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hello everyone today 3 musketers evolved into chandelitchi glasstchi and a magictchi so yeah im going to marry annabeth tommorow!ok here they are

Jade:its so warm and peacefull with the rain and a new remodle

Zeus:yep its peacefull but unhappy because i cant go out and practice

Me:its ok

i geuss thats it everyone we will post when somthing happens

hello everyone mini update im on page 2 and i have a servy should i add my tamagotchi v6 red or my v1 or my v4 choose 1 ill diced after the votes are in.

hello everyone good new zeus got married to alice if you remeber so im happy about that and they also had a baby boy!All i have to do now is get jade married and im trying to get her married to doc or kuro so im going to let them talk

Jade:i want to marry but i dont want to be alone like papa

Me:fine then your going to marry in 2 day or 3 days then

Jade:YES im cool with that

Me:eek:k then your going to marry way later then zeus


Zeus:are you talking about me

Jason-zeus's son:googoo?

Zeus:well its time to feed my baby jason and play with him and try to help him remeber me so tamafans ill be back before this post is done :D :(

Jade:well i geuss im going to wait and do something or wait im going to the park

Jade:i just meet a chantotchi or maetchis little sister

Me:eek:h yeah im going to stop logging my v5.5 its to hard logging a v5.5im only logging 2 tamas so pm me what tamas i should log its a choice of v1 v4 v6 red v5.5 or white tamago when i get it back so pm me what you think and ps ill get pics in later of the first gen parents and zeus and jade and jason maby and there close up itll be in maby 3 postes

Zeus:im back from baby stuff

Jason:googoogaagaa :D :D :D :D :D

Me:i think im going to take you guys to tamatown so guys can vist your parents is that ok

Zeus,Jade: :D


ill post later when something happens so bye tamatalkfans-250+ ps ill post stats later with the pics



heres jade


heres zeus with baby sorry if its blurry im trying for the first time to post pics ill post more tommorow heres 2 more


heres mat brushing his theeth


heres sally with babbie like mat i think well good night ill post tommorow

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hello everyone ill post later when i get 300 views so that means i need 2 more views amd ill tell you what tamas ill log! :D

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hello everyone i cant decide what tama i should add of take away but for right now its zeus and jade well im thinking of adding my tamago when i get it and my v6 alice well im going to let them talk now and pm me how you liked the pics sorry if they were blurry. :(

Zeus:i realy dont want to leave and i mean it i want to stay with my babie

Me:you should be happy your going to tamatown to live with your parents and so on

Zeus:i geuss your right "fades into the back"

Jade:"wistling down at the park"

Jason:go go ga gaaa go go ga ga 'starts singing in confusion but also in happieness

well i geuss thats it if anything happens ill update like if my tamago comes back to or oh well bye tamatalkfans you can pm me if you like.

hello everyone its me jade today i got married to a kuchipatchi named justen

Justen:hi everyone im going to be dark blue ps honey are you allwoed to be chatting with your tamafans on tamatalk

Jade:hey well momo said to log him in and look at the other logs so i thought he meant to log he didnt want to log because zeus left but hes also happy because he said to also log ninja his other tamago with came today and also to log cookie the last thing his mom ate with him so now im logging honey

fine if you get in trouble im not helping you or take the blame


its me ninja im going to be light blue so whazz up im a ninja and ps jade forgot to say that cookie and jason are kuchitamatchis

jason and cookie:???

Momo:Jade are you logging wait stop logging

no wait get away

get off

well byebye tamatalkfans

jason&cookie:this is going to be funny

bye tamatalkfans


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hello everyone im pausing cookie and jason and im logging only little jade heyand im not logging ninja because while i was bowling he fell and something happened to him the screen went blan and i cant get the screw out when i do get the screw out ill log him if he works but other than that im only logging jade im so sad that i dont have anyone to talk to hey what about me well your different honey well ok then oh yeah hopefully tommorow jade has her little babie so ill be sad to when she goes and ps this friday im getting a new tamago or a tamago figure! :D ;) :)

DAY 15


hello everyone its me jade im very sad since its jast me and justen if i had a baby i would be happy but not very happy i need names boy and girl names so please pm momo boy and girl nameshello everyone its me justen this is going to be a short post but its ok momo will post later and well every things ok and momo said 1 thing is that if you guys have any questions you can pm him or post on this log but it must be a qeustion and nothing mean or you can say something nice and ps im hoping for a baby girl tommorow morning or boy i want a girl but its ok if boy well bye tamatalkfansyea bye

hello everyone just now someone helped me get the back of ninja then i started him up but instead i restarted him now he hatched into a boy i named him Morgan he will be dark green!

googoogaagaaa just when he hatched we played long jumper and got 400 p and now are spending it we got a pear and a corn dog well i was just posting the good news now ill post when he evolves so in a hour or less! :D ;) :p B) :) :lol: :unsure: :rolleyes:

hello everyone good news Morgan evolved into a "drumroll" a mattaritchi ill get pics in later

Morgan:can we post our stats at the end of the log or try to

sure why not


so i geuss thats it for this post so heres the stats


age:8 i think









Morgan's stats:










hello everyone sorry for not posting earlier but i was out helping my older bro with collage stuff with my mom and went food shopping after that but sad enough there were no tamas well ill post when little Morgan evolves and while i was alseep Jade had a baby girl so yea!!!!!

ps:pm me if you like gogos and have them

pss:there website is and pm me witch ones you have if you have them tell me the number if you tell me witch numbers ill tell you mine

psss:sorry for going off topic but still pm me if so! i got mine today!

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hello everyone sorry for not posting yeasterday well heres what happened

Jade left today with her little girl named janet she evolvedtoday into a hostitchi (i think thats how its spelled)

Morgan has been very entertaining yeasterday he hevolved into a kakitchi or the good care teen looks like mametchi and kuromametchi and well later that day he became a kuromametchi like he want to be and thats what i wanted him to be so ok.ill be back later.

hi everyone its me Morgan right now momo is away or home doing somthing with his gogo's so well were here to say that he started up his v5.5 and there childs right now ones a ahirukutchi - named alec a belltchi - named AnglePower and a mattaritchi- named john ps there on the 6th gen

hello everyone this is janet and Morgan should we be posting with out momo's approvel

no it should be ok

Angle John and alec and janet:MOMO CAN WE POST IN YOUR LOG


Angle John and alec and janet:your in trouble


well i geuss ill have to punish them plus it looks like morgan started this like in one of the other gen or oh well bye bye guys

Janet,Morgan,Alec,Angle Power,John,Momo

hello everyone sorry for not posting but i was watching movies and well i have a lot of news for you well here it goes.first the plain family evolved but im not telling you what they evolved into later then today janet evolved into flowertchi i hope i was aming for a memetchi well im ok with it Morgan will marry tommorow but then i have to puase him maby because i start school in 2 days so i can only take 1 tama somthimes 2 only if im wearing a jacket or oh well now ill let them talk.


Morgan wake up


never mind

hi tamatalk im so happy because im watching over alice but she will never be in this log because shes in a group hatch so i geuss thats it so bye tamatalkfans

hello everyone i have a question for you witch tamagotchi should i keep running untill i get my tamagotchi angel please pm me witch tama i should keep running during school so please pm me and ps if you dont vote from now to tommorow ill keep my tamago white running then when he leaves - morgan ill puase the baby then let janet run if my teacher lets tamas run in class or allowes them then ill keep 2 running so pm me witch 2 you want plus 1st tama is the one ill run 2nd tama will be the back up one and the 1 you didnt chose will be runned on weekends so pm me what you think.

sorryfor not posting much i have school but now its the weekend and i also have a new dog to train so a lot has happened like today morgan got married to aa ringotchi or a few days ago when i woke them up after school there was a baby girl called J.C. dont ask why well the plain family can marry now but not now and thats it for now i think they want to talk so here they are.

hi everyone its me janet ive been on pause or in a coma a lot during school scince im messed up :(

everyone else yawns

well thats it i geuss :eek:

sorryfor not posting much i have school but now its the weekend and i also have a new dog to train so a lot has happened like today morgan got married to aa ringotchi or a few days ago when i woke them up after school there was a baby girl called J.C. dont ask why well the plain family can marry now but not now and thats it for now i think they want to talk so here they are.

hi everyone its me janet ive been on pause or in a coma a lot during school scince im messed up :(

everyone else yawns

well thats it i geuss :eek:

shhhh say nothing guys


because were on tamatalk and dad doesnt know it dad=momo=boy

oh ok then but why

because were Adults so we should be able to do what we want

ok then keep me out of it so bye tamatalk


J.C.:googoogoogaagaa :huh:

J.c. are you logging.

googoogaagaa :(

well ok i geuss your confussed right now right?

J.C.: :D

oh ok then this is tamatalk a website for tamagotchis like you and your parents

J.C.: :D

:) :lol:

wow your happy

J.C.: :D

wow plus you want to log for eveyone

J.C.: :huh: googoogaagaa no

yea J.c. said her first word

J.C.:i did :huh:

you did it again

J.C.:i did i did yea i can talk :D

J.C. i think we should celebrate

J.C.:we should we should

good bye tamatalkers im trying to get jc alone but were going to party now so bye bye.

oh now i just made the parents leave so im happy now so bye ill post when jc evolves!
