*+.PuRe AwEsOmEnEsS.+*


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Note From The Editor (What a cute title ^3^)

I have decided to raise one generation on the music star and take the battery out and put it in my V4.5. I will raise an "oldie" until it dies then put the battery back in my Music Star and "download" so Anabelle will still be with us and her child. I will log about the oldie and everything I have mentioned, so no need to worry. If you were even worrying. Thank you.


[SIZE=14pt]Music Star~ Anabelle[/SIZE]

Earlier today Mom completely forgot to pause me. She checked on me after Gym and I had pooped all over myself and I was sick and vomiting. She fed me quickly and her friend said "Oooh, a Tamagotchi! I wanna see!" her friend Natalia fed me real fast and cured my sickness with some Tama Aspirin. "I have a v3 and a v4!" Natalia said. Then Gym was over and we hurried to Pre-AP Science. When Mom finished her homework and her family was done with the computer she got on and pulled me out of her pocket.... GUESS WHAT HAPPENED. I became Ringotchi, a Bad Care teen! That ruins my chance of becoming a Mimitchi. I stil have a chance at becoming Violetch though.


:eek: Anabelle :wacko:

Note from the editor,

My friend Natalia is going to trade me her v3 for my v4.5! I have never ran a v3 so I'm excited- she's bringing it to school tomorrow! Anabelle died... I'm sorry. Until I get my v3,


Note from the editor,

So Natty forgot the v3. But she has a orange v4 that looks like a lava lamp a little bit. It's really cool and it's a baby boy. I think she said his name was Sam. She keeps him paused in her locker and I have learned a lesson that so what if it slows down the Tam's growth? I'd rather keep my Tama alive, thank you very much. So Natty has inspired me to start up my v4. Again. So here we go...


[SIZE=14pt]Aug 27[/SIZE]

I don't like posting through the Tama's eyes so I'll do normal posts, okay? 360 views for this log- wow, I mean... that's just totally insanely awesomely amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate each and every click you guys make on this log! Feel free to PM me- it's been awhile since I had fanmail. <_< So I reset my v4. My username is 'QUESO' lol. Now the egg is bouncing happily. [Hey, after the egg hatched and is named I'm gonna pause him-or-her, take a shower and then unpause it]


[SIZE=14pt]It's a boy! I'll name him Pip. Til he evolves, readers, and thank you for 360 views![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Aug 27 Again[/SIZE]

I've unpaused lil' Pip and I'll be pausing him at school. No more dying Tams for me, okay? He's still a wee babe (I've always wanted to say that! Tee hee!) and he's paused because babies don't sleep til they've become toddlers. Bye!

Aug 29

Today I got another Tama battery for my v4.5. I reset my v4 and v4.5 and on the v4 there is a boy named "Aiden" who is a Puchitchi. On the v4.5 there is a baby girl named "Addie." I'll talk in lime green, Addie will talk in hot pink and Aiden will talk blue.

Hi everybwuddy! I'm Addie!

Hey, my name is Aiden on the v4. I'm so happy because--hey, what's that smell?

*blushes* Sowwy.

Mom! Eww, Addie poo-ed again!

Sigh, kids. Well PM for some feedback. I'll post when Addie evolves!

Hi everyone! I'm Addie and now I can talk and pronounce my words better! I just recently evolved into a Kuribotchi! :eek:

*snorts* You look like poo!

:furawatchi: I do not!

Aiden, don't be so rude. Well as Addie told you she has evolved into :huh: and also Aiden got accepted into pre-school. Addie hasn't been accepted yet. Time for stats.


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Skill points: 6-8-7

15 lb

0 yr

900 GP


Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Skill points: 6-0-6

19 lb

0 yr

1200 GP

Aug 30

Good morning TamaTalk! I've connected Aiden and Addie 2 or 3 times again and they are at 3 faces that seem to be like neutral I guess. Addie bought a chest and it turned her into a baby!! She lost a lot of weight and is now 13 lb. They are always going to school so their skill points are higher. Addie is, according to Ms Frill, "the perfect student" and Ms Frill is delighted to have her in her class. Aiden, on the other hand... :D "needs to focus on his songs more" and "stop goofing off". Aiden will do the first song perfectly and lose the second song, and Addie usually does perfectly.


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Training: |

Skill Points: 6-29-9

24 lb

0 yr

4110 GP


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥

Training: |||

Skill Points: 24-2-16

13 lb

0 yr

2100 GP

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Aiden evolved into a teenager! Now he's a Young Androtchi! :D Probably because his skill points are 6-33-9. Now I've unlocked all of the games! Poor little Addie feels sad because she's still a child.

EDIT: I found out that with the most intelligence points (the first skill point numbers) I can get Mametchi! I've never had one before and Aiden is on the chubby side (Aiden is blushing) so I'll try to get Mametchi!

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Big news! Addie evolved into a-

Ura Young Violetchi! I'm so pretty- Aiden hasn't connected with me since I evolved and he's gonna be so surprised when he realizes I do not look like poo! ;)

Addie hasn't seen the new Aiden either. *connects Aiden and Addie*

*Aiden walks into Addie's house* Hi Ad- ;) WHOA!

*blushes* You look nice, too.

....Er, thank you Addie. You're really pretty.

Thanks, Aiden. You're so sweet and nice and kind. And I have something to tell you.

*Is thinking, OMG! Is she going to tell him she loves him?!*

*heart thumps loudly and blushes* Yes, Addie?

*takes deep breath* I'll say this slowly. I... Love... You...

Addie I love you too! You're beautiful and nice and-

*blushes* I love you... As.... a.... brother...

:) Oh... I... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Aiden! You're really nice and funny and... *checks watch* You should be going.

:) You... want me to leave?

Aiden, I'm sorry but please-

Addie-kins! Ready for our date?



Uh... oh.

To be continued...

Sep 2

:( Turns out the "date" was with the Gotchi King and Addie discussing how many points she would give him. I love suspense. Anyways, I came home and they evolved! Aiden is my first Mametchi and Addie is my furst Ura Violetchi! YAY! I'm connecting them to see if they will marry...

-_- They sang a song. The connection thing under 'Friends' has four hearts. I wonder... I connect them again and they bounce a ball on their heads! So I'll keep connecting them until they marry and then I'll reply. Thanks for reading!

Sep 3

After school there was a party-type-of-thing I went to where they played NSync ;_; Good news, though! But I'll let the Tams tell you!

Today I got a job as a banker. The hospital turned me down and I miss Mr. Turtlepedia dearly. What an amazing teacher he was. Sadly, Addie was not as fortunate and could not recieve a job because she was turned down. I can not believe the clowns at the circus wanted her! How offensive!

But I got married to Aiden and had two baby boys! My son will be Benji! Aiden's will be Blaze. Second generation, here we come!

Yes, you read right! Aiden and Addie had babies! I'm going to set the date to tomorrow and put the time at 11:59PM because I'm so excited for the 2nd Gen.! At my school after every 6 weeks we have a week off, and that's next week for me so little B n B (Benji and Blaze) will be unpaused! Yippee! I also have fan mail, which came in several days ago but I hadn't seen it 'til today. Thank you Tamagotchi~Dutchess!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED your last post!!!! Addie's secret boyfriend is so interesting! please continue, I don't want poor Aiden's heart to be broken! You're an amazing log writer!
Thank you so much, T~D (if I may call you that)! That means a lot to Mom. That's all for this post, readers. Thank you!

Sep 4

Good news and bad news. BAD: Addie died but I'm not gonna explain 'cause it's a long story. GOOD: I'm putting the battery in the Music Star in a little bit and I'm ordering a Groovy Time V5 (well I ordered it last night and I'm so excited)!!!

Sep 5

Aiden left Blaze last night and he is crying hysterically. Poor baby. The Music Star is a boy named Augustus, Aug for short. He plays the violin and his toy is a train. He's a Kuribotchi. Blaze talks in light blue and Aug talks in purple.

Mwy daddy weft me wast night. Mwy name is Bwaze.

It's alright little guy, don't cry. Oh, sorry. My name is Augustus as Mom has told you and I like to play Music Notes with her. I like classical music.

Awww! Last night the V5 was in Coffeyville, KS, US. I can't wait until it gets here! What should I name the family? PM me if you have fan mail or suggestions. Thanks!

I grew up! I'm a Mizutamatchi and I wanna be Minotchi, the caterpillar Tamagotchi! I'm also 42 pounds and wish that I could play a game. (Hint, hint.)

*Is busy reading*

You know, I want to play Mimic.

*Still is not listening*

*nudges Ktk* Err, mama? Blaze wants to play a game right now.

Thanks, Augustus!

You're welcome, bro. Oh, Ktk, when you're done playing with him can we play Sound Block?

Sure guys! *puts down Twilight* *plays games* Poor little Blaze is overweight still. I need to play games with him. I went to V4 TamaTown and Blaze visited his daddy. Aiden gave him a chest which we're not using yet. Bye bye!

*giggles* That wasn't hard now was it?

:angry: Buh-laze!!! We shouldn't be on Ktk's computer when she's not watching us! *puts hands on hips*

:( You're no fun, Augustus! Oh well, I'll tell Ktk when she comes back that you did it!

:eek: But I didn't!


Mom! Mom! Ktk! Blaze is on TamaTalk!

*hurries over* Blaze! I told you not to!! Sorry, readers. Aug should be ebolving sometime soon...

Yesss! I evolved, sucka!

So?! You're still stupid ol' Augustus!

Fo yo info-mation, you is talkinz to A-fireball!

Aug, is that you?! :angry: You're a Hinotamatchi! Aww, Aug! You're not bad or good care, you're average! *gives hug to Augustus*

*pushes Ktk off* Ugh, meh name is nawt Aug! It's A-fireball!

*winces* Okay... A-fireball. *Thinks, yeah, he's gonna be a rebellious teen.*

Thuh-ank yewww! Sheesh! Meh band is gon called YoTams!

Stop talking like that!! :(

:eek: Fine. YoTams will be my band when I get accepted to school. *hears a sob* *gasps* Ohhh, nooo! Blaze, did I make you cry?

*wipes tears away* No! I'm a stupid baby and you're a mature teen!

Awww, bonding! Just thought I'd make Aug's evolving into a scene.

Sep 6

Blaze evolved into Gourmetchi, a Meme Teen. I looked at the growth chart and if I play Flag repeatedly for social points I'll get Simasimatchi (spelling?) On my first try at Flag I got to round 2 and lost. But on my second, I improved and won all eight rounds! Sorry this entry is so short, I'm reading Chaowzee's log on Tama-Zone. Bye!

Sep 7

Good morning! I've started a Wordpress blog and you can visit it by clicking here. I hope you like it! I took... very, very bad care of Augustus. His stress was at 56, he always was sick and hungry or bored... and he evolved into Mametchi! A Perfect Care Tama! Aiden memories, huh? Nothing new with Blaze.
