Public Displays of Affection- PDA


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Yeah, something like that happened to me. My friend Juwan was putting his arm around his girlfriend, Elyn, and this teacher came and started yelling at him.


I was standing next to my friend Nicole when this happend and we were both like "..."


He's just putting his arm around her, come on! No need to be so immature, lady.





Why does everything happento me at the mall? So I went with some my friends and we spotted one of our guy friends there. He saw us and ran over to us, and started jumping up and down touching my purple streaks in my hair and squealing (I just got purple streaks last night) some lady comes up to us and tells us that we shoulden't be showing so much PDA and to quiet down. Odd. P.S. We were infront of Gymboree

I don't think there's anything wrong with a friendly hug ... on condition that the person you are hugging doesn't mind.

But you know what? Some kids just don't like being hugged in public like that - especially if it is not a very close friend - and some kids are too young to be able to read the signals and can make other kids feel really uncomfortable ...

I don't think there's anything wrong with a friendly hug ... on condition that the person you are hugging doesn't mind.
But you know what? Some kids just don't like being hugged in public like that - especially if it is not a very close friend - and some kids are too young to be able to read the signals and can make other kids feel really uncomfortable ...
Well I randomly hug people in the hallways ^^ Never got in trouble once

But still. "LOL DETENTION FOR HUGGING" Sounds ghey.

Eh, most schools are "ZOMG hug! ALERT! ALERT!"

People don't even listen to "No touchy any part of body rules" at school

it's pointless but when you are in public sucking on each other's faces, get a room ¬_¬ No one wants to see you kiss O:< unless they are a perv wanting to see action xD

I'm not very big on PDA at all. Granted, I'm not school, but when I'm out with my boyfriend I'm not into hanging all over him or anything. I like to hold his hand sometimes, he puts his arm around me, he will hug me before I get into my car to leave or give me a quick kiss...things like that are ok. I'm really attracted to him, but I just feel dorky about being more physical than that in public. It can definitely wait until you are alone!

[SIZE=12pt] PDAs really annoy me. [/SIZE]

At my school, I can hug a girl (I am one) but, if I hug a guy, they yell at me. I mean, if your hugging them because something traumatic happened and you need comfort, why should you get in trouble?! It's not like you want the teachers to hug you, so what are you supposed to do?

I don't get some peoples obssesion with hugging. There are some girls where everytime they come out of lessons give each other a hug. I just don't get it. It really annoys me if anyone tries to hug me. (issues with hugging...) However I don't have any real problem with people hugging in public. Other displays of affection well to be honest I think a lot of people don't want to see someone else snog there gf/bf.

At my school one time two kindergartners were holding hands and then they got detention o_O

PDA's annoy me too. Especially when the people are doing PDA's are8th graders or under. To me it just seems like they're showing off. "Wow I'm in middle school and I already have a boy/girlfriend! Look at me!" -_- That really annoys me. In High School it annoys me too. I mean nobody cares if you're going out so why show off by kissing them in public and making out? One time at school there was a big crowd moving in one direction and 2 people stopped and started making out! Right in the middle of the moving crowd!

My school has "no hug zones." No, seriously. There are signs.

I can understand no kissing, and but simple things like holding hands and hugging are harmless.

My school doesn't go too far with PDA, because there's hugging all of the time as school lets out. Between both friends, and couples. Mostly, I think, because my principal is currently trying to be 'hip' and gets along with all of the students, despite being in his mid-fifties. [Haha.]

I. Hate. P. D. A. I mean, I can see no tolerance for making out in the middle of the hallway, but hugging? Come on.

I have PDA rules in my school, and I know exactly how you feel. Hugging isn't allowed, but the teacher's don't really care and they only threaten us with d-hall and stuff like that but we all know it's not going to happen. I always hug my friends even in front of the principal one time and nothing happened.

But come on, hugging? They can't at least allow hugging? Wow. Maybe you should get a petition and get kids to sign it, and then show it to the principal. I've done that once, and it really worked! Try giving it a shot. Either that, or have a talk with your school's principal. That's just wrong.

Hugging or holding hands isn't that bad. But if two peopole just randomly start making out, then it's just gross.

People at my school don't really do that, so I don't know about the rules at my school.

At my school one time two kindergartners were holding hands and then they got detention o_O
[SIZE=14pt]xD O_O [/SIZE]


@Zap: O___________o Seriously?? Harsh

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im sure if you were maybe hugging a girl (if ur a girl) it would be ok. But when they see you hugging a boy they think that is wrong.

Haha, me and my boyfriend would hug all the time during gym/on the bus. We would hold hands. We didn't care if we got in trouble.

But the rules in my school are amazingly ridiculous.

I just cannot stand it when people like make out in public.

If it's merely a pluck on the lips, sure.

But like.. passionate kissing.. no..

Hugging and hand holding, that doesn't bother me one bit.

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At my school one time two kindergartners were holding hands and then they got detention o_O
[SIZE=12pt] 0.o What?! That's crazy! [/SIZE]

Is your school like super strict or something???

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