I'm Pro Choice.
But if a woman just goes and has sex with a man for the fun of it, Then she shouldn't abort the kid. Like the Old Saying, " You do the Crime, You do the time"
In the situation of Sex leading into pregnancy, "You do the crime, You Clean the Diaper"
Next time, The Woman should just keep her legs shut if She doesn't want a kid. Have all the sex you want, Just Be safer.
If she was raped, Yeah, if I were her, I'd Abort it.
Or, Theres also the case of the Fetus's/Mother's Health.
Like, My Best Friends Mom actually can't have kids. My Best Friend was actually a "Miracle" Baby. Her Mom was very fortunate to be able to give birth.
[she has a Chromosome Defect or something. She Actually had one kid, But he lived to be 3 days old. Heart Problems. And She Got Pregnant again in 2004, She got
an Amniocentesis, And the Anmio Said that there would be Major Health/fatal problems for the baby if she carried it full term, So She got an abortion. Plus, Last year, She had to get
another Abortion, Because she was going to get a hysterectomy, But She never realized she was pregnant, Lets just say Surgery went Wrong. So Now, She's stuck with a Colostomy Bag. She Almost Died last year. So Yeah, If She ever got pregnant again, [but She can't now], I would Definitley get an abortion if I were her. The Kid wouldn't live anyway. Somehow my Best Friend managed to be born, But that was rare though]
If I ever got pregnant at this age, I don't think I'd want to give it up for adoption/Foster Care. Because Where I live, All the Foster parents are Idiots.
If I ever did have a baby, and I gave it up for adoption. It'd be a Closed Adoption. I'd want the Parents adopting my Baby there at the Hospital
And I would Never Ever want to hold the baby. Because if I held it, I'd miss it. And I'd rather feel no emotional Connection to the baby if I were to give it up for adoption.
Reason? Because. You know how a Baby kicks and stuff while its in the woman's Stomach? And how it like, Moves Around?
Well, if I were Pregnant, I'd Feel an instant connection, like, feeling the baby kick and stuff. And I'd never get an abortion if I got pregnant at this Age.
As long as I had some help, Hopefully from the Father of the Kid, I'd Probably do alright.