Rate the person above's Avvie game!


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10/10 I have a.d.d. and that happens to me somti- hey look a kitty!

How about could you stop? Please.

How am I? First you give all my signature and avatar low ratings, and then in the Mametchi topic you put that you dislike me and tamaguy2.

First all of you started it, and you have been the most negative, and rude person to me throughout the topics. You've been jerk to me lately, and you said you didn't like my avatar out the meanest. So how about you knock it off. So please don't Lie. Go lie and be mean some where else.

So how about you stop being jealous/ So basically it's you not me. Gosh I hate when you guys try to act rude towards someone, then when they do the same you want to start whining. Argh.

Know what your talking about before you start talking.

And sorry if I sound so harsh, I apologize, ok?

So let's just get over it. :angry:


10/10 Cool. :angry:
Will You please stop. Im not Being mean to anyone. Its my opinoin! I didnt like your avvie, so i gave it a low rateing. This is what the topic is for, rate the avvie. I cant give high rateings all the time! Your making all the people in this topic think im mean when im not. Stop! ok! its a opinion! wont you understand that! Your the one that is takeing this serious. ITS A RATEING!

9/10 =]

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