Ridiculous school rules?!


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Our school doesn't allow spaghetti straps, backless shirts, open-toed shoes, or shorts that end more than three inches above the kneecap, according to the dress code. But in rare cases, like a heat wave, the dress code is lifted for a few days.

All the rules at my school arent too bad:

No super short shorts or skirts

No bangs covering your eyes or one eye

No color in your hair unless Principal says its ok

No clothing that is too colorful (Like no Leopard skinny jeans, rainbow jackets, ect)

But in general:

At my school if the Principal doesnt like it, it goes.

If she doesnt like your hair, you have to change it.

If she doesnt like your shirt, you have a to wear a super long baggy shirt over it.

If she doesnt like your shoes, You have to buy new ones.

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All the rules at my school arent too bad:No super short shorts or skirts

No bangs covering your eyes or one eye

No color in your hair unless Principal says its ok

No clothing that is too colorful (Like no Leopard skinny jeans, rainbow jackets, ect)

But in general:

At my school if the Principal doesnt like it, it goes.

If she doesnt like your hair, you have to change it.

If she doesnt like your shirt, you have a to wear a super long baggy shirt over it.

If she doesnt like your shoes, You have to buy new ones.
*pokes bolded text*

WHAT?! They shouldn't have the right to tell you how to and how to not wear your hair! My hair sometimes covers one eye. But usually isn't, but if they told me to un-cover it, I'd refuse,

The only rule our school really has that is dumb is, "No bikinis at beach day!" XDDDOh and no cellphones. Even on a field trip if somthing HORRIBLE has happened.

No iPods or you get suspended for 3 days
I murders you with my loud music and shove my ear buds down your throat bwaha. > :D

We're really not supposed to have them either, but they figure that if you bring it anyway and it gets stolen, the school can't be held responsible.

We don't have any dumb rules at my public school. except for

1. If you get 7 tardies, you get expelled...?!

But at my old private school, we had alot more

1. We couln't go to the bathroom (what's the point of having bathrooms there if we can't use 'em?)

2. No hooded sweaters

3. No food or drink in the hallways (including the DRINKING FOUNTAIN!!!)

4. You had to wear a hideous T-Shirt every Friday

5. You steal anything, you get expelled

And they mean ANYTHING! I barrowed a 3 pack a crayons, and I almost got expelled. Pretty stupid, huh?

Um, let's see...

I go to a private school which is REALLY strict on uniforms. My year level coordinator was like one day 'even murder is more acceptable than girls not doing up their top buttons of their dress to me' :) ;) :p

And then:

No nail polish on fingers or toes

Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back

No jewellery except for watches and crosses.

If you don't wear blazers to school in winter terms, you get detention.

They aren't THAT bad.

All the rules at my school arent too bad:No super short shorts or skirts

No bangs covering your eyes or one eye

No color in your hair unless Principal says its ok

No clothing that is too colorful (Like no Leopard skinny jeans, rainbow jackets, ect)

But in general:

At my school if the Principal doesnt like it, it goes.

If she doesnt like your hair, you have to change it.

If she doesnt like your shirt, you have a to wear a super long baggy shirt over it.

If she doesnt like your shoes, You have to buy new ones.

that's quite ridiculous.

I think i would die following those rules.

we cant wear spagetii strap

cant have any clevage comeing out of your shirt

sort or skirts have to be longer then your fingertips when hands are at your sides

no perfume or colone

no open toe shoes and your shoes have to have a back

can't have shirts with drugs or violence avertised them

no make up in your purses

cellphones and ipods have to be in you backback in your locker

yup thats the basic but sometimes we do half of that stuff anyway and none of the teachers care

that's quite ridiculous.
Nah, not to me. I find it annoying seeing someone with their hair all over their gorgeous eyes, trying the 'emo' look. e.e; There's this girl that covers her whole face with her bangs and it gets on my nerves. Honestly, when I see people covering their eyes or face, I feel like cutting their hair off D:

- No carrying rubber bands or paper wads (Some kid was stupid enough to get beat up by a gang who used only rubber bands and paper wads. And so now they are counted as dangerous weapons.)
:p How does that work? And yes, rubber bands does hurt a bit when you get shot with them, but beat up?


Ok, I don't have alot of dumb rules, except:

1. No stomach showing when your arms are up (the shirt I'm wearing today was so close!)

2. No underwear showing, even when bending down.

Ours are rather relaxed.

-Shoes must be brown leather (I'm anti-fur/skin! My mother wrote and angry letter and I get to wear fake leather!!)

-Make-up can be worn as long as its not over bearing (YAY! Eyeliner and mascarra!)

-Dresses may be no shorter then 5cm from the waist (WTH?? Thats above the underwear line, mines 29 cm and thats short as!!)

-Hair can be in any style except pink or purple.

-Hairbands/ties must be green, white, brown, red or black.

Gosh thats really relaxed!

Undies must be covered.
Then theres the DUMBEST rule ever. A lunch moniter made it up >_>

the lunch moniters at my school are just older people who watch over us. well, one, I'll call her G, is cruel. G says we cant throw things out in lunch, cant stand up, cant sit on the monkey bars (Sometimes we sit and chat on them, and she says "Oh no, ppl liek 2 play on it!" When no one uses it for that cept after school (Like theb babies)) or else she says she'll expel us! >_>

I threw her off one day, though. She said "Get down you three from there or else I'll expel you!". I shouted at her "YOu cant expel us, you Giant Prune!".

proboaily 20 kids started clapping, and I didnt get in trouble. :eek:

The parts I have put in the quote above made me laugh out loud. :nazotchi:

I agree with the second part I highlighted. I doubt the monitors have the power to expel you (Especially not for that stuff) I think only the principal can do that.

<_< TamagotchiGirl2007 :p

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A couple really dumb ones:

Only metal baseball bats because a wood one would break

and hit someone ._. what are the odds of that happening? one in a billion :l

No play fighting like *I punch u with a metal glove* What the...

No bad t shirts

No cursing

No punchin , kicking y'know?

*sighz* Dumb rules :blink:

The rules at my school are senseable assuming that they are the same as they were last year.

Edit, the only rules that seems unreasonable are the rules that come along with PDA, such as no hugging.

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The only dumb school rule I have is that you can't wear tanktops.

My GOOD rules are:
Tank tops allowed

Things with skulls are allowed

Allowed to wear make-up

Allowed to bring stuffed animals

Allowed to choose our lockers

Allowed wear skirts with leggings

Allowed to have highlights/lowlights of ANY color

Allowed to bring backpacs and purses to class

We don't have to go in the cafeteria in the mornings, we can hang out where ever we want

Allowed to share lockers

Flipper floppers are allowed

Allowed to have whatever hairstyle we want

We don't have very many bad rules, but here they are:

Wait, there's only one:

Tardy Tank - if you're even a second late, you go to this room and sit for the period and miss all your work -.-
There's a school you can't take a purse to?


Like...That would be odd, how would you carry your makeup?! In your pocket? D:

Smart/Dumb rule:

If you lose your lock, you have to pay 7.oo for one. Some DON'T even have locks[because their WAY too lazy to do the combo >.> ].

As said before, my school lets you be who you want to be. But: You can be all ghetto w/ bandanas. O___o or overly punk.

Our school rules aren't that odd...

I hate the stupid "Dress Code", though. It's more of a problem with girls than guys.

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