Return of an Oldish Tama


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Active member
Feb 7, 2010
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South Yorkshire
Having just got back into the world of tamagotchis, I have only just discovered the existence of "Tama-Go". Rather than going out and buying the new tamagotchi, I decided to stick with my one of my older tamagotchi, not my Music Star, or my Familitchi, I went back to my second favourite version, the Tamagotchi version 4.5. (If you're wondering what my favourite version was, it was 4.)

Rather than going through generation to generation, I'm trying to see how long I can get my current Tama, a boy named Rhys, to live for. The oldest tamagotchi I've ever heard of was a V3, who lived to be 145, so I can see me struggling to beat this record, but hey, it's nice to try.

Currently, I have a kuchitamatchi toddler, which, as I mentioned, is a boy named Rhys. He currently weighs 12lbs, and was hatched yesterday at around 3:35pm.

I am planning on writing this log as if it were Rhys writing it, although I will add things as myself every now and again. I will be typing in plain black, whereas Rhys will be BLUE AND BOLD, to avoid any confusion as to which one of us is supposed to be speaking.

Rhys isn't really doing anything important just yet, as he is still too young to evolve into a teenager, but "Rhys" will post when he does.

Hello out there! My name is Rhys, but to you lowly peasants, I shall be known as "The Chosen One", as I am the most amazing thing that ever lived, and this, my friends, is my very first update.

Hey, Rhys, tone down on the egotistical stuff, kay?

Pffttt...Fine, I'll behave.


Well, anyway, while Mia (My owner) over there was watching stupid videos, I evolved into the handsome Daiyatchi I am, although I am yet to join high school, but I'll bet I'll be great at it, I'm very smart after all!


I've been listening to music a lot of today, after I got that stereo. I've become a really good dancer and singer! I bet if I was a Music Star I'd be really, really popular! I know a lot of songs, even though I only have one CD and anything, and even then Mia cheated to get it with something she called a "Password Generator", whatever that means. It doesn't matter, I'm still talented. Well, at least I think so. I don't think Mia was very impressed with my singing. I bet she's jealous of my voice!


Ugh...Mia just overfed me so she could play some games. I feel so fat, I guess I'll just have to play now. If she keeps this up I don't think I'll live past 3... Seriously Mia, you're not gonna beat the record this way, ya know?


I guess I better go know anyway, I have to fit into my new pair of jeans buy the time school starts, and Mia has to go and try on a pair of trousers before tomorrow, when she goes to school.

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Hey! I'm back all ready, to entertain my people!


I started high school not too long ago, and I must say I was right about being smart!


Mia told me to picky Mr Turtlepedia as my teacher, she says he's a really good teacher, and will help me become the UraMametchi she's determined for me to be!


I don't really understand why she wants me to be a UraMametchi so badly. I mean, I'd be handsome anyway, and I wouldn't exactly be spending long as an adult anyway, what with Mia wanting me to live for so long. I don't really get that either. I don't want to be so old that I have to be spoon fed again. I want kids too! Why can't Mia see that? I guess she just wants to be able to hold the record for longest living tama. I can't see that happening. Back when she had her first tama, she couldn't even get them to live past the teen years. It took her ages to get to a second generation for the first time. I guess it's good to try. I don't need to try at ANYTHING. I will always get it right! I bet if I was the human I'd be able to make my tama to live to 200, never mind 145!!!!


Oh wait, Mia told me to behave last time, didn't she? She took away my play house and other toys last time I didn't do as I was told...


Come to think of it...Aren't I a little old for those toys anyway? I'm at that middle age...I don't want to play with kids stuff, but I can't dress up in my cool clothes yet. It's not fair!!!

Hiya guys! Sorry about the late reply! Mia says her laptop is broken so she can only really update on weekends when she's at her grandparents house.


A lot has happened this past week, and now I'm 5 tama years old! Wow. 141 days and I've bet the record. That's still too long!


I've been an adult for a little while now, and I must say I look at my childhood and see myself as vain. I was stupid I guess.


I fufilled Mia's wish of becoming a Uramametchi, but it didn't last for long, as soon after I evolved yet again, into a Hyottokotchi thanks to all my hardwork! I played plenty of games and went to school as often as I could just so I could evolve and be better than your average tama. I never dreamed I would succeed!


Then, two days ago, I got a job at the local playschool. It's a very hard job, but I try my best. I need to make sure I have money in the bank after all, especially if I'm going to live for another 141 days at least! Mia says if I live to be 150 she'll let me have a baby. She says that way she'll never have failed, and I'll never truly die. It'll be great to have a child. I hope I live long enough to see that dream come true. Then I'll have my third success in life.


Speaking of children, the matchmaker came for the first time today. Naturally, I said no. I didn't really have a choice in the matter. It's a shame really, as she brought a pretty little uravioletchi with her. I hope that young girl finds someone someday. It wouldn't be fair if she didn't.


I still don't have a full training bar yet. Mia says I've been really good, so I haven't really given her a reason to need to train me. She says she's proud of my behaviour. She says I'm the best tama she's ever had. I love Mia. She's so nice to me. Being a first generation tama means I have no mother, so Mia kind of filled that position. She takes good care of me, even when she needs to be in school. I hope I succeed in living to 150, not just so I can have a child, but so Mia can be proud of me.

Hey! I got another visit from the Matchmaker lady today. She brought a horoyotchi this time. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting to know the Matchmaker lady pretty well of my lifetime.


I'm six now. Still a long way to go till I'm 150, but at least I'm getting closer, little by little. Mia's not doing too badly at raising me, although there was an incident today when her gran had forgotten she'd put me in her bag overnight. I was okay though, once Mia had got me back. I'm fine now, thank goodness.


Anyway, I have to go, Mia says she has to go eat some apple crumble, so I have to go with her to make sure I'm okay.

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I got myself a new job today, after I turned seven. I now work at the bank, and I'm finding it a little difficult, but I'm still doing my best at least. That's all I really have to report unfortunately, as until I evolve into an oldie the only real piece of news I can give you every now and again is the new jobs I keep getting. I'm hoping to find an easy job one day that I really like so I can just keep sticking with that one. I wasn't interested in being a playschool teacher, and I'm not exactly the best banker around. I need to find something I'm really good at, you know? I need to be able to support myself for the rest of my long life. It's really hard at the moment, but Mia and I are determined to succeed.

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I...don't really want to post this...

I made a big mistake. I was rushing this morning, as I was running late for school. When I run late, I forget things. Today, I forgot Rhys.

I realized when I was about half way there, when it was too late to turn back. I'd forgotten him. Of course, by the time I got home, about fifty minutes ago, he had died. I felt really bad, and had failed my goal after just nine days.

I decided that for now, I'm giving up on that dream, at least until I can get my V4 new batteries. So, I decided to go for the normal path of doing generation to generation.

At 3:05pm, 21/9/10, a baby girl tama hatched from my V4.5. I decided to name the little girl Alice. She still has quite some time before she evolves into a toddler, so for now I'll just leave you with this post.

Oh, and just like last time Alice will be writing in bold, but unlike Rhys, her posts will be in purple rather than in sky blue.
