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10/10 Your welcome.

Its something I would describe myself. I am a Trainwreck. And also, I got it from a song.

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I'm warm as well, I guess thats what five years of living in Hawaii does to you. I could stand outside, where its freezing cold, and be perfectly fine.

"You're a trainwreck, But I wouldn't love you if you changed."- Thats a quote from Demi Lovato's "Trainwreck" I guess thats how I would describe myself. No one would feel the same about me if I changed from the way I am now.


` Although, I'm not fond of Demi Lovato, I find the word Trainwreck a totally amazing two - word type of, word.

` Oh, and for people who don't know the iero part of the ierosaur, it`s the last name of the rhythm guitarist in MyChem.



` Yeah you BETTAH ! ` nah just kidding, everyone has gotten love Frankles x]

` I think I should start role playing him again ;]

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