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"No, it's fine. I want to get to know you, that's why I brought you here." Cye said, giving another fatuous smile that he had been doing ever since he had his suspicion of Jade being Princess.

"Interesting location to hang out in..." Jade laughed again, but suddenly cut off when the sound of a distant explosion flared up, clutching Cye's arm. "O-oh my god!" So Alpha had listened to her then.

Cye looked at Jade, frowning. Had he been wrong? Could she do that from here? He had so many questions. "I'm going to go check it out, you should go home. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jade bit her lip, watching Cye with wide eyes. "Y-you sure you're gonna be okay? I mean..." She waed a hand in the general direction of the explosion.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I deal with this kind of stuff all the time." Cye told Jade.

"Okay, but... make sure you ARE okay, yeah?" A pause. "And I meant what I said in science today."

"You said a lot of things in Science today, care to remind me?" Cye joked, before turning serious. "I'll be fine Jade, don't worry about me."

Jade bit her lip, before deciding to bite the bullet and throwing her arms around Cye in a quick hug before pulling away. "Now go! Before there's another explosion!"

Jade watched Cye go, a grin spreading across her face. If Alpha had followed her plan exactly, Cye would find a mask of hers near the scene, which in turn would help pull suspicion away from her.

When he got there, Cye picked up a mask. "Princess..." he looked in shock. He was wrong about Jade, and even worse was she knew his secret. He walked solemnly, not in the mood to deal with Princess tonight, wherever she was. He looked at the mask, and decided he only had one option to see if he was right. He would somehow have to get Jade to wear the mask.

Jade was humming happily as she walked home, confident that her plan had worked. She didn't have a mask anymore, but that was easily sorted. She gave it half an hour or so before she texted Cye. 'You okay??'

'Can I come over/vice-versa? I need a friend right now.' Cye responded, walking in the house.

Jade frowned, thinking. 'Sure, can I come to yours? My place is a tip right now, lol.'

Stevie was sitting in his apartment, eating canned mandarin oranges for dinner. He was pretty darn bored, and wanted something interesting to happen, preferably related to the heroes and villains in this town since last night had been the most amusing night he had had in weeks. After throwing the can away, Stevie got up, and then left his apartment, making sure to lock the door. He began to walk around town, looking for some heroes and villains fighting or something.

After taking a few minutes to tie up her hair again - her waist-length hair was a staple of Princess, not Jade. - Jade went outside, heading towards Cye's place.

Sighing slightly, Cye got up and cleaned up his room a bit, After he was done, he sat back down and waited.

Cye rushed to the front of the house and opened the door, smiling a bit when he saw Jade. "Thanks for coming..."

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