Ridiculous school rules?!


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NeverEnding A.B.Y.S.S.

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
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In an abyss of emptiness
We all have them, I was astounded to read this:


"Fad" , extreme or ponytail hairstyles are not acceptable. Hair is to be the natural hairline color. Punk, razor designs and hair dyes are not acceptable. Please refrain from the latest trends.

Make up:

Girls are not to wear any make-up. This includes Nail Polish, French manicures, fake and/or acrylic nails and colored lip-gloss


Student lunch bags are to be a solid color. No designer labels, logos, professional or collegiate athletic team logos and cartoon characters. (THAT RUINS IT!!!! I HAVE HELLO KITTY D:< WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO SUPERMAN TIN ONES?!)

I go to a private catholic school.



WAIT! There is MORE!?

School gym shoes have to be 99% white.

Coats must be navy blue.

When a dress down day, no designer LOGOS.

No sending EMAILS in class D:

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Ouch. Those are some strict rules!! They ban your hairstyles from being trendy!!! D:<

My school rules aren't too bad, but we can't have our hair down. *rolls eyes* What's the point of that?!

our school doesnt allow zipper hoodies (for safety reasons wtf?) no flip flops, and no spaghetti straps and much more. >_>

Ouch. Those are some strict rules!! They ban your hairstyles from being trendy!!! D:<
My school rules aren't too bad, but we can't have our hair down. *rolls eyes* What's the point of that?!
You cannot have your hair DOWN?! Since I cannot be 'trendy' that's all I do! D:


There's restrictions on your lunch boxes!? And you can't even wear nail polish? Refrain from the latest trends?

We don't have any stupid ones except for one that has to do with girl's carrying purses or bags.

If the bag is big enough to fit a book in, it's considered a book-bag and you can get a dress code violation for carrying it around.

Like, my friend has bag she puts her folders and stuff in. She almost got sent to the dress-code person for carrying it. I was like "...wow."

You cannot have your hair DOWN?! Since I cannot be 'trendy' that's all I do! D:
Lol yeah! :p

I don't really mind not being able to have my hair down, though. I just have trendy hairstyles that require putting my hair up! Lol! ;)


Argh! I got told of because I had a small bead on each of my sleepers.

Have to wear black hair ties

Silly rules.

Woah. That's strict.

We're not allowed to hug in the halls. Like not even friends.

We're also not allowed to wear bandanas cause apparently it means your in a gang.

But I don't listen to that one.

We can't go off campus, even though the mall is right there.

We can't wear spaghetti straps, tank tops or anything with skulls on it.

Oh and we can't wear any like swear-ish words.

Someone got in trouble cause apparently they went to the Avril Lavigne concert

and got a t-shirt that said "The Best Dang (cross out ng, put mn) Tour"

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No nail polish or lipgloss??? No ponytails?? HOW CAN YOU LIVE. Sorry. Ha. We can't wear dangling earrings at my school (we're private: private = uniform) We have to wear studs, but they were really strict about it last year and this year too but my freind wears danglies all the time. On full dress days, we must always wear our school cardigan at all times even when its in the class and its hot. If we don't have the cardigan we have to wear a tie. Vice Versa. I usually wear a tie because I get hot in the cardigan. You must ALWAYS wear knee high socks. Even on the days that girls can wear pants. Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday are full dress days where the girls wear skirts. Thursday and Friday you can wear pants. Each day you must wear knee high socks, even with pants!!!! Trust me they can tell if you're not wearing knee highs w/ pants. The rule used to be only Monday and Wednesday you wear skirts but now its Monday Tuesday and Wednesday!! And fifth grade and up starts wearing skirts while the younger grades wear ugly plaid jumpers. They changed the uniform last year and now everyone's gotten used to it. I like the new one rather than the old one. I do NOT like private school. Grr..

our school doesnt allow zipper hoodies (for safety reasons wtf?)
I know why they don't allow zipper hoodies, almost all public schools have this rule, (THANK G-D that I am in a private school that lets you where what you want!!!!) You can't wear them because people put up the hoods so security cameras can't see the person's face and go into the halls to steal stuff from lockers, It's think it's a pretty good rule if you think about it, so that way if someone steals something from YOUR locker, the cameras can tell who it is and get your stuff back. If you need to cover your head for GOOD reasons, wear a hat.

In my school they let you wear whatever you want except for a few simple rules:

Girls: No logos or pictures on shirts (noone listens to that rule xD) no tanktops, all shirts must have at least short sleeves, must wear skirts that are at least up to knees, no open-toed shoes or sandals, girls are allowed to wear any kind of make-up and nail polish (I love that :furawatchi: )

Boys: (They don't have as many privliges) Shirts must have collars and buttons (like us must have at least short sleeves) No shorts, pants must be to ankle (or something like that) No open-toed shoes or sandals. Must wear Kippas. (I go to a Jewish private school and I'm Jewish)

My friend goes to my old school still, and they have the most retarded rules, like they just made up that the boys are not allowed to have ANY white on there sneakers, not even a dot, and no white laces too. (ftw?)

We all have them, I was astounded to read this:

"Fad" , extreme or ponytail hairstyles are not acceptable. Hair is to be the natural hairline color. Punk, razor designs and hair dyes are not acceptable. Please refrain from the latest trends.

Make up:

Girls are not to wear any make-up. This includes Nail Polish, French manicures, fake and/or acrylic nails and colored lip-gloss


Student lunch bags are to be a solid color. No designer labels, logos, professional or collegiate athletic team logos and cartoon characters. (THAT RUINS IT!!!! I HAVE HELLO KITTY D:< WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO SUPERMAN TIN ONES?!)

I go to a private catholic school.



WAIT! There is MORE!?

School gym shoes have to be 99% white.

Coats must be navy blue.

When a dress down day, no designer LOGOS.

No sending EMAILS in class D:

I would hate to go to your school! I wear eyeliner and can't stand not wearing any!!!

Wow NEABYSS. D: Those are terrible. WTF? I think it's a violation of expression... it could probably be argued as a violation of the 1st ammendment. Somewhere. I think.

Our school dress code is very basic. No swearing, porn, or violent images on your shirts. No bandanas. No steel-toed shoes. Skirts must fall below your finger tips when fully extended. No strapless tops (though spaghetti straps are permitted).

The only ones I have a problem with are: No camoflauge unless you are in JROTC and are in uniform. No ripped jeans, even if you have leggins underneath.

My GOOD rules are:

Tank tops allowed

Things with skulls are allowed

Allowed to wear make-up

Allowed to bring stuffed animals

Allowed to choose our lockers

Allowed wear skirts with leggings

Allowed to have highlights/lowlights of ANY color

Allowed to bring backpacs and purses to class

We don't have to go in the cafeteria in the mornings, we can hang out where ever we want

Allowed to share lockers

Flipper floppers are allowed

Allowed to have whatever hairstyle we want

We don't have very many bad rules, but here they are:

Wait, there's only one:

Tardy Tank - if you're even a second late, you go to this room and sit for the period and miss all your work -.-

I feel like I have unstrict rules compared to you guys >:DD

We can't wear spaggetti straps, or shorts/skirts that are shorter than mid-thigh. No clothes that have swear words or bad stuff.

That's it.

We have fair rules. You can wear almost anything:

-No dying your hair colors that aren't natural

-No tattoos

-No percings excluding your ears

-No bandannas

-Sleeves must be at least three fingers wide.

-No porn or cussing on shirts

-Skirts must be at fingertips

-Clothes must cover undergarments.

-(It actually said this in the handbook, It's my favorite, they do this so that the teacher will anounce in front of the class that you have a dress code violation for makeup, and you'll be embarrassed) Girls may wear makeup, but before you walk out of the house, look in a mirror, and ask yourself, "Do I look terrible today?"

I'll post some STUPID rules now:

- No carrying rubber bands or paper wads (Some kid was stupid enough to get beat up by a gang who used only rubber bands and paper wads. And so now they are counted as dangerous weapons.)

- No wearing all the same color, pants and shirt must be different colors

-No wrapping duct tape around your clothing or body parts. (LOL, believe it or not that was made last year because kids did that)

Our hallways have signs that say 'No hug zone' and "attacking allergic students with peanut butter" will get you a 5 day suspension.

"attacking allergic students with peanut butter" will get you a 5 day suspension.
LOL OMG *head->desk->laugh* that reminds me of one time when my friend claimed that she's allergic to cheetos and she'll die if she touches one, so I trapped her in the bathroom for three hours by taping them to the door knob. When I finally let her out she hit me with a stool she found in the bathroom. It was really funny. XD

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