Ratchet and Clank's Tama Times


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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2015
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U.A. High School
Hey, hey, hey! It's your old pal Ratchet here. Today, we look at the life of Kaden the Kuchipatchi. He has just exceeded to 99 lbs and entered the Personality Stage "Kuchipatchin", or "Fat Kuchipatchi". I had named him after Kaden, my father. I already got him to learn the Cooking skill. I decided to feed him a round of cookies until he refused. I then noticed he was all round and plump, like a ball. I thought he looked very adorable.

Hey! Who are you calling fat?!

We're so sorry, Kaden. Please forgive my friend Ratchet for describing you in that manner.

It's okay, Clank. Well, I do look like I did put on a couple pounds. Your friend did feed me too many cookies to make me get to this weight, as a matter of fact.

Well, he's gonna try to get you to lose weight to get you back to normal. It may take a few games to play, but it'll surely help you.

I'm glad I'm not a character in this unit. If someone made me overweight, I would become a fat Lombax and die within seconds.

*BUUUUUUUURP* Ugh...I swear those cookies are just...fighting in my stomach. All I can do is roll. I wish I was pudgy, but not this pudgy.

*cough* I wish that there was fitness classes. *cough*

I heard that.

Oh, sorry. I should be more quicker next time...speaking of that, will I help Kaden lose weight? Find out on the next installment!

Oh, and make sure to not feed your Tamagotchi too many cookies...it will gain a lot of pounds.

Hey hey hey! It's your ol' friend Ratchet, back again with more coverage of Kaden. We are proud to have gotten feedback from Watashiwatchi. Thank you for reading! Now, let's get back to Kaden.

Ugh, no matter how hard I try, I'm still not being put back into shape!

Come on, master Kaden! You just need to keep on losing a lot of weight!

(A few games later.)

Thank you so much, Ratchet and Clank! I'm back to my normal self again! Now I can put on that outfit you bought me!

Wow, Kaden, you look stunning! Very stunning, I might add. How do you feel after losing all of that weight?

I feel great! I can move! I can even go play with my friends! And-- Wait, what are you doing?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Come on, Kaden, no pain, no gain! Keep losing some more of that baby fat!

Wh-Wha?! What did you do to me?! I...I'm--!

(Ratchet and Clank's jaws drop at the sight of Kaden.)

You...You look...HEAD OVER HEELS, DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! Very sophisticated! You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen! Our beloved one had went from overweight to drop dead gorgeous! He's Sliiiiiiiiim Kuchipatchiiiii! All dressed up in a polo and dress pants! Now that's manly!

I miss being pudgy! I want to eat again! This isn't fair! I thought we agreed not to make me underweight! Grrrr!

(Kaden goes over to the cookie jar and eats a bunch of cookies until he hit at least 50 lbs.)

*BUUUUURP* Aah, much better! I'm back to my old self again!

Well, I'm certainly glad you're back up to your normal weight.

Thanks! I'm gonna go play with my friends! Bye-bye!

Well, that was a grrrreat Tama Time! See you on the next installment!

Remember that you can always restore your Kuchipatchi's normal weight by playing games when it's too fat, or eating cookies when it's too skinny! See you, folks!


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