Having a color screen will definitely raise the price, but I wonder if they could offset the downsides to that by properly marketing the tamagotchi to young adults and teens who had them as a kid during the 90's and mid-to-late 2000's. I know 90's throwback stuff in particular has been popular in the US lately, what with the return of French Toast Crunch, Surge, cartoons on streaming services, etc. I don't think the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app was particularly successful, but if they had more features from the modern versions like the daycare, games, downloads, etc. then I think it would be interesting and exciting enough to hold the attention of both children and adults.
I know bringing full-color tamas to regions outside of Japan is a big risk for Bandai, but then again it's a shame that our tamas are so technologically behind the Japanese versions. That, IMO, makes it harder for them to gain a whole lot of traction beyond people who already love the brand. In that way, I guess it's a bit of a double-edged sword.