Reccomended Tamagotchi Version?


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Dec 14, 2019
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Hello! Sorry I've been posting in the forums a lot! But my only other Tamagotchi model is lost somewhere in my school, and since Christmas is coming up I figured I'd buy a new one! Which model do you reccomend? I wanted to try On or Connect but idk if they have Coffretchi, and tbh I have a soft spot for her. Does anybody know a newer version, (preferably the ones in color) that would have Coffretchi? If not, what Tamagotchi is your favorite and would reccomend for a newer owner? Thanks! (Btw, the price doesn't have to be cheap, but I would prefer a cheaper price!)

Coffretchi appeared in Friends, Dream Town Friends, and in the Japan-only P's and 4U. She hasn't appeared since. Just get the On. Maybe she will appear as a special guest on the app one month.

Although there's no Coffretchi, I do highly recommend the Tamagotchi On.

One of my favorite features being a pseudo-pausing feature that doesn't actually stop the growth and aging process. Great for when you gotta go to work or school!

I have two P's with english patches I found on ebay, maybe you could find one. I prefer to have english tamas so if you can't find the P's I'd go with On.

I stand corrected; @Lovetchi2862 is right. Coffretchi does in fact appear in On (both the Magic and Fairy versions)! She works at the Beauty Salon, and your tamagotchi can marry her.


She also appears in the Pastel Meets, but not the other Meets versions.

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