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Frowning, Jade examined the costume a little more, thinking hard. If Cye was still alive, where would he have gone? "Go back to Candace's." She muttered, before running off, still holding the costume.

Jade was heading towards Cye's dead girlfriend's old apartment. It was the first place she could think of where he would go to other than the Radi headquarters.


Eventually Jade reached her destination and tried the door, noticing it was unlocked. Hm... However, after a few minutes if searching, she couldn't find any traces of Cye anywhere. Allowing herself a small smile, she hesitated before texting the others 'Zale is dead. Spread the word.'. She wasn't 100% sure, but why not?

Lol, you just ruined Cye's hiding spot xD.

Now at the cemetery, Cye was at Rose's grave. He just soo there in silence, a few tears coming out of his eyes.

(Back xP)

'Stevie' sighed as 'he' ran around town, searching for Cye. 'He' had obviously survived the blast, as all 'he' had had to do was simply just change the air around him. Either way, 'he' was checking every place 'he' thought Cye may be, trying to find 'his' friend.

Candace received the text, and frowned. 'As much as I wish I could believe it, I don't, there's no way.' she texted back.

We were waiting on you because we had no idea what to post. xD

Giving one last sigh, Cye slowly walked away, not knowing where to go now.

Fawn yawned. "Any good gossip?" She asked Dex.

Flora read Jade's text. She didn't know what to send back.

Name: Eli Payne

Alias (Hero/Villian name): Wing

Age (13-16): 14

Gender: Male

Appearance (Regular and Disguise): Eli is average height and weight for his age although is somewhat pale. Eli has messy, dark brown hair often covered by a beanie hat. He has green eyes, that change to brown in the clothes. He wears ripped jeans and long sleeve t-shirts, with a pull-over hoodie. For his costume, Eli wears normal pants, and a hoodie. This hoodie swings over and covers his eyes, and there he has two eye holes to see.

Personality: Eli is a manwhore, loving to impress ladies and whatnot. He is not experienced and doesn't think things through, he'll kill without thinking. That, and he's very annoying.

Power: Aerokinetic

Radi or Villian: Radi


(My new charrie, and revised form for Sienna, aka actual Stevie.)

Name: Trent Kendrick

Alias (Hero/Villian name): TK (Blargh, couldn't come up with anything else, hope that's fine)

Age (13-16): 16

Gender: Male

Appearance (Regular and Disguise): Trent is a huge, muscular guy, who stands at 6'1 despite only being 16, and he is large, simply put. He has short, dark brown hair with sorta long bangs, and blue eyes. Trent normally wears stuff like t-shirts, hoodies, khakis, jeans, that kind of stuff. Typical male getup. For his disguise, he simply chooses to wear a completely black outfit- pants, long sleeve shirt with a hood, and black shoes. He also wears a black mask that covers his eyes.

Personality: Trent is a living stone. He is silent, and rarely says anything. This isn't because of shyness, it's because he simply doesn't feel he needs to say anything. Due to this, he comes out very intimidating. It doesn't help that he's tall and built, too. Despite his appearance and silence, he is actually a very nice guy, with a strong sense of justice. What he doesn't say in words is displayed by his body language and his actions. His silence may have been brought on by the destruction of Radi, but it appears he was already pretty quiet before, so the destruction simply just added to that.

Power: Trent's power is faulty, and rarely works. He has a rather unusual power, one that can cause strange effects on people, even he doesn't know. His power accidentally caused Sienna to turn into a boy. Don't worry, his effects aren't going to be anything too major like that in this RP. I will likely barely have his power work at all, so... Yeah. Might not ever use it. He has lots of physical strength anyway.

Radi or Villian: Radi

Other: NM

Name: Sienna Jacobsen

Alias (Hero/Villian name): N/A

Age (13-16): 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (Regular and Disguise): Sienna has shoulder length, brown hair, always tied back with a black or red scrunchie to form a side ponytail. She has green eyes, and some freckles on her face. Due to genetics, she has a fast metabolism, keeping her normal weight despite all the food she eats. Plus the fact she walks around a lot as to not be bored since she gets bored so easily. She's average height. When as a girl, she wears tomboyish clothes, like t-shirts, jeans, jean shorts, hoodies, and sports jackets. She mainly wears jean shorts and t-shirts with a sports jacket though.

Personality: Same as what it was like when she was 'Stevie'. Still is for now.

Power: Look at personality.

Radi or Villian: N/A

Other: She was changed into a guy by Trent, who didn't realize she wasn't a villain. She changed her identity and became Steven "Stevie" Thomas, which brings us to what's going on now.

'Stevie' continued to search for Cye, unsure on what to do. Finally, 'he' decided the best place to look would be at a cemetary, one where Rose was buried.

Approved of course.

Cye continued walking, his hands in his hoodie's pocket and looking down at the ground. He was tired, and had no place to go.

'Stevie' continued to run around, trying to figure out what cemetary to go to. Eventually, 'he' ran by someone with a hoodie on, and 'he' stood still, unsure what to do. Was that just Cye? It was night, and there was really nobody around. 'He' spun around, and then called out, "Cye? Is that you?"

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Cye, startled by 'Stevie', did his immediate reaction, and punched 'him'. After looking down and seeing who it was, he frowned. "Sorry Stevie, you just startled me."

"Ow! What was that for? Sheesh! Don't attack me! Especially since I'm a girl, finally not a guy anymore, thank god for the fact that weird stupid power curse thingy finally wore off." Sienna (Not Stevie anymore, dramaticness) got up, and then waited for Cye to say something. She herself was not used to having a ponytail, and all the girl stuff again. It had happened a little after the explosion, he had become a she again.

Trent was wandering around the city, patrolling and looking for villains.


Cye just looked at Sienna, not sure what to say. "Wait, so you're a girl?" he asked, making sure he heard right. He crossed his arms, taking another look at her. "Care to explain?"

This is intense.

I know. xD

Sighing, Sienna told her epic story. "Well, let's just say one evening, I was walking home from the arcade like a boss, and suddenly, I got attacked. Some huge guy who was likely on 'roids, dunno if he was villain or Radi or not, anyway, he just attacked me. I guess he thought I was an enemy or something. He had some strange power he used on me, and I blacked out. When I woke up... Well... Yeah. I became a guy." Sienna sighed. "At least my body and voice is back to normal now."

Cye nodded. "Sounds like Trent, he's a Radi." was all he said. "So I assume your name isn't Stevie..." Cye then said, looking down. He honestly had no idea how to respond to this.

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