Rare Items


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Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Albury, Australia
Im still kinda new to the forums and to the newer tamagotchis. My iD-L just acquired a rare item "chopsticks" this seems to lower the price of food at resturants. Best ever!

I tried to run a search for other rare items on the forums but it didnt seem to have a thread. So is there a list of rare items for iD-L and i guess P's as well as i have one of those? I dont mind if there isnt like a listed way to get them, id just like to see :)

thank you

My iD L has a fork that lowers the price at the Cafe. It doesn't work on downloadable items. How did you get the chopsticks? I don't remember how I got the fork. Maybe they can be gotten in a similar way.

You get one of the three eco items from the eco triplets monthly in the park.

Yeah i got it from the park. I think we were picking up trash or something LOL i think its great because i had no idea rare items worked like that, i feel like such a noob

I just got the bag from the park. So now I have the bag and the fork. I just need the chopsticks. Steak in the restaurant is expensive!

Steak is waaaay too expensive haha. Whats the bag do? Should we start taking notes of rare items here? Im not sure if theres a post already! *noob*

"10 AM - 2:59 PM (only on first day of each month)

Green Day - chance to get an Eco Item. There are three Eco items available. The Eco-Bag gives you a 50% discount off items purchased from TamaDepa, the Eco-Fork gives you a 50% discount off snacks purchased from TamaCafe, and the Eco-Chopsticks give you a 50% discount off meals purchased in the Restaurant."

From the Donuts Park Wiki page

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