Rate my M!x


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Active member
Jul 1, 2014
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I don't know about you guys but I find that as I keep going through generations, my m!x characters seem to get... not as cute.

At the moment, I have this one: "Mamefuwatchi". His fluffy chin, and fringe that looks a bit like an angry monobrow, irritate me. Adorable or no?


I'm sorry to say that Mamefuwatchi's face kind of reminds me of how it looks when your player-character is stung by bees in the Animal Crossing games! :lol:

I vote adorable. Y'all are too hard on the little guy. I bet if I did a quick sketch of him you'd change your mind. He's my new art project now.

Not convinced, Yatagarasu!

Although I do see the bee-sting look from Animal Crossing on this one. Seems like I can't shake traits from the first mix between Nijifuwatchi and Twin Stars' Kiki.

Does anyone have cute mixes they've had? Maybe I can still salvage this gene pool?

i think its a cute character... maybe the little unibrow is strange but everything else i think is adorable!

It's cute!! :3 Aw, don't be so hard on him! He just wants a bit of love... and food. (I love food)

Like a Mametchi that needs shearing? haha!

I did add a hat. Much better, no? :D


To be fair, he's starting to grow on me. But I'm going to see if I can match him to My Melody to see how that mix works.

I'm thinking of starting a generation log for one of my other M!x to see how the traits stick over time. For example, it took me 3 generations to get rid of Kiki's hair.

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That is an adorable mix! Even my less than desirable mixes have been so ugly they are cute. What is it about it that screams not cute? The fluffiness? The fluffy wings? The mametchi ears that makes it look like hes wearing them like the mickey mouse ear hats?

Stop being so hard on mixes


This was from when I was running my spacy mix and he is so awkward he's adorable


and this was several generations previous

I had pink mermaid, the bunny mermaid, the bee mermaid, the space mermaid, the space princess mermaid (at this point I was tired of mermaids), then the space princess kuchipatchi, the rose queen kuchipatchi, memetchi angel, then the stylish memetchi

And logging them to see just long traits last is fun but it is never consistent!

That drawing is actually really cute! Can't wait to see how you finish the image!

Your Kuchipatchis are hilarious! Like extra-cheesy gameshow hosts! Love the mermaid mixes, though!

But yeah - the fluffy face and the fringe line really puts me off, is all. I feel like a bad parent lol!

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