Rjalda100's Virtual Zoo: Volume 3.5


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Hello! I was absent yesterday because quite frankly I really wasn't in the mood for logging. All of my tamas did evolve, though, which is what I'll be sharing in today's post! Also, I received some tama mail today which actually arrived earlier than expected. It was a lot of connections (V2, V3 and a V6) that were desperately in need of a cleaning but for the price I couldn't pass them up. The V2 came debugged and I'll likely keep it that way as I have several V2s already. The V6 is in very rough physical condition but fully functional so I'll likely keep it as a backup for when I don't want my other V6, which I originally bought brand new, to get messed up. The V3 surprised me the most in that other than the fact that it is missing its battery cover, it is pristine. I did start up one of these tamas - keep reading to find out which one.

@Pumpkita I got the wallpaper from @rinyosayo on Instagram. It should be on her dropbox.

V1 - Roger

Well surprise, surprise, Roger evolved into Hinotamatchi.


Any chance I had of getting out of this bad care rut was ruined yesterday when I forgot to change his time before I went to work. Usually I put all of my tamas (except my blue V2) to sleep while I'm away, but yesterday I somehow forgot about my V1. I came back to it later in the day and Roger was still alive, but he was sick with all hearts empty. He'll probably evolve into Masktchi but surprisingly, I'm not super bothered about that.

V2 - Moira

This evolution was a bit more surprising. It also marks my first repeat character since I began this V2 run in October.


Not really sure where I messed up, but I don't mind Nyorotchi so I'm not mad. The very first adult character I had on this shell was Nyorotchi (scroll back to page 1 of this log - it was named "A"), and I went quite a long streak without ever getting a repeat character. Of course, I knew that streak would eventually have to end, and it finally has, but it was great while it lasted. Nyorotchi actually does have some very cute animations, some of which I'll probably share in my next post.

(Oh, and I actually did manage to fill her training bar before she evolved, so that didn't really play much of a factor in the end result)

V2 #2 - Edwin

I have no idea how Edwin and Moira turned into characters from the same care tier when they really didn't receive equal treatment. I'm also not super amused about having yet another Tarakotchi (I JUST had one on my V1!)


I've always liked Tarakotchi, but he's starting to turn into Memetchi 2.0 for me in that I get him way too often. I'm not sure when yet, but he and Moira will likely be marrying very soon - Nyorotchi was a pretty welcome change, but the endless string of Tarakotchi is killing me.

V3 - Tia

Yes, the tama from the lot I decided to start up was the V3. I haven't given one a good run in quite a while so I'd like to keep this one going for a few generations in an attempt to obtain some of the characters I have not really seen much yet.The shell design looks like this. It was never a design I'd paid much attention to, but now that I have it in person it's actually quite nice, not to mention it fits in with my pink and blue preference.

Anyway, I started it up and since there was no existing download data on the tama, I hatched a new egg. I ended up with a girl, who I named Tia.


Tia had a rather typical baby stage. I don't care for the get the notes game on the V3, so that's why her weight was so high then. The V3 version of Bump seems slightly easier than the V2 version, so I usually end up playing that instead.


At the present moment, Tia is now a Tamatchi. I'm now working on getting her weight down and caring for her the best I can. I want her to turn into one of the top tier teens since I have not seen any of those in QUITE a while. 

I'll be returning hopefully tomorrow with an actual picture-filled post, but I'll just pop in with a short update as quite a lot has happened.

Roger, my V1, evolved yesterday into Masktchi which I expected. 

Moira and Edwin, my V2s, got married the other day and left their babies last night. They had boys who I named Niall and Enzo. Both are currently Marutchis. 

Tia, my V3, evolved into Young Mametchi - I was hoping for Obotchi but YM is very cute as well. She's set to evolve tomorrow and currently has 7/9 training.

You can probably imagine what they all look like but yeah, I'll be back later with a better update. Life gets busy sometimes but I really enjoy logging so I'd like to keep up with this for once and not fall behind like I have so many times in the past.

Didn't have time to update yesterday but I'm back now! 3 out of my 4 tamas have evolved since I quickly posted the other day - two of the evolutions were expected and one was a pleasant surprise.

V1 - Roger

Like I said earlier, Roger turned into Masktchi which wasn't a surprise at all.


He's now 6 years old (and very overweight, whoops), which means he'll be getting the matchmaker tomorrow. I haven't raised a Masktchi in a while so I don't mind having him around but I'm also eager to start a new gen. V1s are not exactly full of surprises, but I haven't had a single good care character on here yet so I'd definitely like to try to attempt that.

V2 - Niall

I started raising Moira and Edwin's sons the other day. The first son was named Niall (I name this tama alphabetically, and I also usually only use five letter names, so I couldn't think of anything else), and he marks the 14th generation on my bubble V2. My goal with this tama is to run it for as many generations as I can without any fatalities (my record is 37! Not sure if I can beat that but it's worth a try).


He's currently a Hinotamatchi, which was pretty much expected to come from Marutchi. I've been getting an awful lot of these guys lately so I was hoping for something different but I also won't complain. I'm not aiming for anything specific with him; instead, I'm just caring for him like I normally do in the hopes that maybe I'll get an interesting or different result.

V2 #2 - Enzo

Niall's brother was born and named at the same time he was. He was named Enzo and he marks the 8th generation on my candy V2. I will probably run this tama until the 10th generation before I stop it.


So far, he and his brother have had exact twin growths. They were both Marutchi and now they are both Hinotamatchi. I'm hoping they don't also end up with twin adult growths since I like variety, but they just might end up doing so.

V3 - Tia

Now this is where the surprise happened. With Tia, I wasn't necessarily aiming for anything in particular because I still really need to brush up on the V3 growth patterns. I ran a V3 very briefly a few months ago, but other than that I really haven't given one a detailed run in probably over a year. I have not yet looked at a growth chart but I have a decent idea of the characters so I might not really need it. Anyway, I took decent care of Tia as a teen, but her hungry hearts dropped to two a couple of times. I wasn't expecting a perfect care adult, which I was right about, but I also wasn't expecting what I ended up getting.


Billotchi! One of my favourite V3 adults and one I certainly haven't had in quite a while. I think this is only my second or third time getting this character; it is definitely not one that appears often for me. I'm very happy with her now - she's just the cutest. I'm now trying to earn more points so I can buy all the items to see her various animations.

Whoops, I disappeared again, but after a week with no updates I'm finally back. I've started new generations on two of my tamas since my last post and started up two new ones.

V1 - Rosie

My pink V1 is still on the go. I'm now on my fourth generation with a girl named Rosie. She evolved yesterday into Gozarutchi.


Evidently, I'm not very good at caring for V1s as I can't seem to get any characters above rank 3. At least I don't get Gozarutchi as often as some of the other characters so I'm not as bothered as I could be.

V2 - Olive

Niall evolved into a Hiratchi, got married and had a baby girl who I named Olive. She marks the 15th generation on my blue V2 and she is currently a Hitodetchi.


She's a lower tier toddler which means she'll also become a lower rank teen. I haven't had very many good care teens on this one but one day I'll break that streak. Not sure who to aim for with her since I'm too lazy to consult a growth chart for what the odd generation adults are. As I've always done, I will likely just sit back and let this tama surprise me.

V2 - Flora

Well what do you know, I switched V2 shells again. This one seemed like a no brainer as it's the matching white counterpart to my blue bubble V2. It's not in the best shape and the screen background has a little tear in it - I have a spare but I have not gotten around to switching it out yet. Even still, I love it as it is even if it isn't perfect. Out of all of the shell designs I own, it's probably in my top 10.


This lovely lady is Flora and she's the 37th generation! I'm not sure how past me ever managed that but my goal is definitely to get my blue V2 to catch up some day. She evolved into UFOtchi last night which is a great sign - a good care teen! My other V2 may be doomed for bad care, but this one has a chance. I'm definitely excited to see what she becomes. 

V3 - Rudy

I got one of my holy grails in the mail yesterday, this Hong Kong V3:


It's a rather unique looking shell but I love it all the same. It had a bit of a rough start because even though it came brand new, the screen had dead pixels as soon as I untabbed it, so I had to end up doing a screen swap. The pixels on the donor screen were a bit faded at first, but after using the tama for a while that problem seems to have fixed itself. 


After the screen issues were sorted, I started up the tama for real and hatched a baby boy who I named Rudy. He's obviously the first generation and he is now a Tamatchi. I'm guessing he will become either Obotchi or Young Mametchi as those are the teens I usually seem to get first gen. For now, he's just taking it easy. 

Hello! I don't have as many photos to spam you with today but as I've had a few evolutions I thought I'd pop in and update. 

V1 - Rosie

Rosie the Gozarutchi has not had a very eventful life, but she was able to marry yesterday! She married a Hanatchi so I already know her baby will be doomed to the bad care route, but I'm not too bothered.


This will now be four boys and one girl on this V1. Not sure why I've been getting so many boys but I guess it's random. I have not thought of a name for Rosie's son yet but she will be leaving him tonight, so his independent life will start tomorrow morning. 

V2 - Olive

Olive's teen evolution turned out to be, of course, very predictable. She's now a Nikatchi.


Still bad care, but at least she's cute. She hasn't been receiving the best care in the world, so I'm suspecting her final evolution will be average care or less. She's 3 years old currently and set to evolve tomorrow morning. I may not be optimistic, but I'm still interested to see what she becomes. 

V2 #2 - Flora

Flora evolved last night, and her evolution was both surprising and predictable. She didn't receive very good care as a teen, so I definitely suspected a bottom tier adult - I did get one, but not necessarily the one I was expecting.


Kiwitchi! For once my bad caretaking paid off and resulted in a cute character. I've always found it funny how Kiwitchi has feet but no arms. Either way, she's very cute and has some great animations. 

V3 - Rudy

Well, I turned out to be wrong in my last post. Rudy surprised me pleasantly by evolving into Patapatatchi (is that this character's name? It's definitely something weird like that...):


I love characters that hover/fly, so I'm very happy with this evolution over the more typical Obotchi evolution (I love Obotchi, but change is nice). So far, I think I've given him pretty good care - focusing on him is the reason my V2s have gotten a bit neglected, whoops! He has full training and his hearts haven't really dropped. He's set to evolve later this evening when I'm at work so I will likely bring him with me. I'm interested to see what he will become. 

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*blows off the dust*

Well, it's sure been a while since I posted in here. I've still been running tamas but I've been too busy to actually log them. Not sure how consistent this will end up being but I thought I'd try keeping up with this log again. All of my current tamas are adults, so I'll spend the remainder of this post introducing them to you.

V1 - Mila

Yes, this is the same pink glitter V1 from my last post back in February. I gave it a pretty lengthy break but started it up again recently. This is Mila and she is my 8th generation.


Though Tarakotchi isn't my favourite, this tama had a very long streak of continuous Masktchi/Gozarutchi so I'm very happy to see something different for once. I really like her closeup animation where she comes up and kisses the screen. 

V2 - Yulia

As somewhat of a long-term commitment/goal of mine, my blue/pink bubble V2 is still running on its 25th generation. You may remember that when I originally started it back in October, I wanted to try running it for an entire alphabet, and, well, I'm now on the second last letter. This is Yulia and she just evolved into Hanatchi (she and Mila were born at exactly the same time and are running on the same schedule).


Hanatchi is a personal favourite of mine, so I was very happy when she evolved. Though I've had Hanatchi on many of my other tamas, I've actually not had her on this particular V2 yet: it's nice that after 25 generations I'm still getting very few repeat characters.

V3 - Ella

I've been running this V3 for just over a week now. It is still on its first generation with a Billotchi named Ella.


She got married yesterday and had a baby boy. If you cannot tell from the amount of girls in this post, I've been on a random girl streak lately so I'm happy that streak has finally been broken.

Entama - ♥

Started this Entama almost two weeks ago with the aim of getting one of the secret characters. I currently have a Memetchi named "♥" (I usually don't name my Japanese tamas and prefer to use symbols), who got a job about two days ago and reached 999 style points yesterday.


The Entama is fun but very slow growing. She's not actually 15, that's a result of time changing - I'd say she's probably closer to 12-13. She should be evolving either today or tomorrow. 

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