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Active member
Mar 11, 2018
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Which of you come on here on a regular basis? I see a lot of older posts on here. Which of you are regulars?

I drop in most days, though if I don't have anything worthwhile to say I tend not to post. :p

I guess I'm a regular since I got into things a few months back, but IRL has been too busy lately, so I mostly just lurk and use up my daily like quota. XD

I've been a regular lurker, but trying to post a bit more regularly.

Probably going to be quite regular for a while, since I've gotten quite obsessed lately.

I guess I'd count as a regular. Been logging on most days since 2009.

I was even invited to join the guide team last summer.

I guess I'd consider myself a regular. There's been times where I don't post or even visit the site for months at a time, but that's normally when life gets too busy/I'm just not interested in tamas at the time. I always end up coming back though! ;)

I'd say I'm some sort of a regular, I do leave when I'm not on a tama spree (hey, we all have breaks) but when I am I usually visit the forum daily.

I still check every few weeks or month so yeah I guess sort of

I guess I could count as a regular? I've been around here on various accounts since 2006, though I did take a year off from February 2016-2017 due to some personal stuff, but other than that I've been using the site almost every day

I would say I'm also back to being regular, I check in most days to see what's happening although I'll quite often take breaks due to work/uni commitments...

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