raerox10's v5 tamablog


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Yaaawn... good morning. Do you know one thing I don't like about the V5s? They wake up at 7am and sleep at 9pm. I wake up at 10am and go to sleep about 10pm. Ok... the Gotchs (Debbie & Jon) ...WHOA! I just realized my aunt and uncle have that name and theyre married. I didn't think about it. I just randomly created it. Wow! Um... ok, let me get back to the topic. When I woke up, Debbie was a Sakuramotchi and Jon was a Mousetchi. They'd like to talk. But PS... I changed Debbie's writing color to blue!

Debbie: HELLOOOO! I'm hungry!! Desi, can't you hear me? HELLOOOO?

Jon: Deb, stop. You're going to make her mad!

Ella: Here you go, kids. There's a bagel. And since you are being so good and quietly eating, here's a candy apple!

Zac: Aww... you guys are the best kids in the world.

Ella: Yeah, Zac. You're right. Now let's let them eat in peace.

Yeah. Well then, I'm still waiting for Jo to find a Kuchipatchi. Lets check Dating Show.... (I haven't done it yet) Hm... no! That guy looked like a Tamagotchi wearing a beanie! Next... EWW! That one looked like a hairy creature. Next... a Sunnytchi! I'll take it, because its cute and I don't wanna wait another day. Jo tells her siblings the story.... Jo and her husband kiss. (His name will be Harry) AAACK! One egg! ONLY ONE EGG!! He/she will be so lonely... I'll treat her perfectly and connect her with the Gotchs so she won't be lonely.

Jo: Awww... look! She's hatching!

Harry: She's a... an Iwatchi!

Jo: Desi, can I name her?


Jo: Oh thank you, thank you! Let's name her... Isabella! Our little Izzy!

Isabella: Mama, daddy!

Harry: Aww. She said 'mama' and 'daddy'!

All of that happened fast. This is how the beginning went, cuz I skipped the beginning...

Jo: Hey Kevin... Nicki... I got something to tell you.

Kevin: Yes?

Nicki: Keep going.

Jo: I found this really nice Sunnytchi and I'm marrying him. I'm soo sorry guys!

*sniff sniff*Kevin: We'll be okay... we promise.

*wipes eye with sleeve* Nicki: It's okay. You're moving on, that's all it is. Goodbye Jo!

*sob sob* Jo: G'bye!!!

*they leave, Harry pops in*

Harry: I'm sorry they had to go. But I can't wait to start a new life with you.

Jo: Me either.



That's how it went in the beginning. I'm going to go read Team Stories and other people's logs. G'bye!

Omigosh! Omigosh! 173 views! Thank you all so very much. I'm so happy and you guys are the best!! The Gotch family is on Travel Show today, so you'll only be hearing from Isabella today, guys. Sorry... but Isabella, Harry and Jo are excited to sort of be in the 'spotlight' today. Let's let them talk for a while. But before that happens, let's welcome back... Lee!

:huh: Lee: Hey how you doing, how ya doing, how you doing, how you been?

Lets let Lee take it from here. I think you guys know what that means...




:lol: Hello everyone. It's great to be back. Now today, I'm going to be interviewing and chatting with the Song Family.

Harry: Hello Lee, Jo has told me about your show very much. *shakes Lee's hand*

Jo: Exactly.

*chuckles* Well, thank you. And who's this little girl?

Jo: This is my daughter, Isabella. She is--

*cuts Jo off* Isabella: I is a cute little girl who is getting fed up because her mom won't be quiet and let me talk!!!


Oookay... Isabella, how are you today? Do you like your mom and dad? Are you happy being an only child? Do you want brothers/sisters?

I'm fine today, thank you. My mom and dad are okay, you know, whenever they're not yelling at me and stuff. I'm happy being an only child because I feel special in a special way. I don't think I'd like brothers and sisters, but I do have to admit, I do get pretty lonely every now and then.

You're a fine little girl, Isabella. Now, let's talk to your parents. How are you guys today?

Oh, fine. Um... I think I should go... before... uh....

*Isabella just looks at her mom*

*Jo whispers for only her, Lee and Harry to hear* Before she has another tantrum

Good idea, hun.

Ok then, that wraps up this show of Lee's Corner. Come again. G'bye, g'bye, g'bye, bye!

V4.5 time! I need like $3.oo left to buy a V4.5... maybe I can convince my grampa to give me a couple dollars... Oh, okay. Back to the V5s! The Gotchs are on pause (again, I know) and a couple minutes ago, Isabella the Hoshiti evolved into Isabella the Mikazukitchi. Yeah! Let's let Isabella talk about herself.

Isabella: Now that I'm a teen... I feel more beautiful. And... um... I'm going to try to act more... mature. So... That's all for now.

So, she's right. I'm thinking of names to name my V4.5... here's a list of what I have so far.

[SIZE=14pt]Boy Names for The New Tama!!![/SIZE]

Boys: Zack, Ron, Rian, (my cousin's name is Rian and that's how they spell it)Joe, Nick, Kevin (I love Jonas Brothers!)


Girl names for The New Tama!!!

Girls: Candy, Sugar, Mandy, Kit, Koko

WHOA! 186 Views! Thank you everyone! Ok, I got a new Tamagotchi today. It's a V4.5! I bought it from H-E-B and it was $14.88! The print on the 'shell' is pink, yellow and brown checkers. It's sooo cute! I was thinking about opening a log for my V4.5, but I think I want to stick to this one. I pulled out the tab, and then I set the time, my birthday and everything else. The beep sounds so different on the V5... it's a bit wierd. It sounds more like a *beep* than a *cleek*. I also noticed there are only four hearts to fill up instead of five. It's neat! The egg hatched and it was a boy, so I named him something a bit unexepected, though. Andy. He seems to like his name, though. I'd like to let Andy talk.

Andy: Hello! My name is Andy, and I go to Preschool!

Yes, yes he does. Let's do Andy's stats.

Andy's Stats

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: []

Funny: 8

Gorgeous: 5

Spiritual: 14

0 Year

18 lb

1150 GP

Username: Tama!

I'm going to go on Tamatown with Andy. Catch up with you later! Say g'bye, Andy!

Andy: G'bye Andy!

Andy: Hi everyone! I went to Tama Town yesterday and played lots of super fun games! I got 800 Gotchi Points and got a passport from the King!

Yup, it's true. My V5s are all packed up and on pause cuz a hurricane might hit around where I live, so it's in there in case we need to suddenly leave. I want to thank you guys for all the views. You all rock! Ok, so I'm adding a segment called "LIVE TAMAS" but it's only for today.. Let's go live to the Tamas!

LIVE TAMAS: Right now, Andy just got a [!] mail. I opened it up and he went to his teacher (preschoool teacher). She was talking to him, and he looked irritated. He just got another [!] mail. Lets open it! AAACK! Some old geezer guy just appeared on my screen. They're at a school. I think it's like a teacher. When the geezer left (Let's name him Geezer) Andy got all happy and jumped around. That's it for LIVE TAMAS!

I'm only going to do LIVE TAMAS today, so yeah. Let's do Andy's stats!

Andy's Stats

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: [][][][]

Funny: 29

Gorgeous: 39

Spiritual: 27

1 year

21 lbs

Gender: Boy

1st generation

200 Points

Username: Tama!

WHOA! 257 views? Thank you very very much!! I checked on Isabella this morning, and she was a Sunnytchi! She was absolutely gorgeous and I just looked at her in awe and delight. I've decided to open a new log for Andy so I can keep my V4.5 and my V5 stuff seperate. You know? You don't? Oh, ok. The Gotch family got played with today (they haven't for a while... just a heads up!) and I took them to Tama Expo for some super fun. But I'm still having second thoughts about that new log... please PM me to say what you think I should do. That's all for today (I dunno, maybe I'll write more..?) So I'm Desi and thank you for reading today's log entry. Buh-bye!

OMIGOSH! 312 views! Thank you guys so very much! I apreciate it very much! My V5s have been on pause for a long time, so I took them off pause and... Ta-da! They're all adults!

Isabella is a Sunnytchi!

Debbie is a Lovezukinchti!

Jon is a Hatugatchi!

I'm going to have Isabella marry right now. Let's go on Dating Show... AACK! Matchmaker yelled at me! I don't think Isabella has been an adult for 48 hours straight without being paused yet. Neither has Debbie or Jon. Well then... Andy is still a teen and I looked at a Character Chart for v4.5 on TamaTalk and I found out what type of Tamagotchi he is... he is a Crackertchi! It's sooo adorable! Andy is happy being an only child and I like having only one tama on the v4.5 because you get to spoil it and make it feel special. Well, tat's for today! Gbye!

Ok, I know I'm writing again, but it's a very important reason! Andy evolved into a Mametchi!! AWW! He's just adorable! I can't believe it! But just so you guys know, I'm going to make a new log for my V4.5 for SURE so that way the information is seperated and stuff. Please go look at it and stuff! Thank you! 315 VIEWS!

329 views? Rockin! Thanks guys! Andy the Mametchi is in my V4.5 log, which is titled: My V4.5 Log, My Tamagotchi V4.5 Log! Now I'm going to talk about my V5s. They're off pause and Isabella the Sunnytchi can still not marry. Neither can Debbie or Jon. I'm going to wait for Isabella to find another Sunnytchi on Dating Show. I'm feeling sick and my stomach is just turning and I'm sweating... I no feel good. Let's do Stats for the Tamas!

Gotch Family Stats

Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Bonds Per: 20%

Smart Family

13,960 Gotchi Points

Generation 4





And now the Song Family Stats!

Song Family Stats

Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Bonds Per: 50%

Blended Family

Generation 2

140 Gotchi Points




Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading! Please go visit my V4.5 log about Andy the Mametchi! Thank you!

Hey guys! Wattup, TamaTalk? This morning, Isabella the Sunnytchi was able to use Dating Show! First, there was a Nemutchi, then a Mametchi. I was very tempted, but we kept going. Lastly, there was a... Kuchipatchi. That was the one that Isabella married. His name is Harvey. Isabella told her story to Jo and Harry...

Ma, can I tell you something?

Sure, Isabella. Anything.

What do you need to tell us, Isabella?

I found a really nice Kuchipatchi. I'm marrying him. You have to leave...

Bye, hon.

Bye, darling! We'll miss you and think about you every single day!

Hi, Isabella.

Hi, Harvey.

So that's what happened. Isabella and Harvey kissed and they turned into parents: Isabella the Planetchi and Harvey the Papapatchi!!! Then, three eggs appeared on the screen. A son first, then a daughter, then lastly, another son. The first boy was named Jacob. The daughter was named Rose, then the last boy was named Mo. The parents were happy and loved their babies to death. Then, the babies evolved into children.

Jacob, who will write in blue, became a Mattaritchi!

Rose, who will write in magenta, became a Tororotchi!

And Mo, who will write in green, became a Ahirukutchi!

Aren't they just perfect?

Yes, yes they are.

Mommy! Where's my Gameboy?

Under the couch!

Daddy, where's my slippers?

On the chair in the living room!

*Mo is reading his favorite book about Tama History*

Mo, honey, are you all right?

Mom, I'm reading!!


The family was a very happy family.

I'm not going to do their stats, but the Gotch family, Debbie and Jon, are still adults and unable to marry... bye!

Jon married! He married a weird looking Tama named Megan and had three eggs, Ron, Meggie and Joseph.

Ron writes in black

Meggie writes in lime!

And Joseph writes in dark blue!

The babies don't want to talk... they're tired. I'll post again when they evolve! But until then, Ron is a Futabatchi, Meggie is a Futabatchi also, and Joseph is a Mimifuwatchi.

[SIZE=14pt]My Devil Cousin Resets My Tamas[/SIZE]

My cousin (who is evil, by the way) reset my V5s! That little devil. He selected 'reset' and now my Tamas are gooone! He got back at me cuz I didn't buy him a racecar toy set thing he wanted, which was like, $20.oo and I didn't have that money. So... I'm very upset. Good thing he didn't mess with my v4.5, cuz then I woulda killed 'im!!! So, now welcoming the first family... the Cocoa family!

Lola, who will write in magenta, went from a Futabatchi to a Tororotchi!

Jake, who will write in blue, went from an Omutchi to a Ahirukutchi!

And Sally, who will write in lime, went from a Mimifuwatchi to a beautiful Sakuramotchi!

They are children and they are sweet lil' dolls! Now, give it up for the Angel family! Woot, woot!

Coby, who will write in green, went from a Futabatchi to a Mattaritchi!

Bea, who will write in orchid, went from a Mimifuwatchi to a Sakuramotchi!

And Dave, who will write in red, went from an Omutchi to an Ahirukutchi!

Yup, that's-a-them! I just love my lil' Tama families! I think they wanna talk...

Hey ya'll! I'm, like, Lola and I love fashion! If you ever wanna, like, talk to me about fashion, PM me and title it 'Lola' and I'll reply.

I'm the handsome Jake. I like watching TV, going to TamaTown and playing my DS. PM me if you wanna talk to me... who wouldn't, you know?

And I'm Sally. I'm not a fashion freak like my sister, but I'm not conceited like my brother.

*looks Sally*

*looks at Sally*

*blushes* I'm just telling the truth...

Ok! I'm Coby and I am a bookworm. I love getting on Club Penguin because it is fun!

I'm Bea and I like going outside and playing at the park. It's really fun and I absolutely love the outdoors!

I'm Dave and I'm a guy of action! I'm an active kid, I guess you could say. But also, what you don't know, is that I'm a guy that can crush you like a grape!!!


Well then, that's them. This has been quite the entry, hasn't it? I'm Desi!

I'm Lola!

I'm Jake!

I'm not just Sally. I'm the Sally!

I'm Coby!

I'm your favorite lil' Bea!

And I'm the hyperactive child named Dave!


[SIZE=14pt]Still Children[/SIZE]

The kiddos are still children, but oh well. Let them have fun while they are young!! B) I got Tamgotchi Corner Shop 3 from Gamestop today! Since it was new, it was $30.oo but oh well! I could afford it, and that's what matters!

*nudges Desi*

Oh fine! You guys can talk. But don't take over!

We won't, because we are well-behaved, good children. Now, I had a hilarious dream last night! Jake was dressed up like a chicken-gotchi and was saying, "Lola is great! She's so perfect!"

Lola!!! Geez, stop embarrasing me! I promise I'll keep my mouth shut the whole time if you talk about something else and stop embarrasing me!

*thinks about it* Hmm... fine. I'll talk about fashion! Desirae got a new catalog from Justice today and she let me look at it! It was sooo pretty cuz they had these wool sweater boots... but they were $35.oo :( This isn't fair. I don't want to talk anymore.

Ok then! Fine... I have a problem though, Desi.

What is it, Sally?

Everybody in my class is soo cool, dressing with all the coolest clothes, eating all the coolest foods... Why can't I wear any of those things?

Because we can't afford it, Sal. I'm sorry, but I just can't buy it for you.

Is this your way of saying... you hate me and thats why you aren't buying me the stuff?

No, no--

Yes it is! *cries and runs to her room*

Sally, wait! *follows Sally*


There's not enough action, so Desirae called me over to... uh, how do you say it, sis?

We're here to pump up da party! Come on, lets go to the Park!

Yeah! Come on, Jake!

Sure, Coby! Where is Dave?

Over here, reading a book. Books are so great!

*whispers to Coby: Is he coming?*


Is she?

Bea? No

Then why are we standin' here? Let's go!

Guys, wait up! I want to go! ... fine then. I'll just go talk to Sally and Lola.

So... wasn't that a conversation? I'm gonna go read someone else's log. Bye!

[SIZE=14pt]Teeny teens[/SIZE]

The children are no longer children. They are teenagers! The Cocoa family is very excited. So is the Angel family. Tell the readers what you are, guys!

I, Lola, am a Chamametchi!

I, Jake, is a Mamekatchi!

Me, Sally, is a beautiful Itchigotchi!

This is the very first time I've gotten an Itchigotchi! Wait.... I think... ok, sorry. Keep going!

The awesome Coby, which is me, is a Mamekatchi!

Bea, me, is a Bea-you-tee-full Chamametchi!

And Dave, that's me!, is a awesome Bakutchi!

I know for sure that it's the first time that I've gotten a Bakutchi. Awesome, huh?


They are still teens, which is fine with me. There's not much to say, so that's all. Bye! Oh yeah, thank you for the 400 views! Rockin!

[SIZE=14pt]They've Matured![/SIZE]

Yes, they are adults! Guys, tell the readers what you are!

Okay! I am a Lovezukintchi!

I'm a Hatugatchi!

And I'm a Potetchi!

I'm a Hatugatchi, just like Jake!

I'm a Lovezukintchi, just like Lola!

*Lola gets ticked off* I thought I was unique!

And I'm a Uhyotchi... yaay.

That's all for now. Bye!

I'm not doing a title today. I'm so flippin' mad! Remember when my cousin reset my Tamas? He did it AGAIN! Omigosh, I'm so mad at him, I could lie and say I hate him, and you'd believe me! They say, "He didn't do it on purpose, did you?" And he just smiles (stupid devil smile!) and nods. I'm so mad at him. I can't believe it. I haven't put any info in, like the date or my birthday, cause they're both just sitting there all alone. I'm so unbelievably mad.

[SIZE=14pt]The New Family![/SIZE]

Hey! I decided that I'm not going to play with both V5s, only the one that's a really light green with the musical notes... I went and grabbed it off my shelf in my bedroom. Okay, today is August 5th, and it's 7:48pm. My birthday is 5/10... Ok. The family is just bouncing around, bouncing bouncing. Eggs. Eggs. Bouncing eggs! Teehee... okay, I'm weird. They haven't hatched yet, so I'm going to tell you something. I went to WalMart (I didn't buy a Tamagotchi) and went to the Toy Section. I bought a leash for my Tamas! It's purple and has the Violet Family on it with a Violetchi clip. By the time I finished typing all that, the family had already hatched. What should the family's name be? Hmm... The Creme Family!... nah. The Berry Family! Yes, that's it! The Berry Familyl! Aww, the little babies need attention... AACK! The little babies need attention!! There... I fed and played with them. There was first a boy (Mike), then a girl (Tasha), then lastly, a boy, which I shall call Chris (flashbacks... Cake, Josh and Chris...)... okay, enough flashbacks. Oh no! They're hungry! Again! Lets feed the kiddos some fried rice. But first, let me tell you what color everyone's going to be writing in.

Mike the Futabatchi will write in navy!

Tasha the Mimifuwatchi will write in hotpink!

And Chris the Omutchi will be writing in green!

Now, let me tell you what it's like having to feed these kids!

*throws a bunch of fried riced on Tasha's head*


*covers his ears and panics*

*shoves fried rice in Tasha's ear*

Uhh... uhh... Mike! Stop that! Tasha, please stop crying... it's ok, princess... is this fried rice in your ear?!

*thinks: uh-oh... Tasha's having a TashaTantrum!*

*snickers at Tasha's screaming and Chris' panicking*

*throws her bowl full of fried rice down Mike's pants*

*bursts out laughing*


Tasha! Do not do that! That's not nice! Mike, we'll change your pants after war--I mean, dinner, is over. Chris, please put the dirty dishes in the sink. Oh yeah, you're a baby. You can't!

*just looks at Desirae*

Sorry... just playing. I'll do it.

And that's what dinner was like. That's all for now. Bye-bye!
