Questions about P1/P2


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Aug 4, 2013
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Hey. Had a lot of experience with Digimon pets and was wondering how hardy these things are compared to them in terms of neglect and if they have similar evolution requirements as the early digimon pets? Like with getting the unhealthier teen stage getting around 4+ calls? I have 1 P1 and 1 P2.and I'm trying to get Kuchitamatchi and Tongaritchi. I don't want Marutchi to die in the process! Also how important is discipline when determining the next stage? I've read all the mimitchi guides did years ago when I had a connexion ;) I'm just wondering if anyone has got this to an exact science!

I find that discipline is a great indicator of what your Tamagotchi changes into.

I don't have the exact science, but if you'd like to get the 'unhealthy' teen, don't discipline! You can also do deliberate care mistakes that will affect its grown, such as leaving the light on, sleeping with poo, etc.

Tongaritchi is the healthy teen from Tonmarutchi, so you'd do the opposite. Discipline, take great, near-perfect care if you can!

I am aware, only Marutchi has been recieving neglect. If he has had about 5 care mistakes yet I have disciplined him well what will happen? Or say if Tamatchi/Tongaritchi or Kuchita/Hashitamatchi was treated perfectly but with no discipline?

From what I've experienced with my jap p1 and p2 you can discipline as far as 50% (2 disciplines) but let it beep at you from time to time to get the bad teen. as for tongaritchi just take perfect care and get all disciplines.

I have recently found out that its not just the disapline that you give your Tama that effects its growth and what character it will grownup into, but its mainly decided on by how much care it gets amd how many games are played with it.

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