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Makiko cried and cried.Finally,I kicked her out of the window.

I killed kuchipatchi and then I got chased by the cops.

The cops turned into evil robot monsters and built another planet. Everyone went to that planet. Then, the planet was turned into ice cream when a giant pig crashed into it.

A random giant ugly lady ate the planet all up and everyone was shouting "NOOOO!" Of course, the giant lady didn't pay attention.

the lady said: I AM A DISNEY FAIRYY!!!!!

and disapeared, i looked like WTF then a stickman appeared and said: what a cute rooster you have!


and he said: its lunch time, sell it to me!

and i kicked him in the face and pushed him off a skyscraper, he said: hey somebody erase me!

a giant pencil appeared and said:here you go!!

and erased the stickdude...

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The giant pencil went crazy and erased random things, so I ran to a space center to go to another planet. I was took to a planet called Big Yellow Guy Land. Everyone were big yellow guys. It was weird.

I said WTF is this?! and i said TIME PARADOXXXXX

and i went to the moment the pencil went crazy, i called the area 51 and they destroyed the pencil, then michael jackson appeeared and started dancing , the eraser of the pencil fell over him and he died, he scares me! YAY, then UFO fell on the white house and some lil gween aliens appeared and said: salutations earthlings, FREE ICE CREAM, SODA AND SNAkCS FOR EVERYBODY!!!

The aliens told me to join them and their plan to take over the universe. They said if I won't, they would get rid of my family. So I decided to...

Stick an ice-cream cone into each Aliens eye,sadly they died.

For no reason at all,I decided to go to the shops with Masktchi.

everybody was laughing of masktchi, and saying: YOU ARE SOO UGLY! HAHAHA! AWW MOMMY´S GIRL IS SHY!

and she felt bad and went running away, crying, and i said: you are right, BUT YOU MAKE SHE FEEL BAD!

and i started shopping :3, then mario appeared and grabbed a toaster and said: I AM HEAVY WEAPONS GUY, AND THIS IS MAH WEAPON, IT FIRES $200 CUSTOM TOOLED TOASTS AT 10,000 ROUNDS PER MINUTE, IT COSTS OVER 9000! DOLLARS TO FIRE THIS WEAPON, FOR I DOUNNO HOW MANY SECONDS, and started shooting people with TOASTS without reason...

So then Mary Poppins came down from the sky with her umbrella...lalalalalala...and Luigi shot her with his 9mm Automatic CHEESE FIRE-ER!

Mary Poppins said: OH NO!!! MY DRESS IS FILTHY! and ran to her house to wash her dress, mario said UPGRADE!!!!!! and his toaster was a GATLING GUN toaster!! i was like O: and luigi said: THATS MAMA LUIGI TO YOU MARIO! and everybody LOLd luigi grabbed his hot dog machine gun and started shooting to teh air and said: nobody move! gimme all your shrooms and koins! or else you will get shot wit my nachos magnum!

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But then some old lady named Marge said,"Look at how hot I is!" and started doing a pole dance in front of everyone. One of my eyes was blind after that.

luigi cured my eyes with a shroom, then mario shot marge with a lot of toasts and she ran away, then a train appeared and the driver (augustus cole :p ) said: everybody aboard to the cole train babe! and mario and luigi boarded the train and said: WOOOO!!!!, a zipper opened on the air and the train went to the candies and shroms land ( the zipper was the entrance), the zipper closed and i said O_O WTF...

Then the place exploded and turned everything black. I found a clock then touched it. Time reversed then we went back to the place but it didn't explode. I went to the candy shop and bought 100 pounds of candy then I ate it all. I ran a marathon that made me lose that 100 pounds then a Lugia came and did Aeroblast and destroyed the marathon track. Everything went black. I woke up in a sleeping bag in the candy store with people whispering, "Taaaaaaaaaaa....."

XD I had rAnDomNeSs flowing into my head writing this........

Mario and Luigi ran to me saying "Are you all right?" so I said yes. They introduced me to Silver, their pet Lugia. It went mad because apparently, Mario forgot to feed it. We ran outside and saw a giant Memetchi called Judy. She opened up a giant computer and went on YouTube. I wanted to watch a video with her, so we flied on Silver going to her. I told Judy to search...

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