evolved into teen stage! I've never had this lineup before, so I'm very excited. Not that I've been neglecting my tamas during this challenge, but since I haven't been giving everyone perfect care I find that I'm getting more interesting results, which I enjoy.


(I somehow forgot to take a photo of the third child and can't be bothered to do so right now)

My Osu/Mesu pair finally connected! At first I thought they were shaking their head 'no' again, but I realized they were frantically running back and forth. Was this excitement? 
I decided to physically connect them to see, and what ensued was the longest mating process I've ever seen in a tama featuring very cute synced music.



Pyonkotchi had twins, of course, and one was sent to Kiwitchi.



So I have my 2nd generation of Osu/Mesu to look forward to soon. Although this does bring up some confusing questions. As there's no matchmaker in the Osu/Mesu world, each pair is simply mated to get the next these twins will be mated to get generation 3. Huh  :huh: . I guess that makes my thread about mating related tamas a bit obsolete now, seeing as outright inbreeding is acceptable (and apparently encouraged) in the tamagotchi world... :eek:

And now for the Ultimate Daycare! I started up my three new arrivals first, so that the eggs had time to hatch while I took care of the rest of the babies.


Here's all the babies lined up!


We have a total of 5 girls and 3 boys. 

I decided to start up the babies in pairs, starting with my Akai twins:


Then my V3s:


My Entamas (note: this photo was taken before the reset glitch described later in this log. The watermelon Entama is now a boy)


And finally my Keitai and V2, since they don't currently have a matching pair:


I have no experience with the V2, so I was surprised to see that there is a third food option, for "Treat". I'm excited to see what this is!

My V3s and V2 had fun connecting with each other for the first time, but I noticed that the Japanese tamas don't allow connection during baby stage. Maybe they're considered to be too delicate at this age for competitive games  :lol:


Oh no! As I'm writing this something strange happened with my watermelon I attempted to connect both Entamas for the first time, my watermelon wouldn't connect and kept taking me to an unfamiliar menu. As everything is in Japanese, I just kept trying to exit as best I could. Well, finally I couldn't exit and it turns out that menu was the Download/Reset menu! And unfortunately I hit reset... :( I've heard about this Entama glitch and I just wish I had remembered it in the moment!

Well, on the bright side, the new baby is a boy so he can marry the other Entama...except it happened twice.  -_-  From what I understand this may have to do with old/low batteries, so I switched out the batteries and tried again...and it was fine!

Thankfully the second time it restarted I got another boy, and he evolved into the same tama, so no harm done!

And at the end of a very busy day, everyone evolved into toddler stage:




Thankfully tomorrow is Saturday, so I can enjoy the company of my tamas and play plenty of games with all of them before they move on to teenager stage! 

Day 8

Today was eventful!

First, my Uratama received her job - she's officially a carpenter:


I wanted the job of 'adventurer' but failed the interview. Carpenter is good though! 

Later in the afternoon all of my toddlers (aside from the Entama pair) evolved, starting with my Akai twins who are, adorably enough, still twins! This time they're Darumatchi:


I'm curious to see if they'll remain twins into adulthood since they're both boys from the same parents.

My V3 then evolved into Young Mimitchi:


And somehow my V3, V2, and Keitai all evolved into Young Mametchi!


Everyone had fun visiting each other today, and I'm very happy that my Entama pair is getting along without constantly sending poop, plague, and bugs to each other:


My V3 pair are also getting along smoothly:


And my Akai had a lot of fun bouncing around on a balloon today  :lol:


As for my Osu/Mesu pair, they're still taking care of their babies, but I think they might leave them tonight which means tomorrow I'll have another Daycare situation on my hands (though much less intense than yesterday's). I'm excited! I never reached the second generation with Osu/Mesu, and I'm curious to see which characters I'll get.

One thing I really like about the Japanese tamas is that whatever food you buy is permanent, unlike the English counterparts where each food item is consumed once. It's especially nice when you have previous generations that saved up for certain items, making the merchant's visits that much more special.

Well, that's all for today as everyone is asleep!

Everyone had fun visiting each other today, and I'm very happy that my Entama pair is getting along without constantly sending poop, plague, and bugs to each other
Seriously, they can send actual sickness to each other on the Japanese versions. It happened several times between the Keitai and V3 in the last generation, I don't understand why it's even a concept.
I actually found these 2 comment hilarious lol xD I never knew they could do that! 😆

Yeah it's definitely a unique feature! So far they seem to be getting along though
Yes it certainly seems like it is haha, must have been comical yet also surprising the first time that happened lol. Yeah your Tamas seem happy together :D  Well done for such a cute log with various versions I had never owned! It's a fun read and look forward to updates and new posts! :D   

Days 9 & 10

I got caught up in the spirit of the lazy Sunday and totally forgot to post my log! I did document all the important events though, so we're covered...

Day 9

Yesterday was eventful! To begin with, my V5 evolved to their adult stages - I've had this group before but I'm excited about it because the characters are so cute and unique:


Later in the afternoon my Uratama was visited by the Matchmaker and was paired up with Serebutchi (Celebtchi):


I accepted, and they had an adorable baby boy!


Not long after, my Entama pair evolved into teen stage - Young Memetchi and Gourmetchi!


Day 10

Today began with many beeps for attention, as my Osu/Mesu pair left their babies! 


Then the doorbell rang, and the Ichigo Yogurt Keitai I've been waiting for (to pair with the Ichigo Milk Keitai) arrived! (Don't worry, I ordered it before my self-imposed tama-ban). 


The shell and screen are in perfect condition, though the sound was a tiny bit fried and the C button was just a little stuck - but since these are fixable and this shell is normally worth twice what I paid for it, I got straight to work.

I unscrewed the tama all the way, and saw that there was a single wire for sound that wasn't quite touching the solder, so with a pair of tweezers I gently pushed it to make contact. Then with a q-tip and some electronic cleaner spray, I wiped down the button contacts on the circuit board and the buttons themselves. I screwed everything back together, and it was as good as new! No sticky buttons, and perfect sound  :tarakotchi:

I set it up tama #13, and hatched a tiny baby girl! She'll be best friends with my Keitai, I'm sure  ^_^


She evolved into Hitodetchi:


And got to meet her friend for the first time (and was promptly gifted a box of poop... -_- )


Other than these new arrivals, not much else happened today. Everyone is in the transitional period between evolutions so it's been pretty calm, which I'm grateful for since work has been busy.

Tomorrow my Osu/Mesu pair will evolve, which is exciting because I've never experienced the second generation before! My teens should all evolve into adults as well, so I have a busy day to look forward to.

And got to meet her friend for the first time (and was promptly gifted a box of poop... -_- )

Wait.. is there actually poop in that present box? omg hahahah

Very cute log by the way, very enjoyable to read :)

Just wanted to say thanks for making this log, I know it must be a lot of work but it's absolutely spectacular :)

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Wait.. is there actually poop in that present box? omg hahahah

Very cute log by the way, very enjoyable to read :)

Just wanted to say thanks for making this log, I know it must be a lot of work but it's absolutely spectacular :)
There is poop in the box! I'll start taking photos of the weird things they send eachother so you all can see the poop, wasps, and plague skulls they send eachother. 

Thank you! I'm so glad it's entertaining and/or of use to you all :)  It's been really fun logging, I hadn't done it before but it makes me appreciate the little things during the day so much more.

Day 11

Well, today was...interesting.

Let me start by saying that I love all of my tamas no matter what. But I can't help but feel a bit disappointed at one of my Akai twins evolving into a literal demon shrimp. Meet Tengutchi:


The red pixels make it difficult to photograph but here's a closer look:

In contrast, his twin brother evolved into Kuchipatchi. 


I noticed throughout the day that Tengutchi required constant attention, his hunger and happiness hearts depleted much faster than Kuchipatchi's did. Punishment for me messing up his care along the way, I guess. I'm just confused because I literally care for these two simultaneously - I seriously have one in each hand while I clean their poop, feed them, and play the games at the same time. They were the same weight and everything! Oh well...

Anyway before that bombshell, I was surprised to hear the evolution music when the only tama awake at 8am was my Familitchi who were already in adult stage...

This was a pleasant surprise! I somehow got the Petite family! I guess I underfed them at some point, but I'm not complaining, they're adorable:


Meanwhile, my Uratama left her baby behind...


We were off to a good start with his training, as I immediately caught him mid-poop and was able to get him on the toilet:


He evolved into Haneotchi!


My Osu/Mesu pair evolved into Puchitchi! 

My new Keitai evolved into Ringotchi (don't mind the ghost in the photo, I moved the tama mid-snap). We had an adventure today - after completing yesterday's sound and button repairs, I realized I was unable to close the metal jump-ring as I had no pliers (I had opened it using a pair of scissors and a screwdriver...). Today I did some thinking and decided to walk to my tailor and ask if he had a pair of pliers to help me - and he did! He found the request very amusing but was a good sport, and I'm very grateful! I will be getting a set of pliers though, as I know I'll need them in the future.


My other Keitai evolved into Kuchipatchi but I somehow forgot to take a photo and they're all asleep right now.

My V3s evolved...sigh. Yet another minor disappointment if I'm being totally honest.

First, I love Androtchi - no problem there.


But I really cannot stand Paparatchi. I think I dislike Paparatchi and Bill with equal fervor. It's no matter, tomorrow they'll reach marriage age and as they have full hearts in eachother's friend list they'll be married in no time and I will have a fresh start!


...the more I stare at this photo the more I feel bad for disliking Paparatchi. But I can't help it!

Finally, my V2 evolved! I was very happy about this. I've always found the V2 characters to be very cute and unique, and since I had no experience with them before I was extra excited. This was one of the top tamas for me!

I know this tama comes around after making care mistakes, but I don't mind. I find it more interesting.
(Side note: I do need to take apart and clean this tama once I get the proper tools)


Anyway, I've definitely learned a lot about tama care from this challenge. I'm still waiting on 3 more tamas in the mail from orders placed a few weeks ago (an English V4, another V3, and a P2), so I'll be continuing this challenge until I've received them and added them to the mix. 

But as we all know, this isn't totally sustainable, and sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on the little joys of raising a tama because I'm so focused on just keeping them all happy and alive.

I think after this challenge I'll focus on them in pairs and go in-depth on each version. I'll definitely create logs for them too! I'll probably start with the Keitai pair.

Anyway, that's all for today! Tomorrow I'm expecting some marriages and evolutions, so stay tuned :)  

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Day 12 & 13

It's been a busy few days, both for me and my tamas!

Day 12
Yesterday we had a few evolutions - my Entamas evolved into Memetchi and Shimashimatchi. Forgot to get a photo of Memetchi, but oh well:

Day 13
Today began with the marriage of my V3s, and the birth of their sons!



Later on we had several evolutions. My Keitai evolved into Memetchi:


My Uratama evolved into Kujakutchi:


And my Osu/Mesu pair evolved into Morutchi and Moritchi!

I've decided that when I end this challenge and begin running only a few tamas at once, I'll start with the Osu/Mesu pair. Since removing the batteries resets them, I'd like to keep them running to experience all TMP levels.

That's it for today - I didn't do much visiting or playing games since I've been very busy with work. But the weekend is coming soon!

Day 14

Wow, it's been two weeks since I started this challenge! It feels like it was just a few days ago...

Today was very eventful - so many marriages!

My Keitai and Akais matchmaker appeared at the same time, so I was only able to snap a photo of the final product - a baby boy and two baby girls!


Later in the day my V2 was matched with a Dorotchi and they had a baby boy!

Here are all of the new parents, including the two V3s from yesterday.


My Entama got a job at a flowershop!


She and my watermelon tama have bonded to the highest friendship level. Once my Shimashimatchi is of age (so, tomorrow) they will be able to get married  :wub:

And finally, my Uratama had a nice relaxing bath. I envy him  :D

Seriously, they can send actual sickness to each other on the Japanese versions. It happened several times between the Keitai and V3 in the last generation, I don't understand why it's even a concept.
Do they actually get sick like a viral tamagotchi illness? That's kind of radical.

Do they actually get sick like a viral tamagotchi illness? That's kind of radical.
Yes! I've been trying to get them to replicate it but I guess they all like each other too much now lol. Basically they send a gift and there's a little black skull inside (the same one that appears when they get sick), then the tama that received it looks sad and the attention icon goes off and you have to give them medicine.
