Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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Well, what if that baby ends up going to Foster care and gets mean parents who are partial or sumthin? Adaoption is like risking its life. Then later on that kid would feel like why was I born, right?
But why kill it because there's that tiny chance? Would you kill someone for something that's not their fault? Just because there's that tiny chance something in their life will go bad?

Think about it. Rape emotionally scars a person for life. Until you have been raped you cannot say it'd be easy to carry for 9 months then give birth to.

Imagine waking up every morning and it being a constant reminder of what that horrible person did to you.

Think about it. Rape emotionally scars a person for life. Until you have been raped you cannot say it'd be easy to carry for 9 months then give birth to.Imagine waking up every morning and it being a constant reminder of what that horrible person did to you.
I'm not saying it would be easy. I'm saying abortion is murder. When does killing an innocent person ever make things right?

Personally. I'd rather kill a foetus than be constantly reminded of my rape.

And I believe life begins at birth.

^ I agree, because then if you didn't abort it, it would be born, then you'd give it up for adaoption, and then that baby will live a horrible life in Foster care, and then that baby would grow up and feel that they shouldn't have been born, and then it'll end up being your fault for givivng the baby its horrible life, and it'll be the mans fault for givivng you the baby xD.

Well, what if that baby ends up going to Foster care and gets mean parents who are partial or sumthin? Adaoption is like risking its life. Then later on that kid would feel like why was I born, right?

My best friend came upon an interesting situation recently. She's fifteen years old, and she found that she has a half-brother who's thirty-something. He lives a state away, and contacted her and her mom. Toni always thought she was an only child, so this came as a shock, but she was excited to meet her older-half-brother.

She said that he wasn't bitter at all, and her mom started crying when she saw him. They're friends now and keep in touch. :)

It's ironic because Toni's mom had her brother while she was in her twenties. She was going to get married, but once she found she was pregnant her boyfriend bailed. So she put her baby up for adoption, being she's 110% Pro-Life. Later, when she was married and READY to have a baby, she couldn't get pregnanty with Toni. It took years and years to get pregnant, and I believe she was in her early fourties, which isn't something you see quite often. It's ironic because when she wasn't ready, she got pregnant, but when she wanted a baby more than anything, it was very difficult for her to get pregnant.

To make a long story short, sure there are adopted children out there who are bitter, but there are many out there who realize how much their parents must have loved them to give them up in the hopes of a better life for the child. :)

My best friend came upon an interesting situation recently. She's fifteen years old, and she found that she has a half-brother who's thirty-something. He lives a state away, and contacted her and her mom. Toni always thought she was an only child, so this came as a shock, but she was excited to meet her older-half-brother.

She said that he wasn't bitter at all, and her mom started crying when she saw him. They're friends now and keep in touch. :)

It's ironic because Toni's mom had her brother while she was in her twenties. She was going to get married, but once she found she was pregnant her boyfriend bailed. So she put her baby up for adoption, being she's 110% Pro-Life. Later, when she was married and READY to have a baby, she couldn't get pregnanty with Toni. It took years and years to get pregnant, and I believe she was in her early fourties, which isn't something you see quite often. It's ironic because when she wasn't ready, she got pregnant, but when she wanted a baby more than anything, it was very difficult for her to get pregnant.

To make a long story short, sure there are adopted children out there who are bitter, but there are many out there who realize how much their parents must have loved them to give them up in the hopes of a better life for the child. :)
Very true but you're kind of leaning both ways. From what your saying that the child can have a good life, it can also go the exact opposite of what you're saying.

Well, what if that baby ends up going to Foster care and gets mean parents who are partial or sumthin? Adaoption is like risking its life. Then later on that kid would feel like why was I born, right?
It's POSSIBLE, but it could also get some kind, loving parents. You just never know.

i bealive(sp?) in pro choice because what if u say get raped and get pregnent and u could not choose wether or not u have the baby and because of the pro life law u have the baby and everytime u look at the baby it reminds u of that horrible time in ur life

so thats my opinion but i say everyone has their own opinion so yeah

and another reaon is say ur a guy and u come home after work one day in the future and ur wife says she has good news and bad news and she says "well im gonna have a baby" *u begin to get very happy* but ur wife says "but the doctor says if i have the baby im gonna die" then ur left with a very hard descion u either gain a baby and lose the love of ur life or abort the pregency before it becomes anything and keep the love of ur life

so as i said before everyone has their own opinions and thats mine

___ :blink: :lol: :( ______JonasBrothersRule619_______ ;) :D :angry: _______

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i bealive(sp?) in pro choice because what if u say get raped and get pregnent and u could not choose wether or not u have the baby and because of the pro life law u have the baby and everytime u look at the baby it reminds u of that horrible time in ur life

so thats my opinion but i say everyone has their own opinion so yeah

and another reaon is say ur a guy and u come home after work one day in the future and ur wife says she has good news and bad news and she says "well im gonna have a baby" *u begin to get very happy* but ur wife says "but the doctor says if i have the baby im gonna die" then ur left with a very hard descion u either gain a baby and lose the love of ur life or abort the pregency before it becomes anything and keep the love of ur life

so as i said before everyone has their own opinions and thats mine

___ :lol: :lol: :lol: ______JonasBrothersRule619_______ :wub: :wub: :wub: _______
I completely agree with you.

If someone is raped or they may die during the pregnancy, they should have a choice to get an abortion or not. Their life would be affected greatly by something they can't control. A woman doesn't control if she gets raped, a woman also can't control the fact that she may die giving birth. It should be a choice.

I myself would not get an abortion UNLESS:

*I knew I could never care for it (Too young, not enough money)

*I was raped

*I had a chance of dying

If I didn't use protection, it would be my fault, the baby wouldn't deserve to die for that reason.

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