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i like the Stop animal and child abuse! If you read this, put it in your siggy, or let the evil leprecans steal you away in the night! 10/10

8/10 Neat! I love all the colours in there!
thx but was that with the blue link for my blog or the one with the Quote of the Day with Aly and Aj?


EDIT: 3/10 I don't really get it......

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thx but was that with the blue link for my blog or the one with the Quote of the Day with Aly and Aj? 

EDIT: 3/10 I don't really get it......
Nice friendly sig, showing off that site, colorful... 8.5/10

Nice friendly sig, showing off that site, colorful... 8.5/10
Thanks! :(

3.5/1o Still don't get it....

(don't get annoyed if I post here a lot, I change my sig everyday.) :furawatchi:

Good Idea.

*i*/10 Now I love it! Love Aly & Aj and that song and it's colorful! :( :furawatchi: XD :wub:

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