Rukitchi's P's Please, aka second log


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Everyday, I sow a seed in the backyard of my iD L and the next morning (or rather afternoon) my Tama collects what grew out of the plant.

Today we got a tomato (wish it was a cherry tomato lol) and I can't remember what it was yesterday but most probably a fruit. Therefore, Shou (Happabouyatchi) gained a veggie today and planted fruit seeds. I think it's awesome how you can download seeds onto your iD L. I wish it worked the same with P's- you sow a seed, you pick it up the next day. But the tree changing depending on the season of the year is also cool.

BTW I upload pics of my tamas to Instagram (tamaevie.rukitchi) because my new phone actually works with insta. (and yeah my name is Evie. also curse you, nokia lumia!)

oh no i forgot to give Chou care misses... I reset and downloaded my P's to give her more time. hope it works. Also I hope I didn't make her due to evolve at 11 pm. and even if, then I won't go to sleep until I see her evolve.

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Shou & Chou are adults now, Sunopotchi and Kiraritchi.

I didn't make it on time with care misses, so I had to resort to them.

Shou & Chou were happily married to each other and left me with baby girls named Nana & Lala.

Their children are Iya (girl) & Iyu (boy).

Iya is Ponpontchi and Iyu is Nandetchi.

I got reminded of the needed care misses An hour before their evolution. I rushed to the print-out of the growth chart and figured out I could get Nandetchi if I used the robot 20 times. So i did it and voila.

EDIT: You might not believe what just happened! I connected Iya to Iyu and he visited her and... gave her a jskipping rope! That's exactly what she needed for her tamatomo! Whew, I thought I had to sow a retro seed and pray a skipping rope would grow out, and that I'd have to sow it tomorrow because I already sowed a different seed today, but Iyu was really on spot with his gift and I can't express my gratitude for it. It made me smile.

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A boring day for Iya and Iyu. Tomorrow they get their tamatomos. At 1:58 pm.

Mom promised me that I can order a knit case for my iD L from Carleesi for st. Claus day and she'll pay for it.

(fun fact: in Poland, 6th December is st. Claus day and kids get small gifts they find in their shoes in the morning. )

I need a knit case for my brand new iD L (actually it's not so brand new, but I feel like I just got it yesterday and it has no scratches yet) because it's so cold outside, it's a kind of weather here that makes me afraid to take my iD L out of my pocket and check on it when I'm outside in case it slips out of my hand (while wearing gloves). I'm only fretting if I should get a yellow case or a black one. (my iD L is yellow btw i love yellow <3)

I found a way to put pics!


Ponpontchi before^


Ponpontchi after^

isn;t she cute?

Now for Nandetchi~


I unpaused my v4 cuz i was overjoyed at the fact that i'm getting a v3 in the shell i had as a 10 year old (that one that fell in the toilet) from someone in Poland! 28 zlotys with shipping! Epic win!!!


so drEAMS do come true... I prayed for an iD L and a P's and got both. now my fave shell is coming to me with a Kuchipatchi case yeaaaah.

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Iya & Iyu got married and had baby girls.

The iD L one will be Eva (after me xD) and the P's will be Pati.

(short flashback: me in a hospital, chained to my bed, when Patricia (won't tell her last name) saved me and became my best friend and mentor who showed me The GazettE)



Didn't take any pics of their marriage cuz i was too busy watching them plus it was so short.


My two little girls! Eva & Pati

Wait an hour... First sicknes, then a nap, then the second sickness and evolution


With Paletchi I have a chance to get Lovelitchi or Perotchi. I don't care who will Pati be in her teenage form because it's already decided that she'll be Patitchi, for which I need to use the cookbook 20 times.

EDIT: In about 3 days I'll get my v3 so I'm also gonna log about it. It's gonna be a blast from the past, a reminder from my childhood.

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Thanks for having such a great log on the P! I've been thinking of getting one and I love looking at this log to help me think about it haha.

Thanks for having such a great log on the P! I've been thinking of getting one and I love looking at this log to help me think about it haha.
Always happy to hear words of support ^_^ You should totally get one, they're really awesome!

Eva & Pati have yet to evolve today. We'll see what they turn into. Koe is Memetchi btw (v4)


Last pic of the children above.

Sabosabotchi & Neotchi.


Go go cookbook!

Tomorrow will be a great day. Mom will secretively go pay for my v3 (dad mustn't know or else he'd be insanely mad. he doesn't just understand the point of me collecting tamas)

20 times the cookbook done. now onto ignoring Eva for Shigurehimetchi. I really want this char but if I go overboard with care misses (which already happened and caused Uwasatchi) I'll end up with Pichipitchi, who is really cute. Either one I'll be happy. I'll leave Perotchi to get on a lazy day.

BTW did you notice my P's faceplate? I decided I'm no longer in the visual kei movement so much, so I tried to give it a cool design. If I colored it all white and left the right side red, I'd get a Polish flag which would be awesome but I don't feel like playing with the correction fluid anymore.

All 4 care misses done. It's all up to tomorrow.

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My teenage girls chillin before evolution. Michu of Tama-World (a Polish forum) sent me these wallpapers for P's and iD L and now it looks pretty awesome, don'cha think?

Mom came home from work and told me she got a text from the v3 seller that it was sent today. She (the seller) should receive the money by 5 pm or maybe even earlier. In the meantime I ate a limited edition strawberry Góralki wafer (a common wafer in Poland), also from mom.

In the meantime, Koe can't find a job.

Pray for me to get the v3 tomorrow morning. just kidding, don't pray unless you believe in something that you can pray to.


I really don't get these care misses in idl, I gave her 4 but she turned into Pichipitchi. Should be Shigurehimetchi.

So, nothing interesting happened today. No evolutions, no new tamas. But tomorrow will be a thrilling day, cuz I will finally get my v3 and the final stamps/puzzles.

Thanks for reading my log so far. Your support means a lot to me.

Today, finally, my v3 has arrived.

(I've been listening to Bigflo - Obliviate while getting a text from my mom that it just came to her workplace so if the first tama I raise on it is a girl, she'll get the name Oliv(ia) )


My dad has a golden heart but he doesn't understand that my collection of tamas is more than toys. He always gets mad when I order a new tama so this time, as mom payed, she ordered it to her workplace address and said she'll pretend it's a gift from her coworker whose daughter used to collect tamas, so that dad doesn't know that it was payed for. Fun fact: my family only recognizes AA and AAA batteries and all the smaller ones are called "watch batteries" and we have to drive 2 km to a jeweler's store who also makes clocks and has small screwdrivers enough to open a tama and he has to change batteries in my small tamas.

Ysterday evening I couldn't stop myself from starting a new generation for my iD L & P's. Woo & Zi are now Kingyobotchi & Petithanatchi. Will evolve at 9pm. I guess I will have to push my bedtime to one hour and stick some pics here.

If everything goes well, they'll be Lovelitchi & Memetchi. I plan to use the make up set (or whatever it is) on teenage Zi.


As soon as my parents come back with my tama on 100% of its power, I'll run it and take pics.

Gotta celebrate this pearlie. With Mountain Dew. I learned that when I drink alcohol, I get a terrible stomach ache until I throw up and my buzz is gone. So it's not worth buying alcohol for me.


The shell has barely any scratches on it and the screen has no particular scratches as well.

Considering taking a break from v4 due to already having my P's & iD L on and the 8th (as I pronounced it in my mind I reminded myself of THE8. anyone knows Seventeen???)

I used currency converter and it said 20 zł (the money i got my 8th for) is 5,25 dollars. And for mom it's a lot cuz... idk why, just maybe she's a scrooge at first and you have to beg her with tears in your eyes then she agrees to do the whole proceder but there's a catch.

Anyways. I'm really happy about this deal.

Once again, thanks a lot for support.

UGHHHHHHH it's almost election time so candidate ads everywhere :<

Yesterday at expected 9 pm Woo evolved into Sabosabotchi and Zi into Nokobotchi.

Today morning I made sure Woo gets her 2 care misses so that she becomes Shigurehimetchi. Zi, on the other hand, played with makeup set 20 times so that she becomes Memetchi.

Yesterday after my evening walk, as soon as I stepped into my home, i felt a huge pain in my thighs and calves. then I got a headache and felt cold so I measured my temperature and it was sub-fever state. So I rushed to bed. Had a hard night. Luckily I caught my girls evolving.

Olivi is a Tamatchi. I only know Mohitamatchi, Mizutamatchi and Tamatchi and Kuchitamatchi from this version. Adults though: Gozarutchi, Mametchi, and I know Pirorirotchi is a teen. I know him cuz he was mentioned in a 'scary tamas' topic. I heard the animation of him eating was scary, he had huge scary teeth. I'm not easily scared by tamas, I tend to find some a bit creepy, but not to the point of being scared of them. There's a creepypasta that scares the poop out of me, but I won't name it. I remember, though, thinking Terupotchi has no eyes, and Monakatchi as well. But he looks so adorable with brown anime eyes, so I'll forgive him.

Onto Olivi's evolution!

Nothing so far, she's rolling on the ground, tumbling around. Probably she's bored. Wil put a pic of her when she's a teenager. If she evolves today. I don't really know how long it takes to evolve from child to teenager in v3. I wonder if my v3 is biased towards one type of children like my v4 always gets Puchitchi.


Is she now Nikatchi? I dont know the names of characters yet in this version

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Another boring day. Namaata and Atatakai are Furawatchi and Yukinkotchi.

Although Poland doesn't celebrate Halloween, my tamas do, so they have jack'o'lanterns in their living rooms. I dressed them up for the holiday too. Actually Namaata is in her Henshin Jo form (Majokko Furawa).



Olivi is likely to get married tomorrow, cuz she's now 6 years old. I will always like Tsunotchi because it's after all my first adult on v3.

EDIT: Olivi married a guy and...


I named her Laura

also as a tribute to LauraKCald

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Happy (belated) Halloween, ppl!

Yesterday was the last day of October and the net in my phone was out of speed.

Today, after the All Saints' mass, which is greatly celebrated in Poland instead of Halloween, Tamara evolved into Sabosabotchi and Emil evolved into Maimatchi. Laura yesterday turned into Hinotamatchi. (she had a choice of him and Hashitamatchi.) Just as every year, there are candy stands that sell homemade candy. I bought 10 packs of various candy flavors. Later today, we'll go watch the candles burn on every grave this evening, to neighbor towns and our town's cemetery.



Emil and Tamara. Btw yesterday as I started the 19th generation on P's I acquired the star banner.

Laura is still a Hinotamatchi.

Tamara, due to too much of care misses, became a Furawatchi. WTH??? I watched care misses carefully.

Emil became an Atchitchi. He looked funny in his cat hat so I took it off of him and gave him a suit instead. But he liked the SHUMAI\dumplings


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After yesterday, I decided to make a new faceplate for my P's. I tried various glitters and finally decided on this:


I know it looks like a yellow leaf smudged on the grey sidewalk, but I think it looks okay. Laura is supposed to evolve today. I don't yet know what into, but we'll see.

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Giant apologies for not posting anything for so long.

I scratched the yellow hearts (well at least most of them) and I stuck white stars instead and this is what it looks like:

Currently having Chantotchi in my P's (from the VDP) and Watawatatchi in my iDL. V3's name is Faith. She's a Hashitamatchi.

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Yesterday's post was posted from my tablet, thus the link.

Nothing interesting today.


Got the Chantotchi VDP in full blossom.

Aaaaand here's my iD L


ThaT'S all for now, bye!

EDIT: The v3 character I had for a teenager last time was... Pirorirotchi. I don't like him. He looks scary while eating, like so scary. And it was A girl whose name was Magic. She left me with another girl whom I named Faith. Couldn't take a pic of her in her teenage stage (Hashitamatchi) due to lame lighting in my room.At the Polish Tamagotchi forum, the admin complimented my new faceplate and one other person said "Please, don't damage your P's anymore because you're bored with it"... I already damaged it pretty much. But the case from Carleesi covers the worst part so it looks fine. I plugged in the Dream to Change Ribbon just for decoration purposes, while using the Chantotchi VDP.

Yesterday I asked Mr. Blinky (the brilliant person who stands behind the English patch for P's) if he's planning to make a Christmas VDP. He answered: "It crossed my mind, but I'm not sure if I will make one". I really hope he does, because it would be super awesome.

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Meet Max:


And Bruce:


Max and Bruce are really nice boys. They were born this morning. For Max, I'm aiming for Monakatchi. I'll let Bruce become whoever he wants.
