Rory's V3 generations and company (log?)


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(Raise hand) I'm a KH fan, too ^_^ . Pirorirotchi looks like Mr Oogie Boogie to me XD

Also, I like your log ^_^ I love how you put their own personalities to your tamas
Glad to here it it's a fantastic game series. And yea I suppose he does look like a Oogie Boogie... maybe a baby version!!!

And I am glad you are liking my log Gamigami is a name from a different game and I loved that character so I thought why not go with it? And on my V3 right now I am following a theme with my names and tamas

[SIZE=11pt]March 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3: Hirum- tamatchi-piroirotchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I had to teach again and in 3-4 hours he has dropped 2 hungry hearts all 4 happy hearts had two poops (which makes sense with the hungry meter) and was sick. I really think this extra level of neediness is seriously cramping my style and is making it harder for me to give him good care. How is that fair? So it takes about an hour to drop 1 hungry heart and it seems it talks about 45 minutes to drop a happy heart. This contributes to his more needy nature. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today my little super villain is 8 years old and had his first matchmaker call (that I have caught anyways) and he almost said yes it was a mimitchi. I love mimitchi everyone knows that. Yes I have won him over and the silent treatment is over! I told him he is the better mametchi, and I gave him the other mametchi’s tama charm that I made and it matches Gamigami’s shell perfectly. Since I investigated Hirum I did the same thing for Gamigami while he is an adult, when he’s all oldie-fied, I will have to do this again. drops a hungry heart in about an hour and it takes about an hour and half (or an hour and ¾ of an hour to lose a happy heart and that is why he is a champion when I am busy.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]March 17th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3: Hirum- tamatchi-piroirotchi- kurokotchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right today is the day that Hirum grows up, will be grow an extra head or two? Develop into something that resembles a dragon?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]No he did not he evolved into a skinny sickly penguin looking thing. Or a skinny duck? He seems bird like to me. Over the next few days Hirum plans to play with all the items that I have collected so far, out of the items, I love what happens the wings. See most characters get either angel wings or bat wings angel for good care bat for bad care. I was expecting bat wings which also look like dragon wings…. And nope he has butterfly wings![/SIZE]


Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi

[SIZE=11pt]Today he is 9 years old, that’s old in Tama years in human years not so much. And today he is my study buddy for RNA silencing mechanisms and so on - the key to becoming an super villain or an evil scientist is to have a deep understanding of science. We also studied things that are very relevant to my project that I am currently working on, that is when I wasn’t lying down in pain due to a a sinus headache. He was never more motivated to make that ray that shuts my cat up (he meows constantly when he is bored). [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]March 18-20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3: Hirum- tamatchi-piroirotchi- kurokotchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Hirum has been a constant companion these past few days as we are waiting for the matchmaker he is needier than the other adults that I have had which has made keeping his happy ridiculous, he has the need of 5 dragons all in one small skinny award bird thing. Needless to day he and his 4 invisible heads are ready for the matchmaker. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi- Ojitchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]This morning I had let his meters slip again and his hungry meter dropped… I fixed it before he got a care miss. This time he was a tad more understanding he knew I was struggling all day yesterday with a bad headache.. And I have been struggling with sleep so he said since I fixed it before it happened he will let it slide but if I do it again or I do something far worse all will not be forgiven.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]When he was age 10 I had expected something to happen, for Gamigami to evolve once more (grow his glorious moustache) but then I realized this may not happen until he is age 15. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami has been a rock these past few days over my pain levels (I have a terrible terrible headache) he is even working on a machine to shut my cat up as he is not helping and a machine to zap the pain away. And on the day that he turned 12, Gamigami evolved and has reached his final form![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]March 21st[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 1: Zen - mizutamatchi-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Well…. Hirum (McDaniels the 5 headed dragon) as perished in a dose of neglect. He was too needy and to be honest I have been a horrible human being due to life kicking my butt. So I sorta had this coming. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Anyways! Enough sadness time to try again! My first goal is 5 generations and I already know the theme I am going to go with!! So meet Zen the little baby boy that I hatched. He has been very solemn, and doesn’t talk all that much. He does seem grateful that the monsters of his world are not here, nor do we have a labyrinth or two (or four). Zen evolved into a cute mizutamatchi [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi- Ojitchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today is his very first day fully grown up and there are a few things he doesn’t seem to like, he goes to bed early and wakes up early. This is says is ruining his villain street cred. No evil mastermind has a bedtime. When I reminded him his snack is sake, and if he would like to go back to candy he gave me the look of how dare you. So we made the compromise that I don’t mention the bedtime and he keeps the sake. Today he got to see a mock a baby it was his evil act of the day, as he explained if he slacked on his evil deeds he will *shudder* become good *shudder*. Gamigami takes over an hour to drop a hungry heart. I need to get more concise timings but I am working on it.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]March 22nd[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 1: Zen - mizutamatchi- young mametchi-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I tried my hardest to keep up with Zen’s needs for food and happiness and of course keeping his weight down. And by the time it was close for him to evolve I had lost all hopes in getting a good care teen. I let his meters drop by half just too much…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But then Zen surprised me by evolving into young mametchi. And I vowed a solemn vow to him and more importantly to myself to harder and not neglect him as much as I did Hirum. So far I think I have managed to uphold this vow (his meters have dropped by a half at most)[/SIZE]

Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi- Ojitchi

[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami has been self sufficient in that he can entertain himself and has very little need from me, which right now is just what I need (sinus headaches suck….). And even though it seems like it takes over an hour to drop his meters… I still dropped the ball and let his hungry meter drop, and I didn’t deal with it in a timely fashion. And as a result he is not speaking to me. He says my punishment length will reflect his anguish. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]March 23- 25th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 1: Zen - mizutamatchi- young mametchi - mametchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]During his time as a teen I aimed to give all around good care I did not not want a repeat of Hirum and when I had let his meters drop by two I had accepted that I had failed. But I was okay with that because I have been playing Persona Q and succumbing to the weakness of my human body and the pain if sinus problems. I also may have enjoyed lots of chocolate (Zen did not have any memories of this magical food nor had he watched Rei eat it).[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Zen game me one hell of a surprise when he evolved because I had no failed! I had done my duty and took care of him because he evolved into mametchi![/SIZE]


Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi- Ojitchi

[SIZE=11pt]Today he is 15 years old and still refuses to talk to me I can’t even celebrate how awesome it is that I have reached my first age goal with him. Now that he has seen age 15 I want to see him reach age 20. Will it happen, I am not sure just yet. He cast me a dirty look as I am typing this, he doesn’t seem to think so. He says I don’t deserve to know him for 5 more days…. Yeah he’s still mad at me[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Two days later, even though I surrounded him in magical chocolate eggs and he watched me get real salty with poliwags in pokemon red (5 times I was put to sleep 5 times in one battle… and every time I woke up guess what the stupid thing do? Put me right back to sleep so did I get to a hit in? No…. I can get salty about that and the over use of para-fusion hax…) he still won’t talk to me. I am going to guess this is going to go on for 2 more days. 4 days of silence for the 4 empty hearts that I had left unattended. Or perhaps he will make it last 5 days 1 for each heart and 1 final day to add anguish. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]March 26-28th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 1: Zen - mizutamatchi- young mametchi - mametchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Zen is age 7 as of the 28th, the day that giant fluffy snowflakes are falling from the sky. And he is just enjoying his all adult time all the time I have yet to see the Easter animations but they have to be soon since Easter is really soon...New mametchi has a bug like quality to him that is just unnerving, his head it just too big and his eyes are too big. There are some cases where the big eyes work… but it just doesn’t work here. I think the matchmaker should be coming soon. [/SIZE]


Gamigami - babytchi - marutchi- Ichigotchi- Mametchi- Ojitchi

[SIZE=11pt]Well nothing much has changed with him, he’s refusing to talk to me… this time for a much longer time. You see I did it again, when he was 19 (during my first punishment) I let his hungry meter drop again. So I don’t think he will be talking to me until he’s at least 30 years old. So instead of a happy 20th birthday, he is sulking in the corner of his shell tinkering. When he does end up looking at me he scowls ‘might as well pull my battery out… you know you want to.’ Jeez… I don’t know what to do about that. I might end up doing that for my famitama (it requires less maintenance plus cute animations) but we shall see.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]And bonus! My anniversary mix I am on my second generation! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]gen 1(adult)[/SIZE]

gen 2 (so far only a toddler)

[SIZE=11pt]March 29th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 1: Zen - mizutamatchi- young mametchi - mametchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today is my final day with Zen and the evil side of me is relieved that I will free of the giant head of mametchi, and his bug eyes. I will miss Zen he was a very solemn tamagotchi. He said very little, he got forgot everything, all he knew was Rei’s favourite food spots. I will miss how easy he was to please, I was good enough for him and that made me feel wanted. And I am eager to start my second generation (I already have a name picked out and I can’t wait!)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]I did it again... so I concede that Gamigami was right I am not the person he needs right now, so he is going for a long rest and I will focus on his legacy the Gamigami family [/SIZE]

Gen 1 - gamigami family - Eldest daughter Suzy torotchi

They aren't much so far. But I have three bouncing toddlers (eldest to youngest we have a daughter, son, daughter I suppose I should name them... Umm Eldest daughter is thee dubbed Suzy! Anyways so far they are at 10% bonding and I am not really focusing on that or what they evolve into so I am just selecting their bonding activities at random so lets see how things go!

Today I caught Suzy with her face in the fridge and I have to say I feel ya girl I feel ya

Bonus My mix!

Gen 2 teen

Gen 2 adult

[SIZE=11pt]March 31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 2: Koro- mohitamatchi- Hikotchi-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Koro(maru) has been a grand pal today, we had to go pay our rent even though the office was closed and the office decided to tell no one when they will be around, it’s like we want the money but we won’t tell you when you can give it to us.. Jerks. And I may have been binging in pokemon… well I got to cinnabar… beat blaine...and beat Giovanni… then i was like might as well go to the elite four… and do the last grinding that I have to do to win…. So yeah… Afterwards I’ll give Persona Q some love I promise I think I have a big boss battle to do… anyways… Koro has been through it all with me the groggy naps and all! What will he evolve into… I literally have no idea… I’m hoping for not a Hirum repeat though….. That was horrible[/SIZE]

And The Gamigami family gen 1 Eldest daughter (Suzy) Ichigotchi
That's right the Gamigami family are now teenagers. We have (eldest to youngest) Ichigotchi, bakutchi, and shellutchi)
I think their bonding was at about 30% and I have been causually doing whatever bonding event I think would be cute to watch, so I have no plans for how they grow up, when I am on a pure family mission you will know but for now we are just enjoying taking care of my family of three. Suzy loves to poke around in the fridge (I agree with this 100% the firdge holds the food and food is good), bakutchi looks like he's plotting something he's a real prankster (also he freaking loves pokemon) and shellutchi well she's quiet and reserved. and bonus

And my mix! we are now on 3rd generation Meet Sora (should have named him Suzy)
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April 1st- 3rd

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 2: Koro- mohitamatchi- Hikotchi-Hidatchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right the cute and lovable Koro(maru) evolved and it was an unexpected but very much loved evolution pattern. He evolved into Hidatchi, this character reminds me… of someone with wild hair! A dog would have been perfect beyond taking down the Queen of Hearts and stealing her treasure, but you can’t have your cake and eat it to or so the saying goes (you know what I never got that, if you have cake why can’t you eat it. If you have it you damned well eat it -- or is that just me). Well I can tell you one thing that’s for sure is I am going to have fun figuring out all of his cute animations and just enjoying the time I have with this very unique character. Have I mentioned that this is a new adult for me? I probably should have started with that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Gamigami family evolved and they are adults Onoputchi, mumutchi, and yonepatchi[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]That’s right they evolved too, and I have to say they are adorable. Mumutchi is ever so dashing, yonepatchi she is living hair goals and onopatchi is a music idol (or so that’s her dream. And they watch the cherry blossoms[/SIZE]


And bonus my Mix


[SIZE=11pt]April 4th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 2: Koro- mohitamatchi- Hikotchi-Hidatchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Koro is an adult and such is very cute. He had to deal with me being too busy from before he woke up to 4 in the afternoon so he wasn’t so happy with me, but he survived and that’s all that matters! I am loving Koro’s look this adult is just so cute and plukky. This one has spunk that’s for sure. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]See? Adorable and butterfly wings instead of the anticipated angel wings. And yes he has a throne he is very regal. After he flipped his RC toy upside down he threw a fit so I calmly told him “that’s why you don’t crash it and flip it upside down…” he didn’t listen. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And the Gamigami family[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]2nd Gen - Molly Torotchi, mattaritchi, bellutchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right today is the day the eldest daughter Suzy found a her person! She had to say farewell to her siblings but she promised to continue the Gamigami family legacy. Then she transformed into a mama memetchi! So cute and then I got to watch all three eggs hatch which was so cute and the hatched and again we have an eldest daughter, son and a youngest daughter. The eldest shall be thee dubbed…Molly![/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Bonus my mix! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]gen 4 toddler[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]gen 4 teen[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Feb 28th - March 3rd [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 1: Cecil - Tamatchi - patapatchi- Kuchipatchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Through these days Cecil gave me lots of kuchi kisses and was just hanging out with me enjoying is new found adulthood, later bedtime, can play all of the games. He was pretty laid back, he doesn’t seem to fall starving as he does on the colour versions so these past few days have been chill. They ended when the matchmaker came and brought dear Cecil a mate. I never thought he’d accept but he did, and in a fan fair of fireworks Cecil had a baby girl. I think I will name her Dana (I am going for a theme here). [/SIZE]

I literally went on the internet and searched Cecil Dana and this is what i got: so...

@ Tama_llama thanks for reading my blog! But the random old dude on facebook was definitely not my theme, besides you forgot Hirum (McDaniels the 5 headed dragon) the theme was Welcome to Nightvale my favourite podcast

[SIZE=11pt]April 5-7th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 2: Koro- mohitamatchi- Hikotchi-Hidatchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]We have been enjoying our time together, I may have had to neglect him a couple of times but he survived and isn’t that what matters? Koro loves just being around, he is constantly looking for shadows to protect the Gamigami family from as well as myself. So far though no shadows have been found, we have not fallen victim of the dark hour, and no one has gone into a TV. So I think everything is going well. Well the matchmaker came and koro had a daughter and starting tomorrow we should start the next generation! (What will his daughter be named? There are so many choices….)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]And the Gamigami family[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]2nd Gen - Molly Chamametchi, mamekatchi and Shellutchi [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right the Gamigami family evolved and are teens. Now if I do the human thing right one of the girls should grow into violetchi, I am getting closer to bringing spring to my life (maybe the outside world will follow in similar fashion)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]And the Mix[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 4 adult[/SIZE]

Gen 5 toddler

Gen 5 Teen

[SIZE=11pt]April 8th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3 Rei - Tamatchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right gen 3 has started with the ever so cute and lover of food Rei. She is by far too cute for words corn dogs, ice cream and takoyaki. It’s no wonder Zen would literally do anything for her (even face scary shadow monsters). Rei was a typical baby all about eating and pooping and napping. And soon after she evolved into a tamatchi now if I can recall she will love a pineapple. But before I can treat her of the apples made of pine which doesn’t sound good at all, she needs to play some bump and thin herself down (not that she has ever been worried about being fat)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And the Gamigami family 2nd Gen[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Eldest Molly Chamametchi, mamekatchi and Shellutchi [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So far they haven’t changed much, although now mama and papa bring them their meals and snacks and medicine and we can play the shoe game and the golf game and for the most part I do enjoy them. I sort of have no real Idea when they will evolve I really need to keep track of these things better… Anyways I got their bonding around 50% which is right where I need it to be. I can’t let it get too high though or I will not see the springtime family anytime soon. But do love the cute animations of the parents playing kissy kissy or sneaking into the kitchen to eat...bananas! [/SIZE]


Gen 5 Adult (Karl)
Gen 6 Toddler (Rose)
[SIZE=11pt]April 9th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3 Rei - Tamatchi- piroirotchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right cute little Rei evolved into a nightmare monster shadow. And somehow that does seem fitting but that is spoilers. She loves her lion toy (if you have never seen a shadow monster smile it’s cute). And her new form seems to give her bravery and strength and determination. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]And the Gamigami family 2nd Gen[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Eldest Molly Violetchi, Furikotchi and onoputchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right the Gamigami family are adults! And Molly evolved just as I wanted! That’s right violetchi! Now all we have to do is wait until she can get married and get the bonding up to 100% and keep it there. Then I can get the pure violet family and bam! Spring time will be here!![/SIZE]


gen 6 (Rose) Teen

[SIZE=11pt]April 10-12th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3 Rei - Tamatchi- piroirotchi- tsunotchi [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rei evolved into an adult and she is dang adorable. If I recall correctly this is one of the adults that was on the osu/mesu pair. And I love it. Evolving into something cute is just so perfect for Rei after all she is one adorable character. My favourite thing so far is the fact that she has such pretty and unique wings, she even brushes her teeth![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami family gen 3! Pure Violetchi fam Jam[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s right I got the bonding to 100% and waited until they were old enough and waited until the matchmaker brought out the perfect match to make the violetchi family (Sukotchi) and so Molly had to say farewell to her parents and siblings. Then she and Sukotchi evolved into mama and papa violetchi! They had two eggs. All signs pointed to the violet family. They both hatched and an hour later sure enough I had the violet family! [/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Gen 6 Adult[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 7 Toddler/ teen [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 7 Adult[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]April 13-15th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gen 3 Rei - Tamatchi- piroirotchi- tsunotchi [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rei had the faithful visit from the matchmaker on the fine morning of the 15th. Now lets set the scene, I will be playing the human and Rei my digital friend who relies on me for everything she needs to live. I had just gotten out of bed, not woken up I woke up earlier I just lacked all energy and motivation to get up so I the human laid in bed watching game grumps (Zelda a link between worlds and guess what I wanna play this game now) And after I had gotten out of bed to make coffee then breakfast in that exact order Rei beeped at me. Which is so out of character for her since she usually wants for nothing needs for only poop cleaning every hour. And there on her screen was Mrs. Busybody who just can’t mind her own business. She brought in a handsome Hanatchi, Rei squealed the red string of destiny led me right to my destined soulmate! (Yes she was disappointed it wasn’t Zen but Zen wasn’t around and she didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. She was overjoyed that it was indeed not Teddie). After the fireworks of love she had a baby boy. So you know what that means? Next update we will have a new generation! (I for one am really hoping I get to start gen 4 and not go back to gen 1 but we shall see what destiny has in store for us). [/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Gamigami Fam Jam Gen 3 - Pure violet Family [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Fam jam is just jamming around bring along with them the magic to make spring be a real season and not a figment of my imagination while we wait for their bonding to become 100% to make their magic real and prevent winter from making a 50th comeback. Right now they are at 60%. And later today (you won’t be aware of the time that has passed but a lot of time passed all day) I got their bonding up to 100% so now that Spring is real time to marry… a Ghost! [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]And for the first time ever I feel completely free… wait no that’s a disney song… For the first time in Gamigami family history we have an Eldest Son. His name is Winston. [/SIZE]

And my Mix
Gen 8 Toddler
Gen 9 Teen
Gen 9 Adult
Gen 10 Toddler