Full Name: Matthew "Matt" Thompson (Yay for not original names! Beats John Smith though)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Race: Caucasian, although a quarter Hispanic since his grandmother is Mexican
Home: He was living over in England for a while due to his Dad's job, it was where he was born, but he moved to the US.
School Grade: 12
Wish: To pass his SATS
Costume Theme: None at all, although he dislikes stiff, formal clothing, so I guess a more casual theme
Color(s): Red, white
Weapon(s): A sword, because he's always wanted to fight with one
Power(s): Due to his wish, his IQ is very high, so he's very smart and similar to Umika from Puella Magi Kazumi Magica, he can anticipate the move of a witch before it attacks. The only issue is, this is his only power, as his rash wish really doesn't deliver much else.
Other: He is very outgoing, and the life of a party. also, he sucks.